Trong lịch sử dựng nước và giữ nước của dân tộc ta có rất nhiều anh hùng được sử sách ghi danh, Trong số đó, người đã để lại cho em nhiều ấn tượng nhất là ông Lý Thường Kiệt.
In the history of the building and keep the water of our nation has so many heroes are history books, among them, who had to leave for children impressed as he LY Thuong Kiet.
In the history of national construction and defense of our nation has many historical heroes are enrolled, Among them, the person has left many impressed me the most is that he Ly Thuong Kiet.
In building and maintaining the history of water and water national hero, there are a lot of historical records list, which gave me a deep impression, especially his many Li Changjie.