Một thông dịch viên tốt không chỉ sẽ cần phải nhận thức được ý nghĩa thông thường của các từ ở hai ngôn ngữ, nhưng cũng phải xem xét mục đích của các từ và ý nghĩa của cử chỉ nonverbal. Vì những nhu cầu đặc biệt, giải thích ngôn ngữ là hơn hết- và do đó ít chính xác hơn-hơn so với bản dịch ngôn ngữ. When selecting an interpreter, it is important for that person both to be intimately knowledgeable of the two languages and have a technical expertise in the area being negotiated. For example, although a U.S. university professor of Spanish literature may have an excellent command of the language, he or she may not be particularly effective at translating scientific terms or highly technical data on weaving equipment. It is this type of shortcoming that could lead an interpreter to translate the term hydraulic ram into the term wet sheep. Because the use of an interpreter involves placing an additional person between the two primary negotiators, one should take a number of precautions to ensure that the interpreter clarifies communication rather than obscures it. First, the negotiator and the interpreter should allow sufficient time, before the negotiations begin, to get to know one another. This involves reviewing your own notes, slides, and technical terms that may cause misunderstandings. Only when the interpreter understands your goals and expectations can he or she represent your interests to the other side and be on the lookout for the type of information that you need. Second, help the interpreter by speaking slowly and in discrete sentences. By pausing momentarily between sentences, you are actually providing a little more time for the interpreter to do his or her job. Third, because interpreting is an exhausting job that requires intense concentration, interpreters should be given breaks periodically to recharge their intellectual batteries. Fourth, plan your words carefully so as to avoid ambiguities, slang, or other forms that do not translate well. Finally, it is imperative that interpreters be treated with respect and acknowledged as the highly qualified professionals that they are. The purposeful development of cordial relations with your interpreter can only help facilitate the process of communication at the negotiating table.
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