[09031][1]Теперь работает! [F09031][09040][1]На автоответчике записано dịch - [09031][1]Теперь работает! [F09031][09040][1]На автоответчике записано Anh làm thế nào để nói

[09031][1]Теперь работает! [F09031]

[09031][1]Теперь работает! [F09031]
[09040][1]На автоответчике записано несколько сообщений.|Конечно, не следует слушать чужие телефонные сообщения.|Но какого черта! [F09040]
[09050][1]Может, так и нельзя, но я все равно это сделаю! [F09050]
[09060][1]Послушаю-ка еще разок. [F09060]
[09070][1]И что все это значит, спрашивается?|Подвал в Луизиане? Твари, действующие на нервы?|Лес, милый мой, мне кажется, ты замешан в криминале. [F09070]
[09090][1]Но это же...|Черт! Это Шпандау!|Шпандау похитил девочек!|Он что, совсем с ума спятил?|Чего ему от них нужно?|Хочет меня шантажировать?|Надо скорей позвонить Брайану! [F09090]
[09100][1]Это джин! [F09100]
[09110][1]Спасибо, не надо. [F09110]
[09120][1]Бутылка водки! [F09120]
[09130][1]Сорт не из моих любимых. [F09130]
[09140][1]С виду он милый... [F09140]
[09150][1]...и трезвый! [F09150]
[09160][1]Вообще-то я плохо во всем этом разбираюсь. [F09160]
[09170][1]Дома, бывает, выпью коктейль...|...или шампанского!|...или лонг-дринк!|...или пивка изредка!|...или капельку граппы за обедом! [F09170]
[09180][1]Это острый соус чили. [F09180]
[09190][1]Придает вкус еде, выводит насекомых и избавляет от неприятного запаха. [F09190]
[09200][1]Тут он никому не нужен.|По второму разу его не пробуют. [F09200]
[09220][1]Ого! Я знаменита...|...и тут очень интересно!|Интересно, открыто? [F09220]
[09230][1]Моя машина!|Надеюсь, дождь не собирается. [F09230]
[09240][1]Мне сперва надо еще кое-что сделать. [F09240]
[09250][1]Вряд ли я вхожу в их целевую группу. [F09250]
[09251][1]Да, кто там?|Наша Фэнни.[50]Да, кто же еще?|Наша Лула![1]Да, и как твои дела, Фэнни?[50]Не слишком-то.|После нашего с тобой фильма...|...я переключилась на женщин...|...а деньги-то зарабатывать приходится с мужчинами![1]Глупо!|Ну, тогда не скучай! [F09251]
[09260][1]Похоже, она занята. Не буду ей мешать. [F09260]
[09261][1]Эй, Кама![49]Привет, Лула![1]Как дела?[49]Пока ты не уйдешь - паршиво.[1]Ну, тогда я пошла. [F09261]
[09262][1]Привет, Коламбас!|Как делишки?|У тебя под плащом все в порядке?[52]Мать моя, Лула...|...ну не приставай ты ко мне в рабочее время!|У меня сейчас запарка...[1]Вижу, вижу!|Тогда до скорого. [F09262]
[09270][1]Ах, жир и пищевой краситель! [F09270]
[09280][1]Дасти, мне кажется, мы попали в собачий рай!|Во всяком случае, так тут пахнет. [F09280]
[09290][36]Привет, Лес, ублюдок мелкий.|Это Сэнди! Встречаемся, как договорились?|Я обо всем позаботилась, как ты просил.|Скоро у нас все будет!|Я уже уволилась с работы! [F09290]
[09320][1]Привет, родная![34]Привет! [F09320]
[09330][1]Эй, Сара![34]Привет, Лула! [F09330]
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
[09031][1] now works! [F09031][09040][1] To voicemail recorded messages. |Of course, you should not listen to someone else's phone messages |But what the heck! [F09040][09050][1] may or may not be, but I will do it! [F09050][09060][1] Listen-Ka one more time. [F09060][09070][1] and what it all means, one wonders? |Basement in Louisiana? Critters, nerve-racking? |Forest, milyy Moy, it seems to me you're implicated in the crimes. [F09070][09090][1] but it is the same ... |Damn! It's Spandau! |Spandau kidnapped girls! |It's quite crazy spâtil? |Which of them do you need? |I want blackmail? |We must hurry to call Brian! [F09090][09100][1] this gene! [F09100][09110][1] no, thank you. [F09110][09120][1] a bottle of vodka! [F09120][09130][1] not of my favorite Grade. [F09130][09140][1] with the mind he cute ... [F09140][09150][1]...and sober! [F09150][09160][1] actually, I'm not into all this knowledge. [F09160][09170][1] at home, sometimes I drink a cocktail ... |...or champagne! |...or long drink! |...or beer occasionally! |...or a bit of grappa for dinner! [F09170][09180][1] this is a spicy chili sauce. [F09180][09190][1] Gives the taste of food, insect displays and eliminates bad odours. [F09190][09200][1] here he nobody needs. |For the second time its not try. [F09200][09220][1] Wow! I am famous for. .. |...and it is very interesting! |Interestingly, FTA? [F09220][09230][1] my machine! |I hope the rain is collected. [F09230][09240][1] I first need something else to do. [F09240][09250][1] there I enter their target group. [F09250][09251][1] Yes, who is it? |Our Fanny.[50] Yes, who else? |Our Lula![1] Yes, and Fanny, Kak tvoi Dela?[50] not too. |After our movie with you ... |...I switched to women ... |...and the money is earning accounts for men![1] stupid! |Well, then don't be bored! [F09251][09260][1] it looks like she's busy. Won't it get in the way. [F09260][09261][1] Hey, Kama![49] Hi, Lula![1] how are you?[49] until you go away-lousy.[1] well, then I went. [F09261][09262][1] Hello, Columbus! |As deeds? |You've got under the hood all in order?[52] my mother, Lula ... |...well not pristavaj you to me at the time! |I have now evaporation of ...[1] See, see! |Then, see you soon. [F09262][09270][1] Ah, grease and food coloring! [F09270][09280][1] Dusty, I think we got into doggy paradise! |Anyway, so here reeks of. [F09280][09290][36] Hi, forest, bastard fine. |This Sandy! Meet as agreed? |I took care of everything, as you asked. |Soon we all will! |I resigned from work! [F09290][09320][1] Hello, dear![34] Hello! [F09320][09330][1] Hey, Sarah![34] Hello, Lula! [F09330]
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
[09031] [1] Now it works! [F09031]
[09040] [1] on the answering machine recorded several messages. | Of course, you should not listen to other people's phone messages. | But what the hell! [F09040]
[09050] [1] Maybe I should not be, but I still do it! [F09050]
[09060] [1] Listen once more. [F09060]
[09070] [1] And what it all means, I ask? | Cellar in Louisiana? Critters on your nerves? | Wood, my dear, I think you're involved in a crime. [F09070]
[09090] [1] But it's ... | Shit! Spandau This! | Spandau kidnapped girls! | Is he really crazy crazy? | What does he need them? | He wants to blackmail me? | We should probably call Brian! [F09090]
[09100] [1] This gin! [F09100]
[09110] [1] No, thank you. [F09110]
[09120] [1] A bottle of vodka! [F09120]
[09130] [1] The variety is not of my favorites. [F09130]
[09140] [1] On the surface he's cute ... [F09140]
[09150] [1] ... and sober! [F09150]
[09160] [1] Actually, I'm bad versed in all of this. [F09160]
[09170] [1] Houses, happens, drink a cocktail ... | ... or champagne! | ... or long drink! | ... or a beer once in a while! | ... or a drop of grappa for lunch! [F09170]
[09180] [1] This is a spicy chili sauce. [F09180]
[09190] [1] flavoring food, removes insects and eliminates odors. [F09190]
[09200] [1] Here nobody needs. | For the second time he did not try. [F09200]
[09220] [1] Wow! I'm a Celebrity ... | ... and here it is very interesting! | I wonder openly? [F09220]
[09230] [1] My car! | I hope that's not going to rain. [F09230]
[09240] [1] I first must be something else to do. [F09240]
[09250] [1] It is unlikely that I get into their target group. [F09250]
[09251] [1] Yes, who's there? | Our Fanny. [50] Yes, who else? | Our Lula! [1] Yes, and how are you doing, Fanny? [50] Not much of a . | After our film with you ... | ... I switched to women ... | ... and the money has to earn something with men! [1] Stupid! | Well, then do not be sad! [F09251]
[09260] [1] It seems that she is busy. I'm not going to interfere with her. [F09260]
[09261] [1] Hey, Cam! [49] Hi, Lula! [1] How are you? [49] As long as you do not go - lousy. [1] Well, then I'm gone. [F09261]
[09262] [1] Hi, Columbus! | How's tricks? | You under the cloak all right? [52] My mother, Lula ... | ... well, you do not bother me during business hours! | I have now zaparka ... [1] I see, I see! | Then see you soon. [F09262]
[09270] [1] Oh, fat and food coloring! [F09270]
[09280] [1] Dusty, I think we got a doggy heaven! | Anyway, so here smells. [F09280]
[09290] [36] Hi, Forest, shallow bastard. | This is Sandy! Meet, as agreed? | I took care of everything, as you asked. | Soon we'll be! | I've quit my job! [F09290]
[09320] [1] Hi, dear! [34] Hi! [F09320]
[09330] [1] Hey, Sarah! [34] Hi, Lula! [F09330]
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
[09031] [1] work now! F09031] [] [1] [09040
record some message on the answering machine. | of course, should not listen to other people's phone messages. | but fuck! [F09040]
[09050] and [1] can, can't, but I still have to do! [F09050]
09060] [1] [listen to Scarlett again. [F09060]
] [1] and [09070 ask, what are these? In the state of Louisiana | basement? Effect on nerve creatures? | forest, dear me, in my opinion, you are slow to me in the kappa, PI has implicated. [F09070]
[09090] [1] but this is the same | damn..! This is Spann road!| Vspan tract kidnapped girl! | he was really mad mad? He | what they need from? | tried to blackmail me? | must hurry to call Blaine! [F09090]
[09100] [1] this is gold! F09100] [] [1] [09110
thank you, No. F09110] [] [1] [09120
a bottle of vodka! [F09120]
[09130] [1] is not my most loving species. [F09130]
] [1] and [09140 says he is cute... [F09140]
[09150] [1]... And sober! [F09150]
[09160] [1] I don't know all about this point. F09160] [] [1] [09170
home, sometimes | or champagne cocktail..! | or long drink! |...Occasionally or beer! | or some spirit lunch! [F09170]
[09180] [1] this is a spicy chili sauce. F09180
[] [of] [1] taste 09190 insect diet, avoid the unpleasant smell, derivation. [F09190]
[09200] [1] where he anyone don't need.The second | not were investigating him. F09200] [] [1] [09220
wow! I | famous... Have fun! Open | interesting? [F09220]
[09230] [1] in my car! | hope that the rain does not intend to. F09230] [] [1] [09240
I should have more things to do. [F09240]
[09250] [1] is unlikely to me into their target groups. [F09250]
[09251] [1] is, who's there? We greatly in our society and phi |. [50] is, who can? Our | Lula! [1] is, how do you do, our society Phi greatly in? [50] is not the same. | we and you | I switched to women | movie.....And men earn money people accounted for! [1] stupid! | well, then do not feel lonely! [F09251]
[09260] [1] look, she is very busy. She won't bother. [F09260]
[09261] [1] hey, kumar! [49] Hello, Lula! [1] hello? As long as you don't leave [49] [1] is bad. Okay, I'll go.[F09261]
[09262] [1] Hello, Kolumb! | how? Raincoat | you everything ok? Lula's mother, I [52], uh, don't bother you... | to my working time! I now | backup... [1] see, see! | then goodbye. [F09262]
[09270] [1],Fat and edible pigment! [F09270]
[09280] [1] the dusty, in my opinion, we are trapped in the dog's paradise! In any case |, so here's the smell. [F09280]
[09290] [36] Hello, forest, asshole | Sandy this is shallow! Meet, as agreed? All | trapped in my,As your request. | soon we will all! | I have quit my job! F09290] [] [1] [09320
Hi, dear! [34] hello! F09320] [] [1] [09330
Hi, Sarah! [34] Hello, Lula! [F09330]
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
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