¬{acquisition_attempt_body_eastern_european}其他势力商人阴险算计,彻底将您挤出当地市场。 您的商 dịch - ¬{acquisition_attempt_body_eastern_european}其他势力商人阴险算计,彻底将您挤出当地市场。 您的商 Anh làm thế nào để nói


{acquisition_attempt_body_eastern_european}其他势力商人阴险算计,彻底将您挤出当地市场。 您的商人所有资产被悉数兼并,而他却无法 将对方诡计公诸于众。
{acquisition_attempt_body_greek}商场如战场, 您的商人所有资产被悉数兼并,而他却无法 将对方诡计公诸于众。
{acquisition_attempt_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{acquisition_attempt_body_middle_eastern}外国商人阴险算计,彻底将您挤出当地市场。 您的商人所有资产被悉数兼并,而他却无法 将对方诡计公诸于众。
{acquisition_attempt_body_hanwenhua}外国商人阴险算计,彻底将您挤出当地市场。 您的商人所有资产被悉数兼并,而他却无法 将对方诡计公诸于众。
{acquisition_attempt_body_southern_european}外商阴险算计,彻底将您挤出当地市场。 您的商人所有资产被悉数兼并,而他却无法 将对方诡计公诸于众。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_eastern_european}您的商人面对外商兼并沉着应付,终于成功 防御。现在他已提议修改商法,藉此一举将 对方从商界铲除。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_greek}您的商人面对外商兼并沉着应付,终于成功 防御。现在他已提议修改商法,藉此一举将 对方从商界铲除。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_mesoamerican}您的商人面对外商兼并沉着应付,终于成功 防御。现在他已提议修改商法,藉此一举将 对方从商界铲除。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_middle_eastern}您的商人面对外商兼并沉着应付,终于成功 防御。现在他已提议修改商法,藉此一举将 对方从商界铲除。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_hanwenhua}您的商人面对外商兼并沉着应付,终于成功 防御。现在他已提议修改商法,藉此一举将 对方从商界铲除。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_northern_european}您的商人面对外商兼并沉着应付,终于成功 防御。现在他已提议修改商法,藉此一举将 对方从商界铲除。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_southern_european}您的商人面对外商兼并沉着应付,终于成功 防御。现在他已提议修改商法,藉此一举将 对方从商界铲除。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_eastern_european}只有密切注视本地市场动态,方能在外商有 意兼并时未雨绸缪。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_greek}只有密切注视本地市场动态,方能在外商有 意兼并时未雨绸缪。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_mesoamerican}只有密切注视本地市场动态,方能在外商有 意兼并时未雨绸缪。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_middle_eastern}只有密切注视本地市场动态,方能在外商有 意兼并时未雨绸缪。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_hanwenhua}只有密切注视本地市场动态,方能在外商有 意兼并时未雨绸缪。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_northern_european}只有密切注视本地市场动态,方能在外商有 意兼并时未雨绸缪。
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_southern_european}只有密切注视本地市场动态,方能在外商有 意兼并时未雨绸缪。
{adopta_general_offer_body_eastern_european}此人勇猛坚毅久经沙场,将会对王室大有臂 助。您愿意收养此人,令其成为贵族么?
{adopta_general_offer_body_greek}此人勇猛坚毅久经沙场,已明显显示了高贵 品德。您是否愿意令其加入王室,以成就他 的辉煌前程?
{adopta_general_offer_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{adopta_general_offer_body_middle_eastern}此人勇猛坚毅久经沙场,对国家忠心耿耿, 并能在和平年代大有作为。您愿意收养此人, 令其成为苏丹王室成员么?
{adopta_general_offer_body_hanwenhua}此人勇猛坚毅久经沙场,对国家忠心耿耿, 并能在和平年代大有作为。您愿意收养此人, 令其成为天水一族成员吗?
{adopta_general_offer_body_northern_european}此人勇猛坚毅久经沙场,将会对王室大有臂 助。您愿意收养此人,令其成为贵族么?
{adopta_general_offer_body_southern_european}此人勇猛坚毅久经沙场,已明显显示了高贵 品德。您是否愿意令其加入王室,以成就他 的辉煌前程?
{adoption_body_eastern_european}由于王室血脉单薄,日后不免令王位落入那 些平庸之辈手中。与其如此,陛下何不将此 人收为养子,立其为储,必定令我国日后辉 煌强盛。
{adoption_body_greek}此人乃公认的皇帝宠臣,如今居然得以进入 拜占庭王室。目前他已四处张扬自己必将继 承王位,异日此人登基,其他王室子孙必将 死无余类。
{adoption_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE - AZTECS NOT PLAYABLE
{adoption_body_middle_eastern}此人才华横溢,苏丹已暗许他为王位继承者, 但却悲哀深知自己嫡系子孙必将死无余类, 苏丹王室血统就此终结。
{adoption_body_hanwenhua}此人才华横溢,皇上已暗许他为皇位继承者, 但却悲哀深知自己嫡系子孙必将死无余类, 赵氏血统就此终结。
{adoption_body_northern_european}由于王室血脉单薄,日后不免令王位落入那 些平庸之辈手中。与其如此,陛下何不将此 人收为养子,立其为储,必定令我国日后辉 煌强盛。
{adoption_body_southern_european}此人在国中广蓄势力,如今居然得以进入拜 占庭王室。目前他已四处张扬自己必将继承 王位,果真若此,其他王子们必将死无余类。
{adoption_failed_body_eastern_european}悲剧发生,您的立储宣谕引发了系列阴谋和 暗杀--此人已经不幸去世。
{adoption_failed_body_greek}悲剧发生,您的立储宣谕引发了系列阴谋和 暗杀--此人已经不幸去世。
{adoption_failed_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{adoption_failed_body_middle_eastern}悲剧发生,您的立储宣谕引发了系列阴谋和 暗杀--此人已经不幸去世。
{adoption_failed_body_hanwenhua}悲剧发生,您的立储宣谕引发了系列阴谋和 暗杀--此人已经不幸去世。
{adoption_failed_body_northern_european}悲剧发生,您的立储宣谕引发了系列阴谋和 暗杀--此人已经不幸去世。
{adoption_failed_body_southern_european}悲剧发生,您的立储宣谕引发了系列阴谋和 暗杀--此人已经不幸去世。
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_eastern_european}一名外国间谍刺探军情时被卫兵发现,但成 功逃脱我方捕杀。此人既已逃遁,对方必将 深谙我军虚实。
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_greek}守卫已发现这个刺探情报的外国间谍,但在 布置逮捕时产生疏忽,令其安然逃脱。据报 此人仍在继续潜伏,暗中收集情报。
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_middle_eastern}守卫已发现这个刺探情报的外国间谍,但在 布置逮捕时产生疏忽,令其安然逃脱。据报 此人仍在继续潜伏,暗中收集情报。
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_hanwenhua}守卫已发现这个刺探情报的外国间谍,但在 布置逮捕时产生疏忽,令其安然逃脱。据报 此人仍在继续潜伏,暗中收集情报。
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_northern_european}守卫已发现这个刺探情报的外国间谍,但在 布置逮捕时产生疏忽,令其安然逃脱。据报 此人仍在继续潜伏,暗中收集情报。
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_southern_european}守卫已发现这个刺探情报的外国间谍,但在 布置逮捕时产生疏忽,令其安然逃脱。据报 此人仍在继续潜伏,暗中收集情报。
{agent_recruited_body_eastern_european}一位专家已完成训练,随时准备服务于国家 和民族。
{agent_recruited_body_greek}一位精锐专家正待命出击,以暗中刺探那些 野蛮残忍敌军的情报。
{agent_recruited_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE - AZTECS NOT PLAYABLE
{agent_recruited_body_middle_eastern}一位专家已完成训练,随时准备服务于国家 和民族。
{agent_recruited_body_hanwenhua}一位专家已完成训练,随时准备服务于国家 和民族。
{agent_recruited_body_northern_european}一位专家已完成训练,随时准备服务于国家 和民族。
{agent_recruited_body_southern_european}一位专家已完成训练,随时准备服务于国家 和民族。
{alliance_broken_body_eastern_european}这两个伟大的国家曾并肩而战,随时准备为 对方而牺牲自己--但现在猜疑和信仰分歧已 使他们分道扬镳。究竟他们会尽释前嫌握手 言和,抑或令这些分歧带着他们相会战场?
{alliance_broken_body_greek}这两个伟大的国家曾并肩而战,随时准备为 对方而牺牲自己--但现在猜疑和信仰分歧已 使他们分道扬镳。究竟他们会尽释前嫌握手 言和,抑或令这些分歧带着他们相会战场?
{alliance_broken_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{alliance_broken_body_middle_eastern}这两个伟大的国家曾并肩而战,随时准备为 对方而牺牲自己--但现在猜疑和信仰分歧已 使他们分道扬镳。究竟他们会尽释前嫌握手 言和,抑或令这些分歧带着他们相会战场?
{alliance_broken_body_hanwenhua}这两个伟大的国家曾并肩而战,随时准备为 对方而牺牲自己--但现在猜疑和信仰分歧已 使他们分道扬镳。究竟他们会尽释前嫌握手 言和,抑或令这些分歧带着他们相会战场?
{alliance_broken_body_northern_european}这两个伟大的国家曾并肩而战,随时准备为 对方而牺牲自己--但现在猜疑和信仰分歧已 使他们分道扬镳。究竟他们会尽释前嫌握手 言和,抑或令这些分歧带着他们相会战场?
{alliance_broken_body_southern_european}这两个伟大的国家曾并肩而战,随时准备为 对方而牺牲自己--但现在猜疑和信仰分歧已 使他们分道扬镳。究竟他们会尽释前嫌握手 言和,抑或令这些分歧带着他们相会战场?
{alliance_declared_body_eastern_european}这两个国家歃血为盟,携手合作共同保卫土 地和人民。
{alliance_declared_body_greek}这两个国家歃血为盟,携手合作共同保卫土 地和人民。
{alliance_declared_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{alliance_declared_body_middle_eastern}这两个国家歃血为盟,携手合作共同保卫土 地和人民。
{alliance_declared_body_hanwenhua}这两个国家歃血为盟,携手合作共同保卫土 地和人民。
{alliance_declared_body_northern_european}这两个国家歃血为盟,携手合作共同保卫土 地和人民。
{alliance_declared_body_southern_european}这两个国家歃血为盟,携手合作共同保卫土 地和人民。
{ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_eastern_european}居然会有此事发生--盟国居然与敌国结盟立 约。尽管盟约内容不得而知,但可以肯定必 对我方构成威胁,盟国诚信实在可疑。
{ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_greek}居然会有此事发生--盟国居然与敌国结盟立 约。尽管盟约内容不得而知,但可以肯定必 对我方构成威胁,盟国诚信实在可疑。
{ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_mesoamerican}居然会有此事发生--盟国居然与敌国结盟立 约。尽管盟约内容不得而知,但可以肯定必 对我方构成威胁,盟国诚信实在可疑。
{ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_middle_eastern}居然会有此事发生--盟国居然与敌国结盟立 约。尽管盟约内容不得而知,但可以肯定必 对我方构成威胁,盟国诚信实在可疑。
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{acquisition_attempt_body_eastern_european} other sinister forces calculating businessman, completely out of your local market. Your merchants all assets are fully merged, but he could not be made public each trick.
{Acquisition_attempt_body_greek} malls such as the battlefield, all your assets are fully merged businessman, but he could not be made public each trick.
{Acquisition_attempt_body_mesoamerican} do not translate
{acquisition_attempt_body_middle_eastern} sinister foreign businessmen calculating, completely out of your local market.Your merchants all assets are fully merged, but he could not be made public each trick.
{Acquisition_attempt_body_hanwenhua} sinister foreign businessmen calculating, completely out of your local market. Your merchants all assets are fully merged, but he could not be made public each trick.
{Acquisition_attempt_body_northern_european} you did not fight over rival businessman, and finally lose the drain.
{Acquisition_attempt_body_southern_european} foreign sinister calculation, completely out of your local market. Your merchants all assets are fully merged,And he could not be made public each trick.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_eastern_european} your face foreign businessman calmly deal with mergers, finally succeeded defense. Now he has proposed to modify the Law, to take the other one fell swoop would eradicate from the business community.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_greek} your face foreign businessman calmly deal with mergers, finally succeeded defense. Now he has proposed to modify the Law, to take the other one fell swoop would eradicate from the business community.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_mesoamerican} your face foreign businessman calmly deal with mergers, finally succeeded defense. Now he has proposed to modify the Law, to take the other one fell swoop would eradicate from the business community.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_middle_eastern} your face foreign businessman calmly deal with mergers, finally succeeded defense. Now he has proposed to modify the Law, to take the other one fell swoop would eradicate from the business community.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_hanwenhua} your face foreign businessman calmly deal with mergers,Finally successful defense. Now he has proposed to modify the Law, to take the other one fell swoop would eradicate from the business community.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_northern_european} your face foreign businessman calmly deal with mergers, finally succeeded defense. Now he has proposed to modify the Law, to take the other one fell swoop would eradicate from the business community.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_southern_european} your face foreign businessman calmly deal with mergers, finally succeeded defense. Now he has proposed to modify the Law, to take the other one fell swoop would eradicate from the business community.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_eastern_european} only closely monitor local market trends in order to plan ahead when foreign intentionally merger.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_greek} only closely monitor local market trends in order to plan ahead when foreign intentionally merger.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_mesoamerican} only closely monitor local market trends in order to plan ahead when foreign intentionally merger.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_middle_eastern} only to closely monitor the local market dynamics,In order rainy day when foreign mergers have meaning.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_hanwenhua} only closely monitor local market trends in order to plan ahead when foreign intentionally merger.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_northern_european} only closely monitor local market trends in order to plan ahead when foreign intentionally merger.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_southern_european} only closely monitor local market trends in order to plan ahead when foreign intentionally merger.
{Adopta_general_offer_body_eastern_european} This person brave perseverance hardened, the royal family will be a great assistant. Are you willing to adopt this person, making it the nobility it?
{Adopta_general_offer_body_greek} This person brave perseverance hardened, has clearly shows the noble character. Would you like to join the royal family to make it to the brilliant achievements of his future?
{Adopta_general_offer_body_mesoamerican} do not translate
{adopta_general_offer_body_middle_eastern} This person brave perseverance hardened, loyal to the state,And can accomplish a great deal in peacetime. Are you willing to adopt this person, making it the Sudan royals it?
{Adopta_general_offer_body_hanwenhua} This person brave perseverance hardened, loyal to the country, and can accomplish a great deal in peacetime. Are you willing to adopt this person, making it a family member Tianshui it?
{Adopta_general_offer_body_northern_european} This person brave perseverance hardened, the royal family will be a great assistant. Are you willing to adopt this person, making it the nobility it?
{Adopta_general_offer_body_southern_european} This person brave perseverance hardened,Has clearly shown the noble qualities. Would you like to join the royal family to make it to the brilliant achievements of his future?
{Adoption_body_eastern_european} As the royal blood thin, inevitably make the throne after falling into the hands of those mediocrity. Such being the case, why this person Majesty filiate, established as a reserve, will boost the prosperity of future glory.
{Adoption_body_greek} This person has been recognized as the emperor minions, and now actually able to enter the Byzantine royal family. He currently has four publicize their bound to inherit the throne, different day who ascended the throne, the royal descendants will surely die demonstrated other classes.
{Adoption_body_mesoamerican} do not translate - aztecs not playable
{adoption_body_middle_eastern} This person talented, Sudan has promised his dark throne successor, but sad death will certainly aware of his direct descendants demonstrated class, Sudan royal lineage to an end.
{Adoption_body_hanwenhua} This person talented, dark emperor has promised his successor to the throne, but sad death will certainly aware of his direct descendants demonstrated class, Zhao descent to an end.
{Adoption_body_northern_european} As the royal blood thin,Inevitably make the throne after falling into the hands of those mediocrity. Such being the case, why this person Majesty filiate, established as a reserve, will boost the prosperity of future glory.
{Adoption_body_southern_european} This person gaining wide force in the country, and now actually able to enter the Byzantine royal family. He currently has four publicize their bound to inherit the throne, if this is really the other princes will surely die demonstrated class.
{Adoption_failed_body_eastern_european} tragedy, you stand Chu Xuan Yu triggered a series of intrigue and assassination - this person has died.
{Adoption_failed_body_greek} tragedy, you stand Chu Xuan Yu triggered a series of intrigue and assassination - this person has died.
{Adoption_failed_body_mesoamerican} do not translate
{adoption_failed_body_middle_eastern} tragedy, you stand Chu Xuan Yu triggered a series of intrigue and assassination - this person has died.
{Adoption_failed_body_hanwenhua} tragedy, you stand Chu Xuan Yu triggered a series of intrigue and assassination - this person has died.
{Adoption_failed_body_northern_european} tragedy,But produces negligence in the layout arrest, make it safely escape. It is reported that this person continues lurk secretly gather intelligence.
{Agent_detected_and_expelled_body_mesoamerican} do not translate
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_middle_eastern} guards have found the spying of foreign spies, but in the arrangement of negligence arising arrest, make it safely escape. It is reported that this person continues lurk secretly gather intelligence.
{Agent_detected_and_expelled_body_hanwenhua} guards have found the spying of foreign spies,But produces negligence in the layout arrest, make it safely escape. It is reported that this person continues lurk secretly gather intelligence.
{Agent_detected_and_expelled_body_northern_european} guards have found the spying of foreign spies, but in the arrangement of negligence arising arrest, make it safely escape. It is reported that this person continues lurk secretly gather intelligence.
{Agent_detected_and_expelled_body_southern_european} guards have found the spying of foreign spies, but in the arrangement of negligence arising arrest, make it safely escape. It is reported that this person is continuing latent,Secretly gather intelligence.
{Agent_recruited_body_eastern_european} an expert has completed the training, ready to serve the country and nation.
{Agent_recruited_body_greek} an elite experts are on standby to attack, to secretly spy on those barbaric cruel enemy intelligence.
{Agent_recruited_body_mesoamerican} do not translate - aztecs not playable
{agent_recruited_body_middle_eastern} an expert has completed the training, ready to serve the country and nation.
{Agent_recruited_body_hanwenhua} an expert has completed the training, ready to serve the country and nation.
{Agent_recruited_body_northern_european} an expert has completed the training, ready to serve the country and nation.
{Agent_recruited_body_southern_european} an expert has completed the training, ready to serve the country and nation.
{Alliance_broken_body_eastern_european} these two great nations have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice themselves for each other - but now the suspicion and belief differences have made their separate ways.What they will clear the air to shake hands, or so they meet the battlefield with these differences?
{Alliance_broken_body_greek} these two great nations have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice themselves for each other - but now the suspicion and belief differences have made their separate ways. What they will clear the air to shake hands, or so they meet the battlefield with these differences?
{Alliance_broken_body_mesoamerican} do not translate
{alliance_broken_body_middle_eastern} these two great nations have fought side by side,Ready to sacrifice themselves for each other - but now the suspicion and belief differences have made their separate ways. What they will clear the air to shake hands, or so they meet the battlefield with these differences?
{Alliance_broken_body_hanwenhua} these two great nations have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice themselves for each other - but now the suspicion and belief differences have made their separate ways. What they will clear the air to shake hands, or so they meet the battlefield with these differences?
{Alliance_broken_body_northern_european} these two great nations have fought side by side,Ready to sacrifice themselves for each other - but now the suspicion and belief differences have made their separate ways. What they will clear the air to shake hands, or so they meet the battlefield with these differences?
{Alliance_broken_body_southern_european} these two great nations have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice themselves for each other - but now the suspicion and belief differences have made their separate ways. What they will clear the air to shake hands, or so they meet the battlefield with these differences?
{Alliance_broken_multi} about the following countries abandoned ruin League:
{Alliance_declared_body_eastern_european} Both countries drink blood for the Union, cooperate together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_body_greek} Both countries drink blood for the Union, cooperate together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_body_mesoamerican} do not translate
{alliance_declared_body_middle_eastern} Both countries drink blood for the Union, cooperate together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_body_hanwenhua} Both countries drink blood for the Union, cooperate together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_body_northern_european} Both countries drink blood for the Union, cooperate together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_body_southern_european} Both countries drink blood for the Union, cooperate together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_multi} The following countries drink blood for the Union:
{ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_eastern_european} actually have this happen - Allies actually an alliance with the enemy covenant. Although the content of the covenant is not known, but it certainly will be a threat for us, it is questionable allies integrity.
{Ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_greek} actually have this happen - Allies actually an alliance with the enemy covenant. Although the content of the covenant is not known, but it certainly will be a threat for us, it is questionable allies integrity.
{Ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_mesoamerican} actually have this happen - Allies actually an alliance with the enemy covenant. Although the content of the covenant is not known, but it certainly will be a threat for us, it is questionable allies integrity.
{Ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_middle_eastern} actually have this happen - Allies actually an alliance with the enemy covenant. Although the content of the covenant is not known, but it certainly will be a threat for us, it is questionable allies integrity.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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{acquisition_attempt_body_eastern_european} other forces merchants sinister calculation, thoroughly will you extrude local market. Your merchants all assets are all mergers, but he was unable to take a public.
{acquisition_attempt_body_greek} shopping malls such as the battlefield, your merchants all assets are all mergers, but he was unable to take a public.
{acquisition_attempt_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{acquisition_attempt_body_middle_eastern} foreign businessmen sinister calculation, thoroughly will you extrude local market.Your merchants all assets are all mergers, but he was unable to take a public.
{acquisition_attempt_body_hanwenhua} foreign businessmen sinister calculation, thoroughly will you extrude local market. Your merchants all assets are all mergers, but he was unable to take a public.
{acquisition_attempt_body_northern_european} your merchants could not fight rivals, finally lose everything.
{acquisition_attempt_body_southern_european} foreign sinister calculation, thoroughly will you extrude local market. Your merchants all assets are all mergers,But he was unable to take a public.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_eastern_european} your merchants faced by foreign mergers and composure, and finally the successful defense. Now he is the proposal to amend the law, this one will be the other from business to.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_greek} your merchants faced by foreign mergers and composure, and finally the successful defense. Now he is the proposal to amend the law, this one will be the other from business to.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_mesoamerican} your merchants faced by foreign mergers and composure, and finally the successful defense. Now he is the proposal to amend the law, this one will be the other from business to.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_middle_eastern} your merchants faced by foreign mergers and composure, and finally the successful defense. Now he is the proposal to amend the law, this one will be the other from business to.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_hanwenhua} your merchants faced by foreign mergers and composure,Finally the successful defense. Now he is the proposal to amend the law, this one will be the other from business to.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_northern_european} your merchants faced by foreign mergers and composure, and finally the successful defense. Now he is the proposal to amend the law, this one will be the other from business to.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_southern_european} your merchants faced by foreign mergers and composure, and finally the successful defense. Now he is the proposal to amend the law, this one will be the other from business to.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_eastern_european} only pay close attention to the local market dynamics, in order to foreign mergers save.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_greek} only pay close attention to the local market dynamics, in order to foreign mergers save.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_mesoamerican} only pay close attention to the local market dynamics, in order to foreign mergers save.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_middle_eastern} only pay close attention to the local market dynamics,In order to foreign mergers save.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_hanwenhua} only pay close attention to the local market dynamics, in order to foreign mergers save.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_northern_european} only pay close attention to the local market dynamics, in order to foreign mergers save.
{acquisition_attempt_fail_body_southern_european} only pay close attention to the local market dynamics, in order to foreign mergers save.
{adopta_general_offer_body_eastern_european} the brave perseverance experienced, will be on the royal family with the arm to help. You are willing to adopt the person, make it become noble?
{adopta_general_offer_body_greek} the brave perseverance veteran, has clearly demonstrated the noble moral character. Whether you would like to join the royal family, the achievements and splendid prospects of him?
{adopta_general_offer_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{adopta_general_offer_body_middle_eastern} who brave perseverance veteran, keep faithful and true to the country,And to make a difference in time of peace. You are willing to adopt the person, make it become members of the royal family of Sultan?
{adopta_general_offer_body_hanwenhua} the brave perseverance veteran, to keep faithful and true, and can play an important role in the era of peace. You are willing to adopt the person, make it become Tianshui family members?
{adopta_general_offer_body_northern_european} the brave perseverance experienced, will be on the royal family with the arm to help. You are willing to adopt the person, make it become noble?
{adopta_general_offer_body_southern_european} the brave perseverance veteran,Has clearly demonstrated the noble moral character. Whether you would like to join the royal family, the achievements and splendid prospects of him?
{adoption_body_eastern_european} because of royal blood thin, future can lead to the throne in the mediocrity. And so, your majesty. Why will this person filiate, standing for storage, will make our future bright strong.
{adoption_body_greek} who is recognized as the emperor courtier, now actually enter the Byzantine royal. At present he has everywhere make public their will inherit the throne, the future who ascended the throne, the other royal descendants will die without residual class.
{adoption_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE AZTECS NOT PLAYABLE
{adoption_body_middle_eastern} the person full of wit, Sultan has dark Xu him as a successor to the throne, but sadly aware of his direct descendants will die without Yu, Sultan royal blood end.
{adoption_body_hanwenhua} the man full of wit, the emperor has dark Xu for his succession to the throne, but sadly aware of his direct descendants will die without residual, Zhao lineages end.
{adoption_body_northern_european} because of royal blood thin,Future can lead to the throne in the mediocrity. And so, your majesty. Why will this person filiate, standing for storage, will make our future bright strong.
{adoption_body_southern_european} who in the junior high school of Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power, now actually to enter the Byzantine royal. He currently has around publicity himself will inherit the throne, if so, will other princes died without residual class.
{adoption_failed_body_eastern_european} tragedy, you stand a Xuanyu triggered a series of plots and assassinations - this person has died.
{adoption_failed_body_greek} tragedy, you stand a Xuanyu triggered a series of plots and assassinations - this person has died.
{adoption_failed_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{adoption_failed_body_middle_eastern} tragedy, you stand a Xuanyu triggered a series of plots and assassinations - this person has died.
{adoption_failed_body_hanwenhua} tragedy, you stand a Xuanyu triggered a series of plots and assassinations - this person has died.
{adoption_failed_body_northern_european} tragedy,You stand a Xuanyu triggered a series of plots and assassinations - this person has died.
{adoption_failed_body_southern_european} tragedy, you stand a Xuanyu triggered a series of plots and assassinations - this person has died.
{ advisor_dummy_msg_body_mesoamerican }不翻译:这个顾问虚拟文本不应该出现在游戏中。
{ advisor_dummy_msg_body_middle_eastern }不翻译:这个顾问虚拟文本不应该出现在游戏中。
{ advisor_dummy_msg_body_hanwenhua }不翻译:这个顾问虚拟文本不应该出现在游戏中。
{ advisor_dummy_msg_body_northern_european }不翻译:这个顾问虚拟文本不应该出现在游戏中。
{ advisor_dummy_msg_body_southern_european }不翻译:这个顾问虚拟文本不应该出现在游戏中。
agent_detected_and_expelled_body_eastern_european } {一名外国间谍刺探军情时被卫兵发现,但成功逃脱我方捕杀。此人既已逃遁,对方必将深谙我军虚实
{ }守卫已发现这个刺探情报的外国间谍agent_detected_and_expelled_body_greek,But neglect in the arrangement of the arrest, it escaped unhurt. According to the newspaper the person continues to lurk, covert intelligence gathering.
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_middle_eastern} guards have found this spying foreign spies, but neglect in the arrangement of the arrest, it escaped unhurt. According to the newspaper the person continues to lurk, covert intelligence gathering.
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_hanwenhua} guard has found the spying foreign spy,But neglect in the arrangement of the arrest, it escaped unhurt. According to the newspaper the person continues to lurk, covert intelligence gathering.
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_northern_european} guard has found the spying foreign spies, but neglect in the arrangement of the arrest, it escaped unhurt. According to the newspaper the person continues to lurk, covert intelligence gathering.
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_southern_european} guard has found the spying foreign spies, but neglect in the arrangement of the arrest, it escaped unhurt. According to the newspaper the person continues to lurk,Secret intelligence gathering.
{agent_recruited_body_eastern_european} an expert has completed training, ready to serve the country and the nation.
{agent_recruited_body_greek} an elite experts are ready to attack, to secretly spying on the brutal enemy of intelligence.
{agent_recruited_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE - AZTECS NOT PLAYABLE
{agent_recruited_body_middle_eastern} an expert has completed training, ready to serve the country and the nation.
{agent_recruited_body_hanwenhua} an expert has completed training, ready to serve the country and the nation.
{agent_recruited_body_northern_european} an expert has completed training, ready to serve the country and the nation.
{agent_recruited_body_southern_european} an expert has completed training, ready to serve the country and the nation.
{alliance_broken_body_eastern_european} these two great countries have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice themselves for each other -- but now doubt and belief differences have made them part company each going his own way.Whether they would clear the air and shake hands, or make these differences with them meet the battlefield?
{alliance_broken_body_greek} these two great countries have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice themselves for each other -- but now doubt and belief differences have made them part company each going his own way. Whether they would clear the air and shake hands, or make these differences with them meet the battlefield?
{alliance_broken_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{alliance_broken_body_middle_eastern} these two great countries have fought side by side,Ready to sacrifice themselves for each other -- but now doubt and belief differences have made them part company each going his own way. Whether they would clear the air and shake hands, or make these differences with them meet the battlefield?
{alliance_broken_body_hanwenhua} these two great countries have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice themselves for each other -- but now doubt and belief differences have made them part company each going his own way. Whether they would clear the air and shake hands, or make these differences with them meet the battlefield?
{alliance_broken_body_northern_european} these two great countries have fought side by side,Ready to sacrifice themselves for each other -- but now doubt and belief differences have made them part company each going his own way. Whether they would clear the air and shake hands, or make these differences with them meet the battlefield?
{alliance_broken_body_southern_european} these two great countries have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice themselves for each other -- but now doubt and belief differences have made them part company each going his own way. Whether they would clear the air and shake hands, or make these differences with them meet the battlefield?
{alliance_broken_multi} the following countries destroyed UNITA defanlt:
{ alliance_declared_body_eastern_european }这两个国家歃血为盟,携手合作共同保卫土地和人民。
alliance_declared_body_greek } {这两个国家歃血为盟,携手合作共同保卫土地和人民。
{ alliance_declared_body_mesoamerican }不翻译
alliance_declared_body_middle_eastern } {这两个国家歃血为盟,携手合作共同保卫土地和人民。
alliance_declared_body_hanwenhua } {这两个国家歃血为盟,携手合作共同保卫土地和人民
{alliance_declared_body_northern_european} the two countries an old Chinese practice, work together to safeguard the land and people.
{alliance_declared_body_southern_european} the two countries an old Chinese practice, work together to safeguard the land and people.
{alliance_declared_multi} the following countries: an old Chinese practice
{ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_eastern_european} actually had it happened -- even with the enemy coalition allies covenant. Although the covenant content can make nothing of it, but you can be sure will pose a threat to our allies, honesty is suspicious.
{ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_greek} had it happened -- even with the enemy coalition allies covenant. Although the covenant content can make nothing of it, but you can be sure will pose a threat to our allies, honesty is suspicious.
{ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_mesoamerican} had it happened -- even with the enemy coalition allies covenant. Although the covenant content can make nothing of it, but you can be sure will pose a threat to our allies, honesty is suspicious.
{ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_middle_eastern} had it happened -- even with the enemy coalition allies covenant. Although the covenant content can make nothing of it, but you can be sure will pose a threat to our allies, honesty is suspicious.
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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, And other sinister forces businessmen
{acquisition_attempt_body_eastern_european} setting, completely takes you out of the local market. Your merchant assets on all mergers, and he had other tricks cannot be made public.
{Acquisition_attempt_body_greek} ' business is war, all assets of your merchant is full mergers, and he had other tricks cannot be made public.
{Acquisition_attempt_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{acquisition_attempt_body_middle_eastern} foreign businessmen sly calculation, completely takes you out of the local market. Your merchant assets on all mergers, and he had other tricks cannot be made public.
{Acquisition_attempt_body_hanwenhua} foreign businessmen sly calculation, completely takes you out of the local market. Your merchant assets on all mergers, and he had other tricks cannot be made public.
{Acquisition_attempt_body_northern_european} businessman failed to fight your competitors, and finally lost down the drain.
{Acquisition_attempt_body_southern_european} foreign-sinister calculations, completely takes you out of the local market. Your merchant assets on all mergers,He has other tricks cannot be made public.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_eastern_european} your merchant facing foreign mergers to cope with, finally successful defenses. Now he has proposed an amendment to law, so as to remove each other from the business community to eradicate.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_greek} your merchant facing foreign mergers to cope with, finally successful defenses. Now he has proposed an amendment to law, so as to remove each other from the business community to eradicate.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_mesoamerican} to your merchant facing foreign mergers to cope with, finally successful defenses. Now he has proposed an amendment to law, so as to remove each other from the business community to eradicate. Businessman facing foreign takeover of
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_middle_eastern} you meet, finally successful defense. Now he has proposed an amendment to law, so as to remove each other from the business community to eradicate.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_hanwenhua} your merchant facing foreign mergers to copeFinally successful defenses. Now he has proposed an amendment to law, so as to remove each other from the business community to eradicate. Businessman facing foreign takeover of
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_northern_european} you meet, finally successful defense. Now he has proposed an amendment to law, so as to remove each other from the business community to eradicate. Businessman facing foreign takeover of
{acquisition_attempt_fail_and_removed_body_southern_european} you meet, finally successful defense. Now he has proposed an amendment to law, so as to remove each other from the business community to eradicate.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_eastern_european} is only keeping a close watch on the local market dynamics, in foreign interested in mergers and plan ahead.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_greek} is only keeping a close watch on the local market dynamics, in foreign interested in mergers and plan ahead.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_mesoamerican} is only keeping a close watch on the local market dynamics, in foreign interested in mergers and plan ahead.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_middle_eastern} is only keeping a close watch on the local market dynamics,Foreign interest in mergers and plan ahead.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_hanwenhua} is only keeping a close watch on the local market dynamics, in foreign interested in mergers and plan ahead.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_northern_european} is only keeping a close watch on the local market dynamics, in foreign interested in mergers and plan ahead.
{Acquisition_attempt_fail_body_southern_european} is only keeping a close watch on the local market dynamics, in foreign interested in mergers and plan ahead.
{Adopta_general_offer_body_eastern_european} person courageous determination and battle-hardened, will be a big help on the Royal family. You want to adopt this person, making it a noble?
{Adopta_general_offer_body_greek} person courageous determination and battle-hardened, have clearly shows noble character. If you would like to add it to the Royal family, to his brilliant career?
{Adopta_general_offer_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{adopta_general_offer_body_middle_eastern} person brave perseverance and battle-hardened, loyal to the State, And in times of peace make. You want to adopt the person, making it the members of the Royal family in the Sudan?
{Adopta_general_offer_body_hanwenhua} person brave perseverance and battle-hardened, loyal to the State, and in times of peace make. You want to adopt the person, makes it Tin Shui family member?
{Adopta_general_offer_body_northern_european} person brave perseverance and battle-hardened, Crown will be of great help. You want to adopt this person, making it a noble?
{Adopta_general_offer_body_southern_european} person brave perseverance and battle-hardened,Clearly shows noble character. If you would like to add it to the Royal family, to his brilliant career?
{Adoption_body_eastern_european} as the Royal bloodline thin will not avoid from falling into the hands of those nonentities to the throne. So, why don't you put this person for foster children of his Majesty, made its reserve, my glory in the future must be strong.
{Adoption_body_greek} who is recognized as the favourites of the Emperor, to enter the Byzantine Royal family. He currently has around publicizing their own will inherit the throne, another day he ascended the throne, and other descendants of the Royal family will die no margin class.
{adoption_body_mesoamerican} DO NOT TRANSLATE-AZTECS NOT PLAYABLE
{adoption_body_middle_eastern} is brilliant, already dark, he heir to the throne of the Sudan, but no margin seem saddened are keenly aware that their own offspring will die class, Royal bloodline ended in the Sudan.
{Adoption_body_hanwenhua} person is talented, the emperor has dark inherited his throne, but he is fully aware of its own children will die of grief no margin classes, Zhao's bloodline ended.
{Adoption_body_northern_european} due to the Royal bloodline so thinCan't help falling into the hands of mediocrity to the throne in the future. So, why don't you put this person for foster children of his Majesty, made its reserve, my glory in the future must be strong.
{Adoption_body_southern_european} Guo Zhongguang poised now to enter the Byzantine Royal family. He currently has around publicizing their own will inherit the throne, did this, other princes will die no margin class. Tragedy of
{adoption_failed_body_eastern_european}, your state storage vision Oracle unleashed a series of conspiracies and assassinations – this person has died.
Tragedy of {adoption_failed_body_greek}, your state storage vision Oracle unleashed a series of conspiracies and assassinations – this person has died.
{Adoption_failed_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{adoption_failed_body_middle_eastern} tragedy, your state storage vision Oracle unleashed a series of conspiracies and assassinations – this person has died. Tragedy of
{adoption_failed_body_hanwenhua}, your state storage vision Oracle unleashed a series of conspiracies and assassinations – this person has died. Tragedy of
{adoption_failed_body_northern_european},Your state storage vision Oracle unleashed a series of conspiracies and assassinations – this person has died. Tragedy of
{adoption_failed_body_southern_european}, your state storage vision Oracle unleashed a series of conspiracies and assassinations – this person has died.
{agent_ Detected_and_expelled_body_eastern_european} brought a foreign spy guard found, but managed to escape the killing. That person not only escape, the other side will understand our actual situation.
{Agent_detected_and_expelled_body_greek} the guards have found this intelligence with foreign spies,But getting the arrest when negligence makes it safely escape. It was reported that the person has continued to lurk, covert intelligence-gathering.
{Agent_detected_and_expelled_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{agent_detected_and_expelled_body_middle_eastern} guards have found this intelligence with foreign spies, but getting the arrest when negligence makes it safely escape. It was reported that the person has continued to lurk, covert intelligence-gathering.
{Agent_detected_and_expelled_body_hanwenhua} guards have found this intelligence with foreign spies,But getting the arrest when negligence makes it safely escape. It was reported that the person has continued to lurk, covert intelligence-gathering.
{Agent_detected_and_expelled_body_northern_european} the guards have found this intelligence with foreign spies, but in putting the arrest when negligence makes it safely escaped. It was reported that the person has continued to lurk, covert intelligence-gathering.
{Agent_detected_and_expelled_body_southern_european} the guards have found this intelligence with foreign spies, but in putting the arrest when negligence makes it safely escaped. Reportedly continued to lurk,Covert intelligence-gathering.
{Agent_recruited_body_eastern_european an expert} has completed training, ready to serve the country and the nation.
{Agent_recruited_body_greek} is an elite specialist mettle, to secretly spy on the barbaric cruelty of enemy intelligence. An expert
{agent_recruited_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE-AZTECS NOT PLAYABLE
{agent_recruited_body_middle_eastern} has completed training, ready to serve the country and the nation.
{Agent_recruited_body_hanwenhua}, an expert has completed training, ready to serve the country and the nation. An expert
{agent_recruited_body_northern_european} has completed training, ready to serve the country and the nation. An expert
{agent_recruited_body_southern_european} has completed training, ready to serve the country and the nation.
{Alliance_broken_body_eastern_european} these two great countries have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice for each other and their differences – but now suspicions and beliefs so that they go their separate ways.They will all put aside their differences to shake hands, or do these differences with their battle?
{Alliance_broken_body_greek} these two great countries have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice for each other – but now, suspicion and differences of faith has made them go their separate ways. They will all put aside their differences to shake hands, or do these differences with their battle?
{Alliance_broken_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{alliance_broken_body_middle_eastern} these two great countries have fought side by side,Ready to sacrifice for each other and their differences – but now suspicions and beliefs so that they go their separate ways. They will all put aside their differences to shake hands, or do these differences with their battle?
{Alliance_broken_body_hanwenhua} these two great countries have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice for each other and their differences – but now suspicions and beliefs so that they go their separate ways. They will all put aside their differences to shake hands, or do these differences with their battle?
{Alliance_broken_body_northern_european} these two great countries have fought side by side,Ready to sacrifice for each other and their differences – but now suspicions and beliefs so that they go their separate ways. They will all put aside their differences to shake hands, or do these differences with their battle?
{Alliance_broken_body_southern_european} these two great countries have fought side by side, ready to sacrifice for each other and their differences – but now suspicions and beliefs so that they go their separate ways. They will all put aside their differences to shake hands, or do these differences with their battle?
{Alliance_broken_multi} States destroy Union disposed of about:
{Alliance_declared_body_eastern_european} which Alliance, cooperate together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_body_greek} which Alliance, cooperate together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{alliance_declared_body_middle_eastern} which Alliance, cooperate together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_body_hanwenhua} which Alliance, cooperate together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_body_northern_european} drink blood for UNITA in these two countries, join hands together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_body_southern_european drink blood for UNITA} both countries and join hands together to defend the land and the people.
{Alliance_declared_multi} drink blood for UNITA in the following countries:
{ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_eastern_european} this will happen – Covenant Alliance allies with the enemy. Although the Covenant is not known, but certainly will pose a threat to us, allies integrity is questionable.
{Ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_greek} this would happen-the Covenant Alliance allies with the enemy. Although the Covenant is not known, but certainly will pose a threat to us, allies integrity is questionable.
{Ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_mesoamerican} this would happen-the Covenant Alliance allies with the enemy. Although the Covenant is not known, but certainly will pose a threat to us, allies integrity is questionable.
{Ally_declared_alliance_with_enemy_body_middle_eastern} this will happen – Covenant Alliance allies with the enemy. Although the Covenant is not known, but certainly will pose a threat to us, allies integrity is questionable.
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