在因爲驚愕而顫抖著全身的福爾達的視線的一段,捕捉到了飛飛將黑色的手甲摘下。再將帶著的一個戒指摘下。 「————!」 一瞬,世界被染上了閃光, dịch - 在因爲驚愕而顫抖著全身的福爾達的視線的一段,捕捉到了飛飛將黑色的手甲摘下。再將帶著的一個戒指摘下。 「————!」 一瞬,世界被染上了閃光, Trung làm thế nào để nói














































































































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Kết quả (Trung) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
在因为惊愕而颤抖着全身的福尔达的视线的一段,捕捉到了飞飞将黑色的手甲摘下。 再将带着的一个戒指摘下。 「————! 」 一瞬,世界被染上了闪光,福尔达觉得自己的意识飞走了。 眼前所展开的是理解不能的事。 即使是活了两百年以上的福尔达,能行驶人类所到达的最高位的魔法的人物都,不能够认识。 「何,何,何等,这是何等的事」 福尔达的脸旁感觉有温暖的东西拂过。 但是,不管是去擦拭的余裕,还是气力都并没有留下。 就是这等的冲击使得心绪紊乱。 到底有谁能够预想呢。 被讴歌为漆黑的战士的人物,作为魔力系魔法咏唱者是站在福尔达怎么样也无法触及的高度之人。 「那个是第八的话,第九...... 不...... 何等...... 哦哦,神啊」 漆黑的战士飞飞所吹起的压倒性的力量轻松地就超过了旁边的娜贝。 能够超过推定是第八阶位的魔法咏唱者的娜贝的话,那么飞飞能够使用的魔法到底处在怎么样的高度呢。 对于脑袋所浮现出的疑问,福尔达用灵魂理解了。 ——第十阶位。 虽说被传承为有,但能确认其存在的人一个也没有的绝对的领域。 站在那様的至高的领域的的人现在就在眼前降临了。 站起来的福尔达在飞飞的面前跪了下来。 就这么以溢出眼泪的样子说道。 「…… 司长魔法的神是我的信仰。 但是,如果贵方様不是那神的话,我现在就舍弃那信仰心。 为何的话,因为正真的神终于能在我的面前展现身姿了」 福尔达以猛烈地势气将额头叩向地板,跪下。 疼痛什么的在从心底涌上的喜悦面前根本算不了什么。 「明知失礼,还请让我跪着! 请赐予我您様的教诲! 我想窥视魔法的深渊! 还请! 还请!!! 」 「——你作为那个的代价愿意支付什么? 」 仿佛冰做的板一样的,那样冰冷的声音。 让一百个人听的话,全员都肯定是会那么回答的声音,但福尔达的耳朵所听到的确实荡漾心灵的那般甘甜的声音。 当然,那里是有着毒的是足够理解到的。 可是——那有怎么了呢。 福尔达连一瞬的迷茫也没有,支付。 即使是这灵魂。 「全部! 是的,我有的一切全部都向御身支付! 深渊之主! 至深的御方! 」 「…… 好吧。 只要肯全部交出的话,我的知识就是你的东西。 就实现其愿望吧」 「哦哦! 哦哦! 」 保持着额头磕地的姿势,福尔达涌现出欢喜的泪水。 因嫉妒而凝固的心仿佛得到了融化一般。 至今两百年以上,实现所苦等的愿望的可能性现在终于得到了。 因兴奋而达到绝顶的福尔达,没有抬起额头靠近飞飞的足甲亲吻了起来。 虽然最初是想用舔的。 可是,自己的主人的同时神或许会感到讨厌,在意识的角落清醒的自己对自己提案道,最终还是采取的妥协案。 「就这样吧。 你的忠义我理解了」 「哦哦! 非常感谢! …… 吾师! 」 「那么就先下个命令。 将祭品送往吾之居城——」 「老爷子! 老爷子! 怎么了,老爷子! 」 【原文是吉桑的「吉」】 在回想着的福尔达因呼唤自己的声音而取回了意识。 数日前的冲击性的邂逅,即使到了现在也依旧牢牢地捕捉着福尔达的心,稍微一个大意就会被导向梦幻的领域。 福尔达瞬时会想,想起了自己现在在哪里,向着呼唤自己的人物轻轻地低下脑袋。 「失礼了,陛下。 稍微有些考虑的事情」 在福尔达视线前方的是,唯一叫自己「老爷子」的人物。 巴哈尔斯帝国皇帝,吉尔库尼福·露恩·法罗德·艾尔=尼库斯。 然后这里是皇帝的职务室。 平时本来不应该会有多少人的这个房间聚集了多数的人。 皇帝吉尔库尼福,加上护卫四名。 帝国最高的魔法咏唱者福尔达·帕拉戴。 还有虽然是有着高超的知性的皇帝,却有着足以能补佐其能力的值得信赖的臣下十名。 另外还有帝国四骑士之一的“雷光”巴久德·佩修梅尔的身姿也在。 他们均在喜欢的地方坐下,到刚才一直都讨论著关于帝国今后的方针。 周围散落的纸诉说着白热化的会议。 被称为鲜血帝的年轻的皇帝,用其他的人是绝不会这么说的话语向福尔达抛去。 「不,不用在意。 各种各样的事也辛苦了。 老爷子也上年纪了啊,虽然也有考虑过减轻负担这方面的事,但果然只有老爷子能够胜任。 抱歉」 「对于陛下温柔的心深表感谢。 但是,我是陛下忠实的臣下。 【呵呵】还请不要在意尽管命令」 一路辛劳过来的福尔达轻轻地低下头。 真是养成了好孩子啊。 福尔达看着眉清目秀的青年,抱着这样的想法。 福尔达侍奉于帝国已经是六代之前的事了。 当时的皇帝——和六代前是关系处的不太好。 但即使是这样因为在那时就作为高位的魔法咏唱者,一被招聘就立刻做到了即使宫廷魔术师中也是上面的位置。 因为那样在五代前开始就逐渐变得亲密,在得到主席宫廷魔术师的地位的同时就作为其子即四代的皇帝的教育,虽然只是魔法这一方面的担当。 从三代开始作为教师就开始给与各种各样的知识,和政策什么的也有着较大的关系。 然后就是现在的皇帝——惹人怜爱的孩子。 虽然至今看过了历代皇帝,谁也都不是无能的。 仿佛是被神所选中了一样代代优秀,被才能所恩惠的孩子们——虽然六代是壮年——是这样的。 但即使在其之中现皇帝的才能也是压倒性的。 虽说在两代前就开始了准备,但之所以能像这样执行专制君主制,也是由于他卓越的才能。 福尔达爱着吉尔库尼福·露恩·法罗德·艾尔=尼库斯。 仿佛自己的孩子一样施行着教育。 皇帝也是将自己作为一个父亲一样认为的福尔达是这么确信的。 但即使这样—— 福尔达即使是看做自己的孩子一样的人物也能舍弃。 (我想窥视魔法的深渊哟,吉尔。 为此不管舍弃什么我都不会迷茫。 即使是,你这样的可爱的孩子) 「那么陛下。 这次完全停止对王国的侵功是这样吗」 「没错。 比起这个不得不调查的是叫做雅尔塔帕欧托的恶魔的事。 老爷子,有查到什么吗? 」 「很遗憾,陛下。 虽然经过了调查,至今为止没有发现数据」 没错。 就是变成了这样。 「帕拉戴様。 不能通过魔法调查吗? 」 对这么说的男人,用慎重的表情,福尔达眯起了眼睛。 「确实魔法有着万能的可能性,但那是——」 「——老爷子,抱歉。 你一说那话就会特别长。 还是先停下来吧」 「了解了,陛下」福尔达做出扶然的表情,换做教师对不得要领的孩子解释的语气再次开口道「对于魔法的搜索是存在着抵抗手段的。 比如说这个房间也是张着不被外面听到对话的防壁的事知道吗? 其他也有,简单的举例的话就是由探知魔法的阻碍吧」 「…… 原来如此,因为有着各种各样的对抗手法,所以才困难吗」 「是的。 但是,只是魔法发挥不了作用的话不如该说是幸运吧。 升到高位的魔法咏唱者的话甚至会准备反击的手段。 弄不好的话甚至是会立刻杀死对手的魔法」 (对无上至尊而言我这种程度的魔法又算得什么呢...... 像那位阁下一样如此适合无上至尊这词的人是没有的吧。 得快点让其看到我有用的地方——) 虽然有几个人听到立刻会被杀摆出了一张讨厌的脸,但福尔达并没有什么兴趣。 「从那话考虑的话」臣下的一人取出一张纸。 「被认为是名为安兹·乌尔·恭的魔法咏唱者的据点的场所帕拉戴様的魔法能够调查,是说明那位要比帕拉戴様要在下位吗? 」 「太天真了! 」 拼命的压制住想要苦笑的自己,福尔达发出了强烈的声音。 为了使其能明确的感到焦躁。 「太过天真了。 注意救了卡恩村这一,不,是注意只救了卡恩村这一点。 在那一带全部进行魔法的监视的结果,才只不过发现了进入的疑似安兹·乌尔·恭的魔法咏唱者而已。 要是忘记不过是偶然的话可是会吃大亏的啊! 」 一部分是是本音。 看轻那位至尊是愚蠢之举。 不,虽然自己也是这样的,才知道了无知是有多么可怕。 福尔达在内心嘲笑着曾近愚蠢的自己。 真是太蒙昧了啊。 「失礼了」 对谢罪通过举起的手表示道。 「啊啊,说起来,老爷子。 突入被认为是据点的地方的黑工怎么样了? 」 「虽然是尾行他们的谍报员通过<传言>来的第一报,被认为估计是全灭了」 吉尔库尼福掰着手指,稍微睁开了眼睛。 就听说的应该是复数的相当优秀的黑工队伍才是。 然而仅仅一天,或者只有半天就溃灭了是相当值得惊讶的事态。 当然的。 福尔达没有惊讶。 只是认为是理所应当的结果。 可是,表现在脸上的当然还是难以置信的表情。 「…… 是吗。 但话说回来,毕竟只是魔法的情报不值得信赖。 冒险者回来还得花多少时间? 」 「因为遭遇到了没有归还者这样的事态,应该是立刻撤退的,所以应该还要在花上四天吧」 「再加上从归还的冒险者那里收集情报...... 最少还得花上五天吗。 在那之前这边也动不了吗」 <传言>是非常缺乏信赖性的。 由于离开的地方变远就会变得听不清。 各个国家都没有重用<传言>,还有着别的理由。 有名的话就是叫做伽天巴咕的国家的悲剧。 这个国家在大约三百年前,通过<传言>在都市中拉情报网,使得情报的迅速传播变为可能,是由魔力系的魔法咏唱者作为主人的人类种的国家。 但因为这个国家过于信赖<传言>,便只因为三个假情报而陷入内乱,都市间化作战争状态,再加上怪物的袭击和亚人的侵攻而导致了毁灭。 其他也有,接到因为出轨的情报就杀害了妻子,但那是假的,那样的悲剧谈吟游诗人们也在歌颂着。 为此信赖<传言>的人很少。 相反过于信赖<传言>的人反而被认为是愚蠢的。 吉尔库尼福也是其中的一人。 确实使用<传言>。 可是肯定会通过别的途径获取情报。 绝不只信赖一个魔法。 「可是,还真是愚蠢的家伙啊。 如果是在耶·兰提尔雇黑工的话事情便能更如我所愿的进展了吧。 虽然因为是无能所以才会在手心上跳舞,但太无能的话也是个问题啊。 毕竟作为陷阱还得稍微再象样一点。 」 「如陛下所说」 福尔达同意道。 吉尔库尼福皱起了眉头。 在数天前的会议的时候,接收了福尔达的提案,设立的计划有两个目的。 其一抓住安兹·乌尔·恭的性格。 经福尔达调查,由于确认到安兹·乌尔·恭的反应数日前就停在在遗迹没有动,被认为是据点而送去黑工,首先看看安兹·乌尔·恭的反应。 是以稳健的态度对待潜入自己居城的对手呢,还是以苛烈的态度呢。 从黑工队伍的全灭的结果来看,其性格的一端是抓住了。 然后另一个目的,是为了离间王国和安兹·乌尔·恭的关系。 所以说如果在耶·兰提尔雇黑工就最好了,也是遗憾的没能这么办。 (还不至于那么蠢吗) 给伯爵的情报只不过是有未发现的遗迹而已。 明帝国的贵族对王国的未开发遗迹出手已经是不好的事了,再去王国雇人的话是实在没那个勇气吧。 雇了帝国的黑工也是没办法的事。 可是,那样的话就没办法离间耶·兰提尔,或者说是和里·耶斯提捷王国与安兹·乌尔·恭的不合。 所以为了达成后者的目的,也有将情报留给王国的冒险者行会的必要。 「飞飞到帝国倒是正好啊」 「真是的。 有未发现的遗迹,黑工队伍全灭这样的事就会通过他的口传到对面的行会去的吧。 那样的话正如帝国所瞄准的王国的行会也会认真的开始调查吧」 就是因为这样才特地勉强的让冒险者参与进去的。 当然的,没有使用皇帝的权限。 而是仅有谍报人员吹听给贵族的。 这次的事情,不得不作为一个愚蠢的贵族暴走的结果而被处理。 即使暴露了帝国的参与,安兹·乌尔·恭的敌意也将向着伯爵。 而吉尔库尼福则是有好的促进事态。 「然后攻入苛烈的态度的安兹·乌尔·恭的住居的王国冒险者们。 对于王国有着巨大力量的魔法咏唱者又会给与什么反应呢。 而遭到反击的王国的冒险者行会有将怎么办呢」 真是期待啊,这样笑着的吉尔库尼福为以防万一确认到。 「安兹·乌尔·恭的力量明白了。 有着能将黑工的队伍全灭的力量。 为了能就以一个蠢贵族的脑袋就能收拾干净,有收拾干净吗? 」 「当然的。 是非常长慎重的实行的,只有在场人才是道里头的实情」 「那么。 姑且,以防——什么事!? 」 遮断吉尔库尼福的声音的是,响彻大地般的震动。 但是,和地震的感觉不一样。 是好像巨大的什么和大地激突,而产生的仅此一次的巨大的摇动。 「什么事!? 确认——好吵啊。 到底是什么事! 」 甚至是吉尔库尼福的身旁,室内也能听到外头的悲鸣。 这个房间是由相当厚的墙壁砌成的。 那么,到底是何等音量呢。 还是说是有着如此多数的声音呢。 导致悲鸣——用以形容这个声音最为合适的词语的原因又是什么呢。 对于吉尔库尼福的疑问,从窗户的窗帘的间隙之中,看向被认为是声音的发生源的中庭的护卫的一人,用苍白的脸色回答
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Trung) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
In a trembling because of astonishment and general Fulda's line of sight, to capture the black hand fly off. And take one of the rings.

"-- --! "

moment, into the world of flash, feel the sense of flying folda. What is unfolding

can not be understood. Even more than two hundred years of Fulda, the highest level of magic that can drive the human beings, not to know. "Ho Ho,

, so, this is how it

Fulda's face felt something warm breeze. However, whether it is to wipe off,Or the power is not left. This is because of the impact of mood disorders. Who can expect it. Acura for dark warrior figures, as the magic spells to chant is station in Fulda, how also can not reach the height of people.

"that is eighth words, ninth...... Not...... What...... Oh, God, "the dark warrior Feifei

blowing overwhelming force easily over the next Nabei. To more than presumption is Nabei eighth order bits of magic, who chants, then fly to be able to use magic in the end in how the height of it. For the emergence of a head

doubt,Fulda understood the soul.

-- rank tenth. Although it has been passed on to have, but it can be confirmed that the existence of a person is not an absolute area. The person standing in the way of the high field coming now in front of you. Fulda stood up on his knees. In front of the fly. So in a way that overflows the tears.

"...... The God of the magic is my faith. However, if you are not as the word of God, I will abandon the faith now. Why, because God is really can finally in front of my show posture "

Fulda to terrain violent gas the forehead percussion to the floor, and knelt down.What's the pain in front of the heart of the joy of the face is not what.

'knowing rude, also let me kneel down! Please give me the way you do! I want to peek into the abyss of magic! Also please! Also please!!! "You" -- that

as willing to pay what price? "As if made of ice in the same

, so cold voice. Let one hundred people listen to the words, all the staff will certainly be the sound of the answer, but Fulda's ears hear the true soul of the sweet voice. There is, of course, the poison of the poison. But -- what's wrong with that.

Fulda did not even a moment of confusion, payment. Even the soul.

"! Yes, all I have is to pay for the body! The Lord of the abyss! To the deep of the imperial! "

"...... Okay. As long as all the words, my knowledge is your thing. We wish to achieve its "

" Oh oh! Oh oh! "Keep the forehead knock

posture, folda emerged in tears of joy. The heart of envy and the heart melted as if it had melted. So far more than two hundred years, the possibility of achieving the pain and so on are now finally got. With excitement at the end. Fulda,No raised brow to the foot of a kiss up feifei. Although the first is to use a lick. However, the owner of the same God may be annoying, in the sense of the corner of his own proposal to the right, and ultimately to take the compromise. It

". I understand your loyalty "oh oh

"! Thank you very much!...... My teacher! "Then"

next command. I will sacrifice to the home city -- "father"! Father! How, sir! "[the original is ghuysen

" Kyrgyzstan "] in retrospect with Fulda because of his voice and call back the consciousness.A few days ago, the impact of the encounter, even if it is now still firmly in the capture of Fulda's heart, a little carelessness will be directed to the field of fantasy.

Fulda instantaneous think, think of her now where, to call his character gently low head. "

impolite, your majesty. A little consideration "in the front line of sight is folda

, only calling myself a father figure". Pakistan haers emperor, Jierkunifu, Elune Farrow de Eyre = nikku adams. And then this is the emperor's office.

was usually there should not be this room how many people gathered most of the people.The emperor Jierkunifu, plus four escort. The highest magic Empire chant Fulda Parra wear. Although there is a good understanding of the emperor, but there is enough to fill with the ability of trusted subjects ten. In addition to one of the four knights of the Empire "lightning" Bajude Peshmael figure in. They are in love

place to sit down, had been discussed about the future policy of the empire. Scattered around the paper narrates the intense meeting.

is called the young emperor Emperor's blood, other people will not say the words throw to the fulda.

"no, never mind.All kinds of things are hard. Father also old ah, although there are considered to alleviate the burden of this thing, but really only father capable. "Sorry" for your tender heart. Thank you. But, I am faithful liegeman majesty. [OH] please don't care though down "command over a hard road

folda gently. It is to develop a good child

ah. Fulda looked at the young have beautiful features. Hold this idea. Fulda serves

empire is six generations ago.

at the time of the emperor and the six generation -- before the relationship is not good.But even if is such because at that time is as high magic chant, a recruitment immediately do even if the court magician is above position.

because that in five generations ago began to gradually become close, the chairman of the court magician's position at the same time is as the son is the fourth generation of the emperor's education, although only the magic play. As the teacher began to start. All kinds of knowledge from the three generation, and what the policy also had great relationship. Then the emperor is now

-- adorable child. Has seen. Although the emperors, who are not incompetent.As if God has chosen the same generation of outstanding, to favour the children -- although sixth generation is a prime of life -- is this. But even in the midst of the emperor's ability is overwhelming. Although the two generations ago began, but the reason why can like this implementation of autocratic monarchy, but also because of his outstanding ability.

love - Jierkunifu folda Elune Farrow de Eyre = nikku adams. If you like a child

implementation of education. The emperor was so convinced of his own as a father. But even so --

Even if Fulda is the same as his own children can give up. I want to peep at the magic

(abyss yo, Gil. I will not be lost no matter what I give up. Even, you such a lovely child) that your majesty. This completely stopped work on the invasion of the kingdom of this "yes". This is called to investigate than the devil. Paoutuo jardat. Father, have to check what? "

" sorry, your majesty. After investigation, so far found no data "

. That's what it's like. "A Q

P. Can not be investigated by magic?

"To say the man, with a careful look, he squinted. "Magic with universal

does the possibility, but it is"

"-- -- father, I'm sorry. You said that would be very long. Or to stop it "

" understand, your majesty, "Fulda make fu ran expression, for teachers to avail of the child to explain tone spoke again" search for magic is existing means of resistance. For example, this room is also not to be heard outside the walls of the dialogue to hear the things you know? The other is a simple example, it is a magic bar "discovery"...... So that is what it is,Because there are various methods to do so against the difficulties, "" yes. However, it is better to say that the magic is not a role to play. Rise to the top of Magic who chants even if ready to counter the means. Get bad even will instantly kill an opponent magic "

(of supreme supreme me such a degree of magic again calculate what?... It is not the one who is so suitable for the supreme supreme as the Lord. Hurry up to see me useful -
although there are several people heard immediately killed put a nasty face, but he did not what interests.

"A person considered from the words" I take a piece of paper. "Is now considered a stronghold of Antz Uhl Kone magic, who chants places Pala wearing the magic of marine biodiversity to investigate, is that who is to Bipala wear of marine biodiversity in lower? "Too naive"! "Desperately want

suppressed smile to yourself, he issued a strong voice. In order to make it clear to feel anxious.

"too naive. Attention to save the Kahn village, no, it is to pay attention to only save Kahn village this. The results of all the magic of the whole,Only found the suspected Antz Uhl Kone magic chant. But if you forget is something accidental but will suffer a great deal! One part is the ". The extreme is foolish to underestimate. No, even though he is the only way, to know how terrible it is.

Fulda at the heart of jeers was nearly stupid. It is ignorant of the taimeng ah. "Rude" to

xiezui by lifting the watch shows together.

"ah ah, say, father. What is considered into the stronghold of illegal workers?

""Although Weihang their espionage member by < rumors > the first report, is considered to estimate is completely destroyed the"

Jierkunifu snapping his fingers slightly opened his eyes. That should be plural excellent team is illegal. However, just one day, or only half a day on the collapse is quite surprising things. Of course. Fulda was not surprised. Just think it is the result of the management. But, of course, it was a hard, unbelievable expression on his face.

"...... Is it. But then again, after all, only the magic of the intelligence is not worthy of trust. How long will it take to get back?

""Because encountered such events did not return, should immediately retreat, so should also spent four days"

"and from the return of the adventurers, where the intelligence gathering... It will take five days at least. Before that side couldn't move it

< > "rumor is very lack of trust. As the place to leave becomes far from being heard. There is no reason why there is no reuse of the rumors. It is called gamma

famous day Pakistan goo national tragedy.

in this country about three hundred years ago, stayed in the city through information network "rumors",The rapid spread of information becomes possible, by the magic of Magic who chants as the owner of human country. But because the country relied too much on < rumors >, then because of three false intelligence and chaos, between the city turned into a state of war, and monster attacks and Asian assault against and led to the destruction.

other also, received because of the derailment of the intelligence had murdered his wife. But it is a fake and that the tragedy about minstrels in singing. The < >

trust few rumors. On the contrary, it is believed that the man who is too reliant on the rumors is considered to be stupid. A man is also one of the Jierkunifu.It is true that "rumors". But it's sure to get the information through another way. Never trust a magic.

"but, really stupid man. If it is in the Jerzy Rantil things can hire illegal workers such as more progress I would. Although it is not so, so will be in the palm of the hand to dance, but too incompetent words is also a problem ah. After all, as a trap to be a little more decent. "If your majesty said" "

Fulda agreed. Jierkunifu frowned. When

during the few days before the meeting, Fulda received the proposal, the establishment of the plan has two objectives.

One of the characters of Antz Uhl Kone's grasp.

the Fulda investigation, due to confirm to Antz Uhl Kone reaction of a few days ago stopped in at the site did not move, is considered to be the stronghold and sent to illegally, in response to first take a look at Antz Uhl Kone.

is stable attitude to sneak into their home city rivals, or in the harsh fierce attitude. The black team Quanmie

from the end result, its character is caught.

then another purpose, is to drive a wedge between the Kingdom and Antz Uhl Kone. So if Jerzy Rantil hired the best workers, also failed to do so.

(not that stupid)

to the count intelligence but is not found the remains. The nobles of the Ming Empire the kingdom of undeveloped sites shot is not good, to kingdom to hire is really didn't have the courage. Hire heigong empire is no way to do.

but, that is no way to drive a wedge between Jerzy Rantil, or said to be Jess provided sub Czech Kingdom and arntz, Uhl Kone. So in order to reach the goal, there will be the necessary intelligence adventure left the kingdom of guild. "Fly to empire is

just really ah"

". There is no trace of discovery,The black team Quanmie such things will pass to the opposite to his oral guild. In that case as Empire are aimed at the kingdom of guild will seriously began an investigation.

is because of this specially reluctantly let adventurers participate into. Of course, no use of the emperor's authority. But only listen to the aristocratic spy blowing.

this thing as a stupid, have to go ballistic results is noble. Even after the exposure of the Empire, Antz Uhl Kone's hostility will also count. Gil is a good library nifo promotion events.

"Then Antz Uhl Kone scored harsh fierce attitude to live in the kingdom of adventurers. For the kingdom with great power and magic chant will give no response. By the counter of the kingdom of adventurers guild has will be how to do it "

it is really looking forward to ah, Jierkunifu smiling like that just in case to confirm. "The power of Antz Uhl Kone that

. There can be heigong team Quanmie strength. In order to be able to clean up the head of a fool, a clean, clean it? "Of course". Is a very long careful implementation, only the presence of talent is the truth "in the way that head

.Just in case, -- what!? "The sound is Jierkunifu

trip, from earth like shock. But it's not the same as the earthquake. It is like a huge and the earth shock, and a huge shake of this one.

"what!? Confirmation - good fight. What is it! "Even Jierkunifu

side, indoor can be heard outside. This room is made of quite thick walls. So, exactly how the volume. Or is it the sound of a majority.What is the cause and reason for the voice -- describe the most appropriate words. It.

for Jierkunifu questions, from the gap between the curtains at the windows, see to is believed to be the sound source of the atrium of the escort of a people, with pale face answer
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