以下内容由@龙王裂风 桑提供,还请验收社畜太任性了!一会儿叫我分两段,一会又叫我都发了……唉…………善哉善哉================ dịch - 以下内容由@龙王裂风 桑提供,还请验收社畜太任性了!一会儿叫我分两段,一会又叫我都发了……唉…………善哉善哉================ Anh làm thế nào để nói

以下内容由@龙王裂风 桑提供,还请验收社畜太任性了!一会儿叫我分两段,

以下内容由@龙王裂风 桑提供,还请验收
「……虽然没有确证但他们乘坐的怪物恐怕是传说级的怪物,名字是食魂者「Soul Eater」。那是贪图生者灵魂的贪婪的不死者。据传承它们曾近在大陆中央的兽人「Beastman」国的都市里出现过」
【无:兽人就是本卷幕间的那个,「Soul Eater」我本来是想翻成噬魂者的】





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以下内容由@龙王裂风 桑提供,还请验收社畜太任性了!一会儿叫我分两段,一会又叫我都发了……唉…………善哉善哉================================================================「葛杰夫殿。总算有所动作了」帝国军就像让出道路一样一分为二。是要应对王国的左右翼吗,就在葛杰夫那样判断这行动时,未曾见过的旗帜在中央高举而起。那是完全不存在于葛杰夫知识中的,绘有着既非王国也不是帝国的奇妙纹章的旗帜。举着那旗帜的一个集团前进着。所有的视线都集中到了那个集团上。然后——葛杰夫心中感受到了令人发瘆的东西。在身旁应该是看到同样东西的雷文侯的喉咙也鸣响了起来。知道了那并非自己独有的感情后,苦涩从舌根蔓延开来,心脏也敲响了警钟。异样的军队。出现的是大约五百骑兵。和对峙的两军比起来完全是不值一提的数量。但是,那些家伙——十分异常。放出着即使隔着这般距离,仍然冲击着这里一样的鬼气。葛杰夫脑里卡恩村的记忆鲜明地复苏了。安兹说是他创造出来的骑士的怪物。和那同样拿着巨大盾牌的附棘铠战士大致有两百。剩下的也是同样的异形士兵,但它们外观上身缠革铠,悬挂着斧头长枪,或石弓一类的武器。前者是骑士的话,后者就是战士了吧。但不管怎么说哪一边都并非人类。而是货真价实的怪物们。再加上它们所骑乘着的魔兽。那是称之为骨之兽会十分相应的怪物,摇曳般的雾霭代替了血肉缠绕着它们全身。脓汁般的黄色,辉光般的绿色,在雾霭各处闪耀着。鸡皮疙瘩在全身蔓延。不妙了。不妙过头了。虽是贫乏的感想,但葛杰夫脑中无法浮现比这更合适的话语。「……帝国是把怪物编为军队的一支了么。这真是令人惊讶。鸡皮疙瘩起了不少啊」「——不对。不对啊,雷文侯,那不对啊。侯爵现在感受到的——让身体无意识地立起鸡皮疙瘩的不是惊讶」「那是?」葛杰夫对一脸不可思议的雷文侯断言道。「死的危险。是人的生存本能受到了刺激」从震惊的雷文侯身上移开视线,葛杰夫眺望着帝国军「马匹都畏缩了。连经过训练的军马都因为害怕,无法行动了……」「……那究竟是?是帝国的秘密部队吗?」「……那不可能。那不是人类能支配,能使役的怪物!」虽然不知道怪物的正体,但凭借战士的直觉葛杰夫能够断言。「那一定是……安兹·乌尔·恭的骑兵团!!」「那就是!那就是!你畏惧着的魔法咏唱者的军队!!」「雷文侯!请紧急召集原冒险者们!为了知道我们要怎么行动才合适。必须要借助和众多怪物战斗,生存下来的他们的智慧,就以这理由!」「明——」是想要回答明白了吧。但是,比那更早的,他们已经为了守护自己的主人行动起来了。那是当然的。他们比葛杰夫更能深刻地认识到对手的强大。「雷文侯!」原山铜级冒险者们骑着马冲了过来。「看到了吗!?接着感觉到了吗?」站在前头的是领导者,火神的圣骑士,波里斯·亚克赛尔逊。那声音中有着无法隐藏的胆怯。雷文侯说不出话来。他的心情葛杰夫十分理解。原山铜级冒险者,还是在如此大军守卫下的场所因恐怖而声音发颤了。已经不是能考虑礼仪的状况了,葛杰夫招呼住他。「——告诉我!那是什么?不用问候了!请把你知道的东西立刻告诉我们!」波里斯攥住了由颈部垂下的圣印。这是为了守护自己吧。「……虽然没有确证但他们乘坐的怪物恐怕是传说级的怪物,名字是食魂者「Soul Eater」。那是贪图生者灵魂的贪婪的不死者。据传承它们曾近在大陆中央的兽人「Beastman」国的都市里出现过」【无:兽人就是本卷幕间的那个,「Soul Eater」我本来是想翻成噬魂者的】【龙王社畜:我的锅,不满意就来咬我,小心被感染变成社畜】「那么……受害是?」波里斯接着的话能被格外安静地听到。「——十万」葛杰夫喘不过气来。「…… Only three Devourer of souls appeared, destroying the entire city looks like. Inhabited by the 95% of the total population, more than 100,000 people died in that city, and was named the silent cities were abandoned and left behind a legend "A heavy silence fell.「…… And then there's 500? 」No one there can reply to Levin when issues of strength.Silence, Ge Jiefu struggled out of the sound."As said before, it is hard to imagine Empire forces alone to that level of monsters. Even with the big magic sing fuerda·paladai is it possible for the elderly. In other words-"Even if not final but was sufficient to convey meaning to the Levin-Hou."This, this is the power of ANZI·wuer·Gong. That, then, is riding a monster what guy? 」"That was--" adventurers looked at each other. "-Don't know. But that would be very dangerous. No, I'm sorry. Should not risk such a vague term, must explain it more seriously, but there was nothing come out ""How do, what to do? Ge Jiefu Temple! 」Levin questioned Hou lost time Ge Jiefu answered succinctly."Retreat"Ready to shock the enemy forces to this point, has been able to fully understand. So in addition to escape can do it."Wangjin retreat-"Ge Jiefu did not make it to the end.Wearing a mask of magic sing standing in the enemy's advance. His right side is wearing a petite figure with Cape cloak. One left is the Empire Knights.即使相隔这般距离,葛杰夫也不会认错那个人「——恭殿」「那就是那位大魔法咏唱者,安兹·乌尔·恭吗!」「是那个人召唤来食魂者的吗?是那个吗?雷文侯,我们——」历经百战的勇士咽下一口唾沫,喘息般低声说道。「——我们到底是在与什么为敌啊?」安兹挥动了手腕。突然就像在回应般的以安兹为中心,半径十米左右的巨大罩状魔法阵展开了。左右的两人也被包括其中但看起来没有什么异常。大概是不会对友军有所伤害的吧。那幻想般的景象,连即使是知道现在是面对非常事态的人们也被夺去了视线。魔法阵发出苍白的光芒,半透明的可以说是文字或记号一样的东西浮现出来。它们的外形让人眼花缭乱地改变着,哪怕一瞬都没出现过同样的文字。王国侧传出了惊叫声。那就像是观赏精彩的表演时发出的,毫无紧张感的声音。不过,感觉敏锐的人们已经开始困惑地观望着周围了。「我要返回自军。已经没有任何考虑的余裕了。安兹乌尔恭的力量太过超常,与其交战的做法从根本上就是错误的。现在能做的也只有尽量减轻不知会出现多少的伤亡,同时也必须为了能够成功归还耶·兰提尔竭尽全力了吧。葛杰夫殿请守护好陛下!然后立刻撤退!」雷文侯已经没有了之前沉着的模样。「啊啊!虽然还没有对自己自信到那种程度,但一定会守护好陛下的御身。那么就并驾齐驱地撤退——」「当然。如脱兔般撤退——不,该说是败走吧」「那么雷文侯!愿您平安!」「您才是,葛杰夫殿!」王国智和武的顶点的两人慌忙地开始了行动。但是————一切都已经太晚了。·没有啊。安兹在展开魔法阵后,这样判断道。王国军中没有玩家,的判断。YGGDRASIL中的超位魔法是强大的。为此在大规模战斗时,将想要发动超位魔法的人最先击溃才是行动的基本。利用转移魔法的突刺。魔法的地毯式轰炸。超远距离的定点狙击。会使用无数的手段进行妨碍。然而,这次,没有任何一个那样的攻击飞向安兹。反过来说就是证明了没有YGGDRASIL玩家存在。不让任何人能有所察觉,面具下安兹嘴角的笑容扭曲了。虽说身为骷髅的安兹,原本就不可能露出笑容。含着微弱欢喜的苦笑说明了安兹心中的争辩。「已经,没有当诱饵的必要了吗」为没有遭遇YGGDRASIL玩家而欢喜。安兹在YGGDRASIL玩家中,算不上最强的存在。天外有天。和比自己强的玩家敌对的话胜算不会太高吧。游戏时代的安兹的强大是源于知识。虽然PVP时胜率很高,但那只是在舍弃第一回后的连胜。因为有着能够很好的利用积蓄下来的情报的一面,安兹的技术意外的高明。取而代之要是,对上第一次遇见的对手的话失败的几率也会非常的高。有自知之明的安兹感谢着没有遇到初见的强敌一事。但与欢喜的相反,也感到了些许的遗憾。将夏提雅洗脑,持有世界级道具的存在没能在过来的敌人中发现。黏着质的憎恶至今仍存在于安兹的心中。虽然强烈的冲动会被压抑住,但微弱的冲动却会持续下去。安兹将手松开,那里有一个小型的沙漏。使用付费道具的话,就能立刻发动超位魔法。而之所以没有那么做的原因,是为了作为诱饵确认YGGDRASIL玩家的存在。但是不在的话,就没有等待漫长的发动时间的必要了。展开了魔法阵却在那里呆立不动这一点也很逊。夏提雅战的时候自己没有余裕。蜥蜴人的时候则不是攻击魔法。那么——「真是令人期待啊。啊啊,令人期待」——现在施放的超位攻击魔法会对王国军展示出怎样的结果呢。虽然在YGGDRASIL时不是什么特别强的魔法,但在这个世界的话又会出现怎样的结果呢。忽然,安兹皱紧了不存在的眉毛。明明众多人类即将死去,却连怜悯也好其它的什么感觉都没有的自己,稍微感觉有些可怕。连踩烂蚂蚁时的残酷的想法也不存在,真的——真的什么感情都没有。有的只是想要看看自己的行动所能造成的结果的欲求。还有就是自己——以及纳萨力克地下大坟墓的所属者们能得到的利益。安兹向手上注入力气。从碎裂的沙漏中洒落的沙子,以和风向不同的轨迹流入了安兹周围展开的魔法阵。接着——超位魔法立刻发动了。黑色的气息,吹向了刚才终于变换完阵型的王国军左翼阵地。不,实际上并非有风吹过。事实上,像是平原上生长的杂草,或是那边王国士兵们的头发都没有摇摆晃动。然而,在那里的七万王国军左翼。他们的生命被立刻全部地——夺去了。===========================================1(完)============================================
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The following content is provided by @ Dragon crack the wind Sang, also requested acceptance
social animals too headstrong! Call me in two stages for a while, for a while called I have made ​​...... Oh ............ Praise Praise
========================== ======================================
"Gejie Fu temple. finally act too."
Imperial Army as way as to make the two. It is it to deal with the Kingdom of left and right wing, when it is determined that this action葛杰夫, have not seen the banner in the middle holding the sky.
It is completely absent in Ge Jiefu knowledge of painting has neither kingdom nor an empire of wonderful heraldic banner. Holding that banner of a group going forward.
All eyes are concentrated on that group.
Then - Gejie Fu Shen heart feel something heinous. Beside you should see the same thing Raven Hou's throat sounded again. Know that's not their own unique feelings, the bitter tongue spread from open heart also sounded the alarm.
Strange army.
It appeared about five hundred cavalry. And the confrontation between the armed forces than it is worth mentioning the exact number.
However, those guys - very unusual. Release of even across such a distance, is still the same impact here Ghostly.
Ge Jiefu Li Kaen village brain's memory vividly revived. Anzi said that he created the monster knight. And that the same holds huge armored shield attached to the spine roughly two hundred soldiers.
The rest is the same profiled soldiers, but their appearance wrapped leather upper body armor, guns hanging ax, crossbow or a class of weapons.
The former is a knight, then, who is the warrior of the bar.
But anyway which side they are not human. But a genuine monsters.
Plus they are riding with the World of Warcraft. That is the beast known as bone will be very appropriate monster, swaying like mist instead of flesh wrapped around their body. Pus-like yellow, like the glow green, mist shining everywhere.
Goosebumps spread in the body.
Bad overdone.
Although poor impression, but the brain can not emerge葛杰夫more appropriate than this discourse.
"...... Empire is the monster of an army prepared for a really amazing what this goose bumps a lot ah.."
"- No, no, ah, Raven Hou, ah Marquis now feel it is wrong. - let the body unconsciously raised goose bumps are not surprised. "
葛杰夫to look incredible Raven Hou asserts.
"Danger of death. Is a human survival instinct was stimulated" look away from the shock of Raven Hou body, Ge Jiefu overlooking the Imperial Army 'horses were winced. Even trained cavalry are fear, could not move ...... "
"...... then what? Is it the Empire's secret army?"
"...... it is impossible. That is not a human can dominate, can battle monsters!"
We do not know the monster is the body, but with soldiers intuition Ge Jeff can assert.
"That must be the cavalry regiment !! ...... Anzi Ulrich · Christine,"
"it is! It is! You fear the magic chant's army!"
"Raven Hou! Please emergency call original adventurers !. We want them to know how it is appropriate actions must be using and numerous monsters, survive their wisdom, with regard to this reason! "
"B -"
want to answer to understand it. However, earlier than that, they have to guard their master into action. That is, of course. They Bigejiefu more deeply aware of the formidable opponent.
"Raven Hou!"
the original mountain Bronze adventurers on horseback rushed over.
"When I saw you!? Then you feel it?"
stood ahead Paladin leader, Vulcan, Boris亚克赛尔逊.
That voice has a timid can not hide.
Raven Hou speechless. His mood Ge Jiefu very understanding.
Bronze original mountain adventurers, or in such places under army guard to the horror of voice trembled.
It is not able to consider the status of etiquette, and Ge Jiefu greeted him up.
"- Do not tell me what it is greeting you know something, please tell us right away!?!!"
Boris grabs Seal hanging from the neck. This is to guard yourself.
Although "there is no conclusive evidence ...... but they ride the monster is probably the legend of the monster, whose name is Soul-Eater" Soul Eater. " That was just for the sake of the living soul of the deceased is not greedy. According to tradition they had appeared in the city near the central mainland orcs "Beastman" in the country had "
[no: that, "Soul Eater" I wanted translated Eater orcs is between the acts of this volume]
[Dragon social animal : My pot, not satisfied with the bite me, be careful of infection become social animals]
"So ...... victim is it?"
Then Boris then be exceptionally quiet to hear.
"- One hundred thousand"
Ge Jiefu breath.
"...... Only three of the Soul-Eater appeared, to destroy the entire city looks like. Is home to 95 per cent of the total population, more than one hundred thousand people died in the tall city, the city was named the silent abandoned After leaving the legendary "
heavy silence fell.
"...... Then the five hundred?"
No one there can reply Raven problem Hou effort.
Silence, Ge Jiefu struggling out of the sound.
"It's like the same as said before, it is hard to imagine imperial power alone can dominate that level monsters. Even with big magic chant those who Fulda Parra wear old man is impossible. That is He said - "
Even did not say the last word but the meaning is enough to convey to the Raven Hou.
"This, this is安兹Ulrich · Christine force it that, then riding that monster's exactly what the guy.?"
"That's -" adventurers looked at each other. "- Just do not know that it would be dangerous not, sorry should not use vague terms such danger, it must be stated more seriously, what may emerge in addition it is not out..."
"How, how do? Gejie Fu temple! "
Hou losing margin against Raven questioning Ge Jiefu succinctly answered.
enemy troops prepared shocking it has been able to fully understand. So what else to do except to escape it.
"Wang Jin made ​​to retreat -"
Ge Jiefu loses the words to the end.
Because wearing a mask of magic chant stood in the vanguard of the enemy. He wore the right was a petite figure with a cloak cloak. Empire left the Four Horsemen is one of them.
Even if such a distance apart, Ge Jiefu will not admit that person
"- Christine Temple"
"That is the man who big magic chant, Anzi Ulrich · Christine you!"
"Yes man summoned soul food ? who it is that you Raven Hou, we -? "
battle of the Warriors after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, wheezing like whispered.
"? - And what we have in the end is an enemy ah"
安兹waving his wrist. In response to a sudden just like to Anzi as the center, the radius of ten meters of the great shield-like magic began. Both left and right are also included where it seems there is no exception. Probably would not have hurt the friendly bar.
That fantasy-like scene, even in the face of even the very state of affairs now know people have been taken away out of sight.
Magic light emitted pale, translucent characters or symbols can be said the same thing emerges. They are changing the shape of dazzling, even if the moment there have been no similar text.
Kingdom side came the screams. It's like when you watch the wonderful performance issue, there is no tension in the voice. However, a keen sense of people have started watching around the perplexed.
"I want to return from the army. Has no margin take into account.安兹Ur Christine force too extraordinary, and its practice of war is fundamentally wrong and now can do only as much as possible to reduce the number of wonder will appear casualties, but also must be able to successfully return to Faye Lan Tier utmost bar.葛杰夫good guardian of the temple please Your Majesty! then retreat once! "
Raven Hou has no appearance before the calm.
"Ah, although not yet to the extent that their own self-confidence, but it will be a good guardian of Her Majesty's Royal neck and neck body then retreat! -."
"Of course such as rabbits like retreat - no, say it is defeated."
"So Raven Hou! I wish you peace!"
"You are the,葛杰夫the house!"
the two vertices王国智and Wu began hurriedly action. But - - everything is already too late. · no ah. 安兹after deployment magic, such judgments Road. No player in Guojun, judgment. YGGDRASIL the super bit of magic is powerful. To do this on a large scale battle, you will want to launch a super bit of magic who is the first to defeat the basic operations. Transfer thrusting use magic. Magic carpet bombing. Long distance fixed-point attacks. It will hinder the use of numerous means. However, this time, no one kind of attack flying Anzi. In turn, that is to prove the existence not YGGDRASIL players. That no one can be aware of, under the mask安兹mouth smile distorted. As though skull Anzi, the original could not smile. Mouth faint smile of joy illustrate Anzi heart of debate. "Already, there is no need of it as bait" is not encountered YGGDRASIL players rejoice. Anzi in YGGDRASIL players, not really the strongest presence. Behind. And stronger players than their hostility is not too high, then the odds of it. Powerful安兹game is derived from the knowledge era. Although a high PVP when winning, but just give up after the first round winning streak. Because there can be a good use of savings down the intelligence side, Anzi clever technical accident. Instead, if the chances of rivals met for the first time, then failure will be very high. Anzi thank the self-knowledge did not encounter the enemy has shown signs of the issue. But contrary to joy, but also I feel a little regret. 夏提雅brainwashing will hold a world-class props could not find in the presence of enemies coming. Adhesive quality disgust has still exists in the hearts of安兹. Although a strong impulse would be repressed, but weak impulse it will continue. Anzi hand release, where there was a small hourglass. Pay-props, then you can immediately launch super bit of magic. The reason there is no reason to do that is to confirm YGGDRASIL players as bait exists. But not the case, there is no wait for a long time to launch necessary. Expand the magic was there Dai Li does not move It is also Johnson. Xia Tiya war when he did margin. When the lizard people instead of attacking magic. So - ". I am really looking forward to ah ah ah, exciting" - now cast attack magic super position will show what results it Guojun. While not a particularly strong when YGGDRASIL magic, but in this world, then would be what the results of it. Suddenly, Anzi tight wrinkled brow does not exist. Obviously many humans dying, not even pity Ye did not feel what the other himself, feeling a little bit scary. Even cruel idea tatters when ant does not exist, really - really do not have any feelings. Some just want to see their actions could cause the desire results. There is his own - and Nasa Lectra large underground tomb belongs who can get benefits. Anzi to hand inject effort. Spilled from a broken hourglass in the sand, and the wind to flow into the安兹different tracks around the magic unfold. Then - and immediately launched a super bit of magic.

Black breath, blowing the formation of just finally finished converted Guojun leftist positions.
No, actually not the wind blows. In fact, like weeds growing on the plains, or the Kingdom of the soldiers there did not sway shaking hair.
However, where 70,000 Guojun left wing.
Their lives were once entirely - killed. =========================================== 1 (End) === =========================================

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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The following content provided by @ dragon crack wind sang, also please
shachiku willful acceptance! After a while I was divided into two sections, a short while I was sent...... Well............ Goodness
"Gjev temple. It was a movement, "the imperial army was just as if it had been made in the way. Is it to deal with the left wing of the Kingdom, as Gjev did so when he judged that the action was not seen in the middle of the. It is completely does not exist in the knowledge of Gjev, painted a wonderful coat of arms is neither nor imperial flag of the kingdom.A group that held the flag. All eyes are focused on the group.
then felt the heart of Gjev -- a Shen. There should be to see the same things Lei Wenhou's throat rang up. Know that is not their own feelings, spread out from the bitter tongue, heart also sounded the alarm. The same army. It's about five hundred cavalry. The military confrontation and than be a trivial number. But those guys are very unusual. The release of even across the distance, still the same as the same as the ghost.
Gjev in the village of Kahn sharp memory recovery. He said it was the monster he created. And the same with a giant shield of spike armor roughly two hundred soldiers.
the remaining the same alien soldier, but they look upper body wrapped leather armor, hanging axe spear, crossbow or a class of weapons. The former is a knight, the latter is a warrior. But no matter what you say, it's not human. But the monsters are genuine goods at a fair price.
plus they ride the world of warcraft. It is called the beast is the bone monster, swaying like mist instead of flesh around their body. Like the Yellow pus,A green glow, shining everywhere in the mist.
bumps spread in the body. It is not good. It was not a bad head. Although it is a lack of feeling, but Gjev's mind can not appear more appropriate discourse. "...... The Empire was a monster made up of the army. This is amazing. Goose bumps a lot ah "
" -- wrong. Wrong ah, Lei Wen Hou, that is not ah. The Marquis feel right now -- let the body unconsciously stand bumps is not surprising "
" that is? "
Gjev the face of unbelievable Lei Hou Wen asserted. "Danger of death.It's a man's survival instinct to be stimulated by the shock of Lei Wenhou's eyes, and Gjev looked over the Empire. Even after the training of horses because of fear, unable to move...... "

...... What is it? Is the secret service of the Empire? "

...... That's not possible. It's not a human can dominate, the monster can use! "I don't know the traditional
monster, but by virtue of intuition to assert the Gjev warrior. "That must be...... Antz Uhl Kone's cavalry regiment!! "That is the! That is! Do you fear the magic of the army!! "

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