The theory of cognitive dissonance
is based on the premise that people have a need for order and consistency in their lives
and that a state of dissonance(tension) exists when beliefs or behaviors conflict with one
another. We resolve the conflict that arises when we choose between two alternatives
through a process of cognitive dissonance reduction, where we look for a way to reduce
this inconsistency (or dissonance) and thus eliminate unpleasant tension.
Dissonance occurs when a consumer must choose between two products, both of
which possess good and bad qualities. When he chooses one product and not the other,
the person gets the bad qualities of the product he buys and loses out on the good quali-ties of the one he didn’t buy. This loss creates an unpleasant, dissonant state that he wants
to reduce. We tend to convince ourselves, after the fact, that the choice we made was the
smart one as we find additional reasons to support the alternative we did choose—per-haps when we discover flaws with the option we did not choose (sometimes we call this
rationalization). A marketer can bundle several benefits together to resolve an approach–
approach conflict. For example, Miller Lite’s claim that it is “less filling” and“tastes great”
allows the drinker to “have his beer and drink it too.”
Many of the products and services we desire have negative consequences attached
to them as well. We may feel guilty or ostentatious when we buy a luxury product like a
fur coat (especially when others around us lose their jobs), or we might feel like gluttons
when we crave a tempting package of Twinkies. An approach–avoidance conflictoccurs
when we desire a goal but wish to avoid it at the same time.
Some solutions to these conflicts include the proliferation of fake furs, which elimi-nate guilt about harming animals to make a fashion statement, and the success of diet
programs like Weight Watchers that promise good food without the calories.
Many mar-keters try to help consumers overcome guilt by convincing them that they deserve these
luxuries. As the model for L’Oréal cosmetics exclaims, “Because I’m worth it!”
Sometimes we find ourselves caught “between a rock and a hard place.” We may face
a choice with two undesirable alternatives: for instance, the option of either spending
more money on an old car or buying a new one. Don’t you hate when that happens? Mar-keters frequently address an avoidance–avoidance conflictwith messages that stress
the unforeseen benefits of choosing one option (e.g., when they emphasize special credit
plans to ease the pain of car payments)