1 下火月[九月]三日4:01 布莱恩长期累积的疲劳一口气袭来,一进了葛杰夫家就陷入昏睡,几乎睡了整整一天,醒来就吃点东西,然后再度倒头大睡 dịch - 1 下火月[九月]三日4:01 布莱恩长期累积的疲劳一口气袭来,一进了葛杰夫家就陷入昏睡,几乎睡了整整一天,醒来就吃点东西,然后再度倒头大睡 Anh làm thế nào để nói

1 下火月[九月]三日4:01 布莱恩长期累积的疲劳一口气袭来,一进了




















































下火月[九月]三日 10:31




























































下火月[九月]三日 10:27























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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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1 Under fire months [September], 3rd 4:01 Brian accumulated fatigue relief came, went into Ge Jiefu fell into lethargy, can hardly sleep for a whole day, wake up, eat, and then fell asleep again. While he did not want to admit that, but he can rest in Ge Jiefu, out of sense of relief. He knew that once met Xia Tiya, even Ge Jiefu is vulnerable, but past arch-rival's home, Brian is already the world's most secure places, slowed his nervousness here, that he could sleep so soundly. Shutters down light to illuminate Brian's face. Sun across the eyelid, never dreaming of Brian wakes the sleeping world. Brian opened his eyes, dazzling light, he narrowed his eyes. He blocked out the Sun. Brian propped up the upper body, sitting on the bed, nervously looking around like a little mouse. Simple put a minimum of furniture in the room. Brian equipped weapons are collected in one corner of the room. "This is the Kingdom of warriors long guest rooms? 」 Brian looked at the empty room, without other people feel at ease, while acid has two sentences, and stretch the body. Bone issue Kluck, stiff body relaxed, blood recovery cycle. He hit a big yawn. 「…… That guy should have the opportunity to let men for the night. I think people get disappointed in this room. 」 Nobles has lived a luxurious life, not just because I enjoy it. This is vanity, in order to save face. The same rationale, see their captain led a rich life, bound to stimulate men's desire to get ahead, so that they have momentum. 「…… No, not my turn to care of it. 」 Brian muttered. And then nose, snorted. Not Ge Jiefu, but about himself. May be disturbed by two kinds of spirits was almost driven crazy State of mind, and be comforted by it. Are already in the mood to think about these things. Brian reminded the powerful monster--was unable to prevent his hands shaking. "And sure enough ... ..." Tight adhesion in the heart of the scare is not yet removed. Xiatiya·buladefulun. Even as a sword renounce all man bulaien·angelaosi, is far less than the absolute strongest. Has brought together all the beautiful things in the world of beauty, demons of the Devils. Really powerful people. Just think about it, the hearts will be filled with fear throughout the whole of. He constantly feared monster in Chase himself, came to the capital almost sleepless all the way, but kept the escape. Sleep maybe Xia Tiya will appear in front of her, on the road at all and maybe she will slow from the night sky. Oppressed by the unease, he did not get a good night's sleep, desperate to escape. Fled to King was chosen, because he thought more people might turn themselves, so she couldn't find, but escaped during his extreme mental exhaustion caused by harsh environments, so that thoughts of suicide, which is that he is unprepared for. Meet Ge Jiefu also can be described as unexpected. Or any expectations for Ge Jiefu may solve Xia Tiya, Brian feet unconsciously looking for his shadow. He could not find the answer. "What should I do......" Had nothing. Opened it, there was nothing. He looked in the corner of the room. In order to gejiefu·shituoluonuofu the hands of victory, he got the "knife". However, even win the Ge Jiefu, how about that? Now he knows there are several times better than they are, worse off than what does that mean? "Might as well go to plow ... ... Perhaps more meaningful. 」 When Brian is self-deprecating, felt someone standing outside the door. "Angelaosi, do you wake up ... ... Should wake up, right? 」 Is the sound of house building master. "Well, shituoluonuofu. I'm awake. 」 Door has been opened, Ge Jiefu walked into the room. Arming wear range. "Slept so long. You really slept, I jump. 」 "Yes, thank you let me NAP. Excuse me. 」 "Never mind. However, I have immediately left for the capital. After I came back, and let me tell you what happened. 」 「…… Big Wow? Also if you become like me. 」 "Even still listen to is not available. I think we can chat while drinking, the mood should be easy ... ... Before I come back, you when this is their home. What to eat with the family maid speaking, should get to you. And if you want to take to the streets ... ... Do you have money? 」 「…… No, but ... ... If necessary, I can sell the props. 」 Brian hands wearing a ring up to see Ge Jiefu. "It's for the better? Should be cheaper, right? 」 "It's OK, I don't care. 」 The items would have been made in order to beat Ge Jiefu. Now he knows that this kind of behavior makes no sense, what use to keep props baby? "Expensive props sometimes cannot easily be sold, buyers also need to raise money. You take it. 」 Ge Jiefu threw a small bag. Brian catches it, bag rings metal friction sound out of this drama. 「…… Excuse me. That can help me. 」 2 Under fire months [September], 3rd 10:31 Thinking of what to do with five people left the House track your, Sebbas random walks. Nothing special purpose. He just use body believe a change in the mood, you can think of a good idea. Soon after, he saw the crowded group of people on the road ahead. There can only be denounced was the sound of laughter, as well as physical sound of something. Coming from the crowd of "deadly" or "or to call soldiers to" sound. Blocking the view of the masses, but what is certain is, there are some acts of violence. Sebbas thought maybe take road, intend to switch direction only hesitated for a moment--is moving forward. He walked in the middle of the crowd. "I'm sorry. 」 Leaving this sentence, Sebbas through the crowd and into the middle. Old man with strange actions slide through attitude seems to attract all the consternation and fear of the crowd, watching Sebbas after himself in front of people are freaked out. Other than Sebbas, as if someone else wants to go, to hear the man saying "Please make way", but it seems not to pass through the crowd, in a bad fix. Sebbas stepped into the crowd without difficulty, personally confirmed to what happened. Several clothes untidy man is doing a kick and kick. Sebbas to continue to go without saying a Word. Until the reach the men's distance before stopping. "What, old man! 」 Among the five men on the scene, there was a man noted Sebbas, fierce asked. "I just felt a little bit noisy, come and see. 」 "You have to make that? 」 Men came, Sebbas surrounded. They leave the place, has just played for ages and revealed. Should be the name of the little boy. Collapse, the boy lying on the ground, with a bloody face, I do not know is the flow from the mouth or nostrils. Maybe because they were playing so long, the boy passed out, but seems to have breath. Sebbas look at men. Issued wine surrounded by his men and the mouth. The whole face was red, but not because of intense exercise. Drunk, unable to control violent tendencies? Sebbas asks blankly: "I don't know why you do this, but if we can stop? 」 "Came sputtering along? This guy hands soiled my clothes out, how can you let him. 」 A man pointed to a place on clothes. What did indeed touch. But a man's clothes were dirty. Think of it this way, this stain is not conspicuous. 塞巴斯视线朝向五个年轻人当中,看起来像是老大的那一个。即使是对人类来说微不足道的差异,拥有战士卓越感受力的塞巴斯都能感觉出来。 「不过……这都市治安还真差啊。」 「啊?」 听到塞巴斯彷佛确认远处某种事物的发言,某个男人以为他们被忽视,发出不快声音。 「……滚吧。」 「啊?你说什么,老头。」 「我再说一次。滚吧。」 「臭老头!」 像是老大的男人涨红了脸,握紧拳头——然后虚软倒地。 惊呼声此起彼落。当然剩下的四个男人也不例外。 塞巴斯做的事很简单。他只是握拳瞄准——以人类勉强能辨识的速度——打穿了男人的下巴,让男人的脑部受到高速震荡罢了。他也可以用看不见的速度把对方揍飞,但这样无法吓唬其他男人。所以他出手才刻意轻点。 「还要打吗?」 塞巴斯平静地低语。 那种冷静与强悍似乎足以令男人们酒意全失,他们倒退几步,不约而同地连声道歉。 塞巴斯心想「你们找错道歉的对象了吧」,但没说出口。 男人们抱起昏倒的同伴逃之夭夭,塞巴斯不再去看他们,想走到男孩身边。然而走到一半就停了下来。 自己到底在做什么? 现在自己该做的,是想办法解决面临的问题。只有傻瓜才会在这种时候还去自找麻烦。就是因为自己太有同情心,做事又不经大脑思考,才会身陷棘手的状况,不是吗? 总之男孩已经得救了。自己应该满意了。 塞巴斯心里这样想,却还是往男孩走去。他触碰了一动也不动的男孩背部,让气流进他的体内。全力注入的话,这点伤势三两下就能痊愈,但那样太引人注目了。 塞巴斯只做到最低限度,然后指向一个碰巧与自己四目交接的人。 「……请把这孩子带去神殿。胸骨可能也骨折了,请特别小心地放在板子上搬运,不要摇晃得太剧烈。」 看到自己命令的男人点点头,塞巴斯跨出脚步。不需要推开人群。因为他一踏出脚步,人墙就自动开出一条路来。 塞巴斯再度开始前进,没过多久,就觉察到跟踪自己的气息增加了。 不过,只有一个问题。 那就是跟踪他的人是谁。 从宅邸一路跟踪的五人,想必是沙丘隆特的手下不会错。那么搭救男孩之后跟来的两人又是谁呢。 脚步声与步幅像是成年男性,但他想不到会是谁。 「想也想不到答案呢。总之……先抓起来再说吧。」 塞巴斯弯过转角,往更昏暗的地区走去。那些人仍旧紧跟着他。 「……不过他们真的有在躲藏吗?」 脚步声完全没有隐藏。是没有那种能力,还是有别的原因呢?塞巴斯感到不解,但决定别想得那么复杂,抓起来确认就行了。等到差不多没有其他人的气息时,塞巴斯决定采取行动,就在同一个时间点,一个沙哑——但年纪尚轻的男子声音,从一个跟踪者的方向传来。 「——不好意思。」 3 下火月[九月]三日 10:27 在回到王城的路上,克莱姆边走边思忖。 他回想起早上与葛杰夫的一战,脑中不断重复着对战过程,思考如何才能更巧妙地战斗。若是还有下次机会,就试试这种战术吧。就在克莱姆渐渐得到结论时,他发现有一群人挤在一起,其中发出怒骂声。不远处有两名士兵旁观,好像不知道该如何是好。 人群中央传来喧哗声。而且不是一般的正常吵闹。 克莱姆表情变得冷峻,走向士兵身边。 「你们在做什么?」 突然从背后被人叫住,士兵吓了一跳,回头看向克莱姆。 士兵的装备是链甲衫与矛(Spear)。链甲衫外面罩着绘有王国徽章的铠甲罩袍。这是王国一般卫士的装扮,不过从两人身上,感觉得出来训练并不精良。 首先体格就没怎么锻链。再来胡须没有剃干净,链甲衫也没有磨亮,给人脏兮兮的感觉,整体呈现一种迈遢感。 「你是……」 卫士被比自己年轻的克莱姆突然叫住,以困惑与稍微愠怒的语气问道。 「我是非值班人员。」 克莱姆坚定地说,卫士脸上浮现困惑之色。可能是因为少年怎么看都比卫士们年少,却散发出自己的身分地位较高的氛围吧。 卫士们似乎判断放低姿态比较不会出错,纷纷挺直了背脊。 「民众好像发生了什么骚动。」 这点事我当然知道。克莱姆强忍住想斥责对方的心情。不同于警卫王城的士兵,巡逻市镇的卫士都是从平民当中提拔出来的,没有经过充分训练。说穿了就只是学会如何使用武器的平民罢了。 克莱姆将视线从战战兢兢的卫士身上移向人群。与其期待这两个人,自己出面解决还比较快。 虽然插手管不属于自己分内的卫士工作,或许构成了越权行为,但人民遇到困难若是袖手旁观,怎么有脸见慈悲为怀的主人。 「你们在这里等着。」 不等两人回答,克莱姆下定决心,推开群众,硬是将身体塞进去。虽然多少有点缝隙,但仍然无法穿过人群。不对,要是有人办得到,那才叫做异常。 他差点被挤到外面,但还是拚命拨开人群前进,这时中心位置传来了声音。 「……滚吧。」 「啊?你说什么,老头。」 「我再说一次。滚吧。」
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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1 month under fire [September] at 4:01 on the 3rd Bryan hit long-term accumulation of fatigue breath, entered the house to fall into lethargy Ge Jiefu, almost slept the whole day, wake up to eat something, and then again He fell asleep. Although he did not want to admit it, but he can rest in this葛杰夫home, out of a sense of comfort. He knew that once hit Xia Tiya, even Ge Jiefu also vulnerable, however old rival's home, in terms of Bryan has been the safest place in this world, stay here slowed his nervous, so he able to sleep so soundly. Light illuminated from the blinds spilled Brian's face. Sun across the eyelid, will awaken consciousness Brian never dream world slumbered. Blaine opened his eyes, dazzling light made ​​him squint. He reached that road block sunlight. Brian upper body propped up, sitting on the bed, like a little mouse-like panic looking around. Simple room, just put a minimum of furniture. Brian military equipment are collected in a corner of the room. "This is regarded as the Kingdom of the men of war to entertain guests of the room?" Brian looked at the empty room, for no one else to feel at ease, but also an acid of the two, and stretch your body. In vivo bone issue Rattle, stiff body relax, blood circulation recovery. He punched a big yawn. "...... That guy should also be an opportunity for men to spend the night ah. I think this room will make people disappointed." The reason for the nobility lived a very luxurious life, not just because I like to enjoy. This is vanity, in order to save face. The same reason, to see their captain lived affluent lives, men who must be able to stimulate the desire to succeed, so that they generate momentum. "...... No, not for me to take care of it." Brian muttered. Then snorted. Not for Ge Jiefu, but on their own. There were two nervous shock is probably soon to be crazy and mood, soothe it. Actually has the mood to think about these chores. Bryan think of that powerful monster looks like - could not stop his hands shaking. "Sure enough ......" tight sticky strip in the heart of the horror yet. Xia Tiya Brad Fallon. Even the man to give up everything for the sword Brian Unger Nicklaus, are far less than the absolute strong. We have brought together all the beautiful things in the world of beauty, Monster of Monster. Really powerful person. Just In retrospect, the hearts are filled with fear throughout the body. He scared all the time to catch up with their own kind of monster, came the king's way almost around the clock, just keep escape. Perhaps夏提雅occur when falling asleep in front of their own, when the road Mercedes Maybe she'll borrow from a slow night. Disturbed by this oppression, he did not sleep to a good night sleep, but desperately to escape. Chose to escape into the king, because he thought people might put themselves where flooded, so she could not find, however, escape the harsh process environment caused him extreme mental fatigue that suicidal thoughts, this is even He himself was unexpected. And met Ge Jiefu also said to be unexpected. Or is Ge Jiefu might be able to solve Xia Tiya trace expectations, so Brian's feet unconsciously looking for his shadow. He could not find the answer. "I am in the end how to do it ......" nothing. Open palm, which is nothing. He looked on the corner of the room with weapons. In order to win the victory from葛杰夫· Stow Luonuo Fu hands, he got a "knife." But even won Ge Jiefu, so what? Now he knows better than they are on a kind of existence countless times, since better than some, worse than what is the point? "It would be better to plow ...... perhaps more meaningful blanket." When Brian is self-deprecating, felt someone standing outside the room. "Engelhard Nicklaus, you wake up it ...... should wake up, right?" is this building mansion master's voice. "Ah, Stow Luonuo Fu. I woke up." door is open, Ge Jiefu into the room. An armed Wear complete. "I slept really long ah. You really slept soundly, startled me." "yes ah, thank you for letting me sleep a sleep. I'm sorry." "Never mind. However, I now have to immediately left for King City. So I came back, and then tell me what happened to you now. " "Oh ...... badly? Do you they might also become like me." "Even so, can not hear or not. I think We can chat while drinking, the mood should be easy to spot ...... before I come back, you will when this is their home now. What to eat at home with the maid speaking, should be able to get to you. And if you want to take to the streets ...... you money? " "...... No, but ...... If necessary, I can sell him props." Brian raised his hand wearing a ring to Ge Jiefu see. "Is that alright? Should not cheap, right?" "Never mind, I do not care." props would have been acquired in order to defeat Ge Jiefu. Now he knew that such behavior is meaningless, baby items to keep what is the use? "Expensive props sometimes can not easily sell, buyers also need to raise money for it. That you take." Ge Jiefu threw a small bag. Brian caught it, bag metal friction rings Qiang Lang sound. "...... I'm sorry. Then lend me." 2 Under Fire months [September] at 10:31 on the 3rd to consider how to deal with the departure of the house on their own track five, Sebastiano casual stroll. Nothing special purpose. He did so just believe touch of the body to change the mood, I can think of a good idea. Soon, he saw a group of people crowded in front of the road. There can not be considered ridicule or laughter came the voice, and the sound of beating something. The crowd came "to any death" or "was sent for the soldiers come", to be heard. Masses that block the view, but you can be sure that there being some kind of violence. Sebastian thought maybe the other way to go, plan to change direction, hesitated only a moment - or go forward. He walked to the center of the crowd. "I'm sorry." leaving only this sentence, Sebastiao on through the crowd, into the middle. Old man with strange movements over the front of the crowd's attitude seems to be attracted through the crowd with astonishment and fear, Sebastian looked after themselves in front of stunned. In addition to Sebastian, as if someone else wanted to go to the middle, hear the man said, "Please give way", but it seems unable to pass through the crowd, not retreat. Sebastian entered the central crowd without difficulty, personally confirm what happened. Several clothes less tidy man, being kicked and kick something. Sebastian continued to go silent. Until the hand can hit from the men came to a halt. "Doing, old man!" The presence of five men, among them, a man noticed Sebastian, Xiong Baba asked. "I just feel a little noisy, and come back." "Do you also want to discuss the play?" The men ran over to Sebastian surrounded. They leave the place, waited a long time just to kick things will be revealed. It should be the name of the little boy. The boy collapsed to lie down on the ground, his face bleeding, and I do not know from the mouth or nose out of. Perhaps because they were kicked too long, the boy fainted, but it seems there is breath in. Sebastian look at the men. The men who surrounded himself with the issue of alcohol mouth. Entire blushed, but not because of intense exercise. So drunk you can not control the violent tendencies? Sebastian asked, deadpan: "I do not know why you do it, but is not able to receive hands?" "This guy is in the hands of food hoarse my clothes dirty yeah, how can let go? he ah. " A man pointing to a place on the clothes. Really gets what. But already the men's clothes dirty. So think about it, this is not conspicuous dirt. Sebastiano sight of five young people toward them, it looked like a boss. Even for humans insignificant difference, with excellent fighters Sebastian sensibility can be felt. "But ...... This city policing really bad ah." "ah?" Sebastian seemed to confirm hear speak of something distant, a man thought they were ignored, issue unhappy sound. ". ...... Begone" "ah? What do you say, old man." "I repeat begone.." "smelly old man!" like the boss man flushed, fists clenched - and virtual soft fall ground. Screams one after another. Of course, the remaining four men are no exception. Sebastiao do is very simple. He was just a fist aim - to speed humanity barely recognizable - penetrated the man's chin, so that men's brains by high-speed shock Bale. He also can not see the speed to beat each other to fly, but this does not scare the other man. So he was deliberately shot tap. "To fight it?" Sebastian whispered quietly. The kind of calm and powerful enough to make the men seem tipsy total loss, they are a few steps back, invariably kept apologizing. Sebastian thought, "You got the wrong target apology it", but did not say exports. The men picked up the faint companions fled, Sebastian no longer see them, would go near the child. However, he stopped halfway. Own in the end what to do? Now they do, it is to find ways to solve the problems faced. Only a fool would at this time also went looking for trouble. It is because they are too compassionate, work without a brain to think, will be caught in difficult situation, is not it? In short boy he had saved. You should be satisfied. Sebastian heart think so, but still went to the boy. He touched the motionless boy back, let the air flow into his body. Full injection, then San Liangxia this injury can be cured, but that too dramatic. Sebastiao do only the minimum, and then point to a transfer of four items happen to own person. "...... Please put the children to bring the temple. Sternum may also fracture, please be especially careful to carry on board, do not shake too vigorously." command to see some of their own men nod, Sebastian taken the pace. You do not need to push the crowd. Because he stepped out pace, the wall automatically open a path through. Sebastian began to move forward again, not long before he perceived to track their breath increased. However, only one problem. That is, who had followed him. Tracked all the way from the house five people, presumably dunes Longte wrong hands. Then after two to rescue the boy with whom is it. Footsteps and stride like an adult male, but he can not think who would be. "The answer can not think of it. All in all ...... to catch up and say it." Sebastian bent over the corner and walked toward more dark area. Those who still followed him. "...... But they really have in hiding it?" footsteps completely hidden. Is not that kind of ability, or there are other reasons? Sebastian puzzled, but decided to not even think about so complicated, catch up on the line to confirm. By the time almost no one else's breath, Sebastian decided to take action, at the same time, a raucous - but the sound is still very young man, from a tracker direction came. "- I'm sorry," 3 under fire months [September] at 10:27 on the 3rd in the way back to King City, Clem walking myself. He recalled the morning of a battle with Ge Jiefu, the brain constantly repeated battle process, think about how to fight smarter. If there is the next opportunity to try this tactic it. Just when Clem gradually conclude that he found a group of people huddled together, which issued a curse sound. Not far away there are two soldiers on the sidelines, it does not seem to know what to do. Central crowd heard the clamor. And not an ordinary normal noise. Clem expression turned cold toward the soldiers around. "What are you doing?" suddenly from behind was stopped, soldiers jumped, looking back to Clem. Soldier's equipment is the chainmail shirt with a spear (Spear). Outside chainmail shirt covered with painted insignia kingdom armor burqa. This is the kingdom generally dress guards, but from the two men who feel it is not well-trained. First, no how Duanlian physique. Again no beard shaved clean, chainmail shirt nor polished, giving dirty feeling, a sense of the overall present a step untidy. "You are ......" guards are younger than their Clem suddenly stopped to confusion and a little sullen tone asked. "I am a non-duty." Clem said firmly, his face appeared confused color guards. Probably because teenagers how they look than the young defender, but exudes a high atmosphere of their identity status bar. Guardian judgment seem relatively low profile can not go wrong, we have to straighten the spine. "People like what happened commotion." This is something I know that. Clem forced back want denounced each other's feelings. Unlike King City Guard soldiers patrolled the town guards are promoted from among the civilian population out, without adequate training. To put it bluntly just learn how to use weapons, civilian Bale. Clem gaze toward the crowd from trembling body guards. The two men instead of looking forward, come forward to solve their own relatively fast. While involved in family matters is not his own fair share of guardian work, perhaps constitute ultra vires, but if people have difficulties stand, face to see how there is merciful master. "You wait here." They ranged answer, Clem determined to push the masses, simply go into the body. Although the gap somewhat, but still can not pass through the crowd. No, if someone can do it, that would be called abnormal. He almost pushed to the outside, but still desperately through the crowd forward, then came the sound of the center position. "...... Begone." "ah? What did you say, old man." "I say again. Roll it."

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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under fire [September] 4:01

three days Brian long-term cumulative fatigue breath hit, in Jeff Geer home is caught sleeping, slept almost the whole day, woke up and began to eat something and again fell asleep. . although he did not want to admit, but he could rest in the home of Gjev, for reassurance. He knew that once they meet Xiatiya, even Jeff Geer also vulnerable. However, past the rival's home, for Brian is the world's most secure places, stay here slowed his nervousness, let him to sleep so soundly. The shutters on the light, illuminate the face of Blaine.

Across the eyelids of the sun, will Blaine's consciousness from the dream of sleep in the world to wake up.

Blaine opened his eyes, his eyes narrowed to glare. He reached out to block the sun.

Blaine propped up the upper body, sitting on the bed, like a small mouse like nervously looking around. In the simple room, only a minimum of furniture. Blaine equipment attached to it in the corner of the room. "This is the warrior Kingdom

long guest room? "

Brian looked at the empty room, for there is no other people feel assured and sour is two, and stretch. In the body, the bone is made of a click,Stiff body relax, blood recovery cycle. He yawned.

"...... That guy should have a chance to let his men stay for the night. I think this kind of room will let people down. "The reason why

nobility live the luxury life, not just because I like to enjoy. This is vanity, is to save face.

the same truth, see his captain lived a rich life, is bound to stimulate men ahead of desire, so that they generate momentum.

"...... No, it's not me. "Blaine muttered. And then the nose is humming. Not for Gjev, but for himself.

About two kinds of mental shock and the state of mind to be forced to go crazy, get comfort. Actually have the mood to think about these things. Blaine remembered that a powerful monster

. -- cannot stop his trembling hands. It

"...... "

sticky in the heart of the fear is not peeling. Chatiya Bradfren. Even to abandon everything

sword man Brian Angelos, are far less than the absolute strong. Have a collection of all the beautiful things of beauty, the monster monster. Really powerful people.

is light in retrospect, throughout the body of the heart will be filled with fear.

He constantly not afraid of that monster chasing your own, all the way to the kings of the earth almost sleepless, just continue to escape. Sleep may tear summer will appear in their front, on the road Benz she might slow away from the night. This is not an oppression, he didn't sleep until a good night's sleep, just ran.

chose to flee into the kings of the earth, is because he thinks people place might drown themselves, so that she cannot find, but escape in harsh environment caused by his spirit of extreme fatigue, that suicidal thoughts, which is even he himself was unexpected.

And met Gjev is also said to be unexpected. Or of Gjev might be able to solve Xiatiya a look, let Blaine's feet unconsciously looking for his shadow. He can't find the answer. "How do I

do it in the end...... "Nothing.

open palm, there was no what.

he looked placed in the corner of the room with the wu. In order to

from the hands of Gjev Storonov won the victory, he got "knife". However, even if the fight won the Gjev, then what? Now he knows that there is a kind of existence than their many times, since the ratio is less than the next, what is the significance?

"It is better to plow...... Perhaps more meaningful. "Blaine is self

, feel someone standing in the room.

"Ann Gross, are you awake...... Should you wake up? "This house is

master's voice.

well, history of Toro ivanov. I woke up. ". the door was opened, Gjev walked into the room. Armed with a complete range of.

"sleep really for a long time. You're really sleeping, I'm scared. "

" yes, thank you for letting me sleep. Embarrassed. "Don't care". But I have to leave for Wangcheng at once. Wait till I come back,Tell me what happened to you. "

"...... Very miserable? You don't get to be as good as me. "Even so,"

to hear. I think we can drink and chat, the mood should be relaxed...... Before I come back, you'll be your own home. Want to eat what with the home of the Commission, should be given to you. And if you're going to Shangjie...... Do you have any money? "

"...... No, but...... If there is a need, I can sell the props. "

Blaine raised the hand with the ring to Gjev.

"so good? Should not be cheap, right? "Never mind",I don't care. "This item was also

to defeat Gjev and made. Now he knows that this behavior is meaningless, and the baby to keep props and what is the use? "High priced props sometimes cannot

easily sell, buyers also need to raise money. Here you take. "Gjev threw a small bag. Blaine caught it, the bag ring metal friction of the killifish crash.

"...... Embarrassed. Then I borrow it. "


fire month [September] three days 10:31

consider that how to deal with the mansion from the left followed their own five, Sebastiano with Xing walk. Nothing special.He did so just believe and move your body to change the mood, you can think of a good idea.

soon, he saw in front of a group of people on the road crowded. There is no

came the sound of laughter or ridicule, and sound beating something. In the crowd, the sound of "death" or "let the soldiers come," and so on.

people blocking the line of sight, but certainly, there are some sort of violence. Maybe the Sebastian

go the other way, to change the direction, only hesitated for a moment -- or go forward. He went to the Central People

go. "Feel shy. "Just leave this sentence,Sebastian is through the crowd, walked into the middle.

the old man with a strange movement glide front, through the people's attitude seems to attract people's dismay and fear, Sebastian looked after themselves in front of people are shocked.

in addition to Sebastian, as if there are others to walking in the middle of, hear the man say "please get out of the way", but seemed unable to through the crowd, not retreat.

Sebastian without difficulty crowd into, see to what happened.

several untidy clothes for men, is something kicking and. Sebastian silently continue to move forward.Not until the man's distance is reached. What

", the old man! "The five man

present, someone noticed Sebastian, afraid to ask.

"I just feel a little noisy, come and have a look. You would like to play "

"? "Men

ran, Sebas will be surrounded by. They left in place, just played the old half a day to show. Should be a little boy. The boy lying in the face to collapse, bleeding from the mouth or nostrils, is not out of the.

maybe because kick was too long, the boy fainted, but it seems there is breath in.

Sebastian men have a look. Surrounded by his men and the mouth issued alcohol. The whole face was red, but not because of the violent movement.

so drunk to control violence? Asked Sebastian deadpan:

"I don't know why you did it, but Is it right? Can receive the hand? "Oh

"? The food on the hands of the man made my clothes dirty. "A place where a man

pointed at the clothes on. It's really something. But the men's clothes were dirty. Think about it, this dirt is not visible.

Sebastian sight toward the five young people, it looks like a boss. Even if the difference is not worth mentioning for humans, the soldiers have excellent sensibility Sebastian can feel it. "However...... This city is really bad. "

"? "

heard Sebastiano seem to confirm something distant speech, a man thought they are ignored. A fast voice.

"...... Roll. "

"? What do you say, old man. "I say again". Roll. "The old man"! "Like a boss man

blushed, clenched his fists -- then the virtual soft ground.

As one falls, another rises screaming. Of course, the remaining four men are no exception. Sebastian

do is very simple. He just fist sight -- in humans have barely able to identify the pace of play wearing a man's chin, let a man's brain by high-speed shocks bale. He can also use the speed to see the other side beat fly, but this can not scare other men. So he moves to a deliberate. "

do? "Sebastian

quietly whisper. The kind of calm and strong

it seems enough to make men to be lost, they back a few steps, invariably an apology. "You thought wrong Sebastian

a" apology,
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
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