¬{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_AZTECS_DESCR}身为一个新兴国家,蒲甘王朝无疑正处在在高速上升的时期。阿隆悉都大王采取了许 dịch - ¬{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_AZTECS_DESCR}身为一个新兴国家,蒲甘王朝无疑正处在在高速上升的时期。阿隆悉都大王采取了许 Anh làm thế nào để nói




















边的宋。\n 1228,对女真人来说是个极为












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{imperial_campaign_aztecs_descr} As an emerging country, Bagan dynasty undoubtedly n
is in a period of rising at high speed. Aron noted n
are the king has taken many progressive measures, formulate n
Code, the development of industrial and agricultural production, unified the country n
weights and measures, to promote commercial and seafaring hair n
show that Bagan became leading Heavy foreign countries n
to the harbor. Kingdom of cultural prosperity and economic prosperity n
which invariably reveals a new era n
But all this must be built on a strong army n
. The Po Ganwang Guo's military strength, very n
worrying. N
As is located in the forest,Po Ganwang Guo troops missing n
lack of cavalry. Infantry did not eat rice o n
huge number of ranking them. Fortunately, as the South Asian country n
home Bagan have the organized forces of war elephants, and n
and by the composition of the forest hunter Bagan archers extremely n
tough. However, with these soldiers how to hold the first n
ancestral wealth, you also need to make good rulers consider n
{imperial_campaign_byzantium_descr} Bagan dynasty a century ago, Jurchen rise between Northeast n Asia Baishanheishui they cold storm n snow grow, in ten years,Jurchen n cavalry accompanied conquest and killing swept across n two Liao Empire East, Eastern and Song n Jurchen cavalry in the whirlwind came crashing down. But this n has already become history, occupied the Central Plains Jurchen n people in a very short time decay degenerate, can n Jurchen Jin is still the most powerful country in the East n, until, in the remote northern empire a wild n barbarian tribe, a tribe called Temujin n chiefs wielded against it in the hands of the knife. N 1215 年 emperor after emperor moved the capital of Kaifeng n, Jin is limited to the territory down to the Yellow Week n enclosed area, it became caught in the middle are several regime n buffer state between,There are several regimes Mongolia, n Xixia, Shandong loyalty army, of course, the South n edges Song. N 1228, for it is an extremely Jurchen n important year, five years ago, Genghis Khan hand n most also rely heavily on the most capable commander Mu Huali n died, much of the Central Plains of the Mongol army lost n previously unstoppable momentum. N More importantly, last year, of all the Mongols n of sweat, Polo pounds Temujin only child died, and n Mongols are the main offensive Xia. This is n Jurchen last hope lies. God bless n Daikin, Jo country stretches, forever without a break.
{Imperial_campaign_byzantium_title} Jindi Guo
Seiwa Genji is weighted toward family n
Japan's history when the court re-mastered Huan 武平氏 right, and licensed n
of the entire Kansai region, a series of Seiwa Genji n
Kanto places for the foundation, formed a strong force n
samurai family, prowl the sky. Source of righteousness n
(1096 年 -1156 years) called Mutsu Shiro, n
19 years old to crackdown on the uprising in the capital near the n
has achieved fame. Thenceforth become Seiwa Genji n
leader. Peace's like Genji gradually enter n
Central,Confrontation between the two families increasingly sharp n
sharp contradiction seems to presage the gradual backlog of two n
large family of inevitable war curtain. N
{imperial_campaign_egypt_descr} Seiwa Genji AD 1272, the Mongol armies captured FanCheng, n Southern Song court earthquake fear, Jitiao brightest reinforcements reinforcements n Xiangyang barrier lake in the hinterland of the Mongols continue to thoroughly Beijing n Mongolian see Song Xiangyang main way to set, then n decided to transfer troops sent Zhu Lu Xiangyang city in the Southern n Song main battle hope the General Assembly once completed its function n in the battle to determine the fate of the war Xiangyang Song n imminent
{Imperial_campaign_egypt_title} not use
{imperial_campaign_england_descr} Lianghuai region since ancient times is a four wars of the land, while n Aviva giving birth but also a land of Western Chu Xiang n Wang, Han Caomeng have in this land n masterful , orders the pack. Today, two n Huai theater is the northern gate of the Southern Song court, but also n Jurchen crossed the barrier at the heart of the process in several southward Jurchen n Golden State, the Lianghuai theater n are their main direction . Lianghuai area n defense, Huaihe, Yangtze River Canal and played a great role of n. Huaihe River is the first line of defense,Tributaries of the Huaihe River was n Huaihe River estuary downstream of Import multi n is the focus of the defense, especially the Yellow Ruhuai n Sanyo, Huaiyin area, seize the estuary, you can n Yangzhou along the canal to cross the river. Players need to skillfully n wonderful use of inland waterway transport, rapid deployment you n army. Jing Lake Theater is our ally, n calm lake in Beijing is to protect the safety of our flank n, but allies can not rely, where else than to put n in their hands more secure? We have n glorious past, a powerful Jurchen never in n too much benefit we get here, we will n get the final victory.Let us, under our ancestors n glorious continue to fight it, lads!
{imperial_campaign_france_descr} Lianghuai theater Lake Theater in Beijing choke back the Yangtze River, is the Song of the Yangtze River n central defense ties, need to face many n challenges. It is Jurchen and Mongols off the South n Song Changjiang defense barriers to protect both n Huai security theater downstream flank, and China Unicom upstream n Nishikawa theater. Although the decline Jurchen Jin, n but they still are not negligible threat, but n afar is the devil Mongols. N and at the same time,Located in the rear of his Southern Song court, n repeated Hunzhao weaken Beijing Lake Theater, players catechism n of treating the court order, Lianghuai theater and n Nishikawa, although the theater is our ally, but they n are also eyeing the land for us, to n always be careful of their actions. As to the north n Party Central Plains region of Shaanxi expansion or off, n rulers have to look at the decision. In the absence of strong n large cavalry, it is best not to provoke strong n defended the Mongols. Lake Theater in Beijing want to develop, n needs a wise and strong leaders.
Song Jing Lake Theater{Imperial_campaign_hre_descr} Nishikawa theater on the map of the southwest, mountain n aspect, self-contained. Plain, land n fertile, Xiao Yue Land of Abundance, hide, "was the West n River, can become the foundation of Jesus Christ." Nishikawa Theater n Song of the Yangtze River is an important part of the defense, they n guardian of the upper Yangtze River, to ensure that the court Lin'an not n outflank the enemy rear. And because Shu n Road tough, Nishikawa main theater is not Jurchen n to attack the direction of the initial stage of the game relatively n calm, this is a good opportunity for our development. I n We can not only see the already fading Jurchen, N devil Mongols have been on the other side of the mountain n, but the Mongol cavalry is not terrible, I n We have a strong mountain infantry, at the appropriate n terrain reasonable use of them, I might to Mongolia n ancients an indelible memory. But if you want n get real victory alone is not enough defense n, so we need a strong and capable n leader.
theater of Sichuan Song
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_AZTECS_DESCR} as an emerging country, bagan Dynasty undoubtedly

is in high speed rising period. Aaron noted the

King took a lot of progress measures, the formulation of

code, the development of industrial and agricultural production, national

weights and measures, promote commercial and seafaring

exhibition, the bagan to overseas countries to port

. Kingdom cultural prosperity, economic prosperity

this without revealing the arrival of a new era of

, however, all this should be based on the force

. But the pagan Kingdom's military strength, it is


because of the forest,Pagan Kingdom army spent

cavalry. The infantry is not eaten with adjacent

residents in a large number of rice. Fortunately, as the South Asian country home

bagan has formed the elephants forces, while

and composed of the hunter bagan Archer is

. But how can these soldiers to hold the first

progenitor of wealth, is needed before the rulers good thought bagan Dynasty

{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_BYZANTIUM_DESCR} a century, between Jurchen rose in the Northeast Asia's
mountains, they grew up in the cold snow storm
growth in more than ten years,The Jurchen cavalry with
conquer and kill swept the entire
East, two empires Eastern Liao and song
in the Jurchen cavalry whirlwind collapsed. The
has already become history, occupation of the Nuchen
people in a very short period of time will decline fall, can be
the Jurchen Jin is still the most powerful country in the east of
, until, in the remote northern empire a wild
barbarian tribe, a tribe called Temujin
leader towards it with hands the butcher's knife. After the 1215

Emperor Xuanzong moved the capital to Kaifeng, the territory is reduced to only the Yellow River week
around the area, it became a buffer state was sandwiched in between the
regime in,The regime in Mongolia,
, Shandong and the army, of course, the south edge of the
song. And N 1228, the Jurchen people is a very important
years, five years ago, Gen Gi Khan
under the most capable and most heavily on China and Li
died in Mongolia, the Central Plains military many lost
ever can't be held back the momentum.
is more important than last year, all the
Khan, Khan Tiemuzhen died, while
the main is attacking the western xia. This is the
Jurchen the last hope. God bless
Daikin, stretching from country work, never.
Seiwa Genji is the history of Japan toward weight group

when Huan Wuping's grasped the heavy weights, and have

throughout the Kansai area of the Seiwa Genji, a series of

in Northeast as the foundation, formed a powerful

Samurai family, wait up. The source for the antisense

(1096 -1156) say Mutsu Lang four,

19 years old in order to suppress the uprising of the capital near

made fame. Since then become the Seiwa Genji

leader. Peace's, Genji gradually enters into the

central,Among the two big family against the increasingly sharp

sharp, contradictions gradually backlog seems to indicate that the two

large family inevitable war curtain.

{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_EGYPT_DESCR} ad 1272, Mongolia army captured Fancheng,
during the Southern Song Dynasty shocked, Jitiao various reinforcements reinforcements to
Xiangyang barrier Mongols further Jinghu hinterland
Mongolians see the main force as set in Xiangyang, and
decided to transfer the armies in Xiangyang city and the South
song main a battle to accomplish the whole task
at once, decide the fate of the war of the Xiangyang
be triggered at any moment{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_EGYPT_TITLE}NOT USE
{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_ENGLAND_DESCR} two the Huaihe River area since ancient times is a place open to attack from all directions, and the
is also a hero to come forth in large numbers,
Wang Chu, Han Cao Mengde have in the land of
all-powerful, orders. Today, two
Huai theater is the Southern Song Dynasty imperial court of the north gate, but also the core
blocking Jurchen Nandu lies, in several South influx Jurchen
Jin, two Huai
theater is the main direction of their. Two Huai area
defense, Huaihe, the canal and the Yangtze River plays an important role for
. Huaihe is the first line of defense,Huaihe
downstream tributary of Huaihe river at the time of the
is to focus on defense, especially the Yellow River into the Huai
Shanyang, Huaiyin area, seize the mouth, can be
to along the canal to Yangzhou crossing. Game player need to skillfully use
and inland waterway transport, you
rapid deployment forces. Jinghu theater is our ally,
Jinghu well is our flank security
, but the allies can not depend on, what better place to be than the
more secure in your own hands? We have a
glorious past, powerful Jurchen have never been much good at
we here, we'll
to win the final victory.Let us continue to fight in the fathers of
light bar, brothers!
{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_FRANCE_DESCR} Jinghu theater connecting the Yangtze River is the central link of the waist, Southern Yangtze River
line, need to face many challenges of
. It is the Jurchen and Mongol cut off the southern
song Yangtze River defence barrier, protect downstream of the two
Huai theater flank security, as well as Unicom upstream
Nishikawa theater. Although the Jurchen Jin
fading, they still can not be ignored the threat, more
distance is the devil. The same
,In his great rear area of the Southern Song Dynasty imperial court,
several gaffes weakened Jinghu theater, game player must manage the
to the Chinese court, two Huai theater and
Nishikawa theater is our ally, but they also look at fiercely as a tiger does to
in our land, to
be careful all the time they move. As for the north central region or
Guan Shan area expansion,
have to look at the ruler's decision. In the absence of strong
large cavalry, had better not provoke strong
defended the mongols. Jinghu theater wants to develop,
needs a wise and strong leader.
{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_FRANCE_TITLE} the Jinghu Theater{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_HRE_DESCR} Nishikawa theater in the map most the West and south, mountains
aspect, self-contained. Chengdu Plain, fertile land, the land of abundance of
, said, "people say the West Sichuan
, can become eternal inheritance."
is an important part of the Southern Song Dynasty Xi Chuan theater of the line, they
to hold the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, to ensure that the Ling'an government will not
was outflanking the enemy in the rear. At the same time as Shu
difficult, Nishikawa theater and main
not Jurchen attack direction, the initial stage of the game
relatively calm, this is a good time to our development. But I can not only see the
are already fading jurchens,
devil Mongolians have
the mountain, but the Mongolian cavalry is not terrible, I
have powerful mountain infantry, in the appropriate
terrain and reasonable use of them, I can give
the cast an indelible memory. But to
to get the real victory, only defense is not enough
, therefore, we need a strong and capable leader in
{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_HRE_TITLE} southern Sichuan Theater
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_AZTECS_DESCR} as a member of an emerging country,

is in no doubt of the Bagan dynasty in fast-rising period. Aron

the King had taken a number of improvement measures, developing

code, developing industrial and agricultural production, national unification

the weights and measures to promote business and the seafaring

exhibition, Bagan became

the harbour leading to overseas countries. Cultural prosperity of the Kingdom,

the economic boom that no one does not reveal the

the arrival of a new era, however, it is going to be built on a strong military force on the

. While the military strength of the Bagan Kingdom,

worrying. N
because of its forests,N
deficiency lack of Cavalry of the army of the Kingdom of Bagan. Infantry did not o

the large number of eating white rice. Fortunately, as the South Asian country

Bagan has formed war units,

Pu Gangong is made up of forest hunters

toughness. But first, how could I make the soldiers keep

ancestral wealth, need a ruler put to good thought

{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_BYZANTIUM_DESCR}} Bagan dynasty a century ago, between the Jurchen people rise up in the
in Northeast Asia and Manchuria, they grow in the wind storm
snow, in more than 10 years,Jurchen
Cavalry accompanied by conquering and killing swept through the entire
East, the two great empires of the East song and Liao
Jurchen Cavalry come tumbling down in a cyclone. That
has become history, occupied the Central Plains Jurchen
man will fall within a very short time to fall,
Jurchen Kanekuni is still the most powerful
in the East, until, a wild
in the Empire's remote northern barbarians tribes, a tribal leader
it called temujin swing up in the hands of counterfeiters. N
after 1215 Xuan Zong Emperor moved the capital of Kaifeng, Jin dynasty's territory shrunk to only those weeks
Wai area of the Yellow River, it being several regimes of juggling between
in buffer State,This regime, Mongolia,
Western Xia, Shandong Yi's army, of course, the
in the South side of the song. N 1228, the Jurchen people is extremely
critical years, five years ago, Genghis Khan hand under
the ablest and most rely heavily on Captain of muhuali
died, Central Mongolia army lost the momentum of
to strength in the past. N more than that last year, all Mongolia
people sweat, Marco Polo Parkside, Jin temujin died,
Mongolia's main attacking the Western Xia dynasty. This is the last hope for
the Jurchen people. God bless
Daikin, Guo Zuo stretches, forever in every direction.
Ching and Genji is the Golden Empire Japan

the history of weight when Huan Wu Ping's master Government power, and licensed

the entire Kansai region when the Qing and Genji

the Kanto-Foundation formed strong forces

the Samurai family, time to play. Minamoto no Tameyoshi

(1096-1156), known as luaosilang,

19 years old, based on the repression of the capital near the

the intifada made fame. Then becomes clear and

the leader of Genji. Peace, Genji into

the Central,Rivalry between two families increasingly sharp

sharp building contradictions seem to presage world war two inevitable

family curtain. Source

{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_DENMARK_TITLE} is clear and in 1272, Mongolia Army captured Fancheng,
the Southern Song court shock, worry about regulating various reinforcements reinforcing
Xiangyang blocking Mongolia continues to Jinghu hinterland
Mongolia saw Southern Song of the main set of Xiangyang, then
decided road army in the city of Xiangyang, and South of the diaofa N carry out a battle song of the main Bi Qigong
in battle he desired, decided to battle of Xiangyang, the fate of the Southern Song dynasty
{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_ENGLAND_DESCR} and Huaibei region since ancient times, is a place where battles after battles are fought,
and a good SL babies were the land of xichu
King, East Cao m d
all-powerful have in this land, call the Pack. Today,
two Theater of the huaihe River is the Southern Song dynasty court, North Gate,
barrier lies at the heart of the Jurchen nandu, Jurchen
gold country South Korea several times in the course of, they direction of lianghuai
in the war zone. N in the Huaibei area defense, the huaihe River, canals and Yangtze River plays a
. Huai River is the first line of Defense,N in the huaihe River downstream of the huaihe River's tributaries flow into estuaries
is the focus of defenses, especially
, Sanyo, huaiyin area of Yellow River into the Huai River, capturing estuary will be
along the Canal to the River in Yangzhou. How
, players need to better use of inland waterway transport, rapid deployment you
troops. Jinghu was our ally in the war zone,
Jinghu is the stability of our flank security
, but ally, a fat, than
anywhere in their own hands more secure? N we had glorious past, strong Jurchen people never
here we receive many benefits, we will
final victory.Let us continue under predecessors
glow of battle, brothers! Liang Huai in the
{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_FRANCE_DESCR} Jinghu recapped the Yangtze River back in the war zone in the war zone, is the central link of
line of the Yangtze River in Southern Song dynasty, you need to give us a great deal of
choose war. It is the Jurchen and the Mongolia people cut off hurdle obstacle
Song Changjiang South perimeter to protect battlefield flank security
or two downstream of huaihe River, and Unicom
in the upper reaches of the Western theater. Jurchen Kanekuni decline,
, but they still must not ignore the threat,
is a diabolical distant the Mongolia people. N with this time,In his rear area of the Southern Song dynasty court,
weakened Jinghu out like a war zone, players to be
court orders, in Liang Huai in the war zone and
Xichuan theater is our friend and ally,
are on our land can them Tiger 視 glare,
with care their actions. Is
to the north side of the Central Plains shut Shaanxi-area expansion,
see the ruler's decision. Does not enhance
Qi he force times, best not to mess with enhance
end Mongolia people. Jinghu Theater wants to develop,
needs a wise and strong leader.
{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_HRE_DESCR} West Sichuan battlefield on the map most of the Southwest, the mountains
horizontal, self-contained. The Chengdu Plain,
fertile land, Hao Yue abundance, human speech "
West of rivers, ten thousands world heritage. "N Xichuan Theatre is an important link line of the Yangtze River in Southern Song dynasty, they
guard the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, ensure that Linan Court is not
flank the enemy rear areas. While Shu
road hard, West Sichuan is not the primary
Jurchen attack in theatre direction, relative
calm during the initial phase of the game, this is a good time for our development. But I can't see
Jurchen people has declined,N a devil of Mongolia who was already on the other side of the mountain
, but Mongolia people's cavalry was not terrible, I
has a strong mountain infantry, in proper
terrain of rational use of them, I would give Mongolian
an indelible memory of the ancients. But
won a real victory, Defense alone is not enough to
, so we need a GE enhance talented
導 depository.
{IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_HRE_TITLE} Southern Song dynasty Sichuan Theatre
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