Finish attack House aiduoma·baxilisha·Zeta to the door She picked up her foot side of the paper and knead into a ball, threw it to the Museum Initial plans is that cleaning the House human recycling important books as well as the value of the goods, and then retreated. Like a bird, without leaving a trace, pressed for time, can only find what what, but the result is, this House is like being (bandits) washed, became an empty nest. However, this is no problem. Because sending Ai Duoma and Mari dimiwugesi said this may be would turn out this way (which were originally without leaving any traces, and cleaning things). However, takes far more time than scheduled time She and the other demons and Mari along this should leave early. Mari took the place of residence prior to the most important figures in the collection. Because of time, the lower demons with a mountain of booty, preparing full withdrawal This should be the case. Then, in the retreat, discovered the underground warehouse. Underground warehouse full of stolen property, illegal drugs Recovery was slow speed First, the underground is divided into a number of rooms, valuable goods and plenty of bargains in a heap, is very hard to find. Was looking for wood in the forest. Even Ai Duoma and demons, nor will all the things away. Therefore, you must find in the forest fragrant wood If, the woman who was taken away by Marley were here, this problem would have been solved. However, it was too late Ai Duoma and demons will be judged to be garbage items are stuffed into one side of the room. But even the demon to forces far beyond human, which is a cumbersome task. However, thanks to this has been given to efforts after they successfully took away all valuable things all As the head, to the end of Ai Duoma have completed work with a pair of fresh faces, watching the night sky and rub my body sweat. Although she had not a drop of sweat, but now she is such a pair "HA. So, we move things go ~ " Follow Ai Duoma orders, giant worms, carrying a lot of things, fly to the sky. These worms are worms the ability to make calls out. Wings with a heavy bass sound, worms are lined up in a straight line towards the destination fly Watched bugs shipped weight left, Ai Duoma looks with one hand holding stuff "Ah, not so different. No, no " "Flip-flop" she tapped her head, to cut off a man's hand to his mouth. Men's hands as "Pa Pa Pa" sounds a little bit gone, Ai Duoma throat constantly moving. Her facial expression is very cute but bloody stench has slowly spread up "Woman's fat is very soft, very tasty. Children's fat is thin, the meat tastes great. But the best of it was accompanied by muscle texture of man meat " She eat smart from the bone, and then she lost his left hand in the mansion "Thank you" for She headed for the residence of a low bow, in order not to be late starting in mobile command locations. But she's still not take steps, not far away there was a sound, she had to stop "Hello, what a wonderful night, isn't it? ” "... ... Was a beautiful night. But I think, on this night is not good for you? ” Slowly reveal the figure of a confused person is male or female. Feels like a woman, but he (she? ) More like a man "You here to do? ” "Take a walk" “… What do you eat with gusto " "Meat" ".... Human flesh?" Men and women (Note: due to unknown gender, for men and women) voice as cold as ice, Ai Duoma don't care. Human no matter what feelings about her, she doesn't care. Dare to interfere, crushed, not to hinder, ignored. If you are hungry, you eat. For the Ai Duoma, this is how they exist Spike hammer the gap slowly for men and women. Watch posture, Ai Duoma first to voice their distress "One. We are not seen before? ” Men and women seem very strange. "Don't say? "Men and women wanted to think, after all, didn't say "I came here only because of work, when your opponent is in trouble, and now my tummy is full" . "... I'm sorry. I am the Kingdom's top adventurer. Meet man-eating monsters, how could escape. If you live in the human world, it's nerve-racking " "The real trouble. But you are strong. Well take you as fallback foods " Ai Duoma stared at the men and women for the first time, positive Mighty warriors, she can't help but think (Well, really strong) Ai Duoma and not just soldiers, she was unable to see each other's strength. However, she did not see each other better than their own "Oh ~ ~" Men and women come running, and her heavy hammer down Ai Duoma gracefully avoided the attack. But follow-up attacks immediately pursued, and substantial changes in the way the angle of the hammer, Ai Duoma struck again. This is not relying on centrifugal forces, smooth stroke, but hard against the brute force of irrational moves Ai Duoma flashed again launched a special skill "Ah!"? Do you only run! ” Spike hammer Rotary, rolled up strong winds and flying over the heads of men and women, blowing through her hair (she's thrown hammers) "Well, like" WHIR "rotate it? ” Smash hit the mouth of men and women in response to the jeers. Ai Duoma again when he launched the special skills of the hammer drop down from the top. She ducked out, and lost heavily in target hammer smashed into the Earth Ai Duoma laughed at the same solution. Her expression did not change. But the jeers have shown each other's powerful However, men and women caught as the overwhelming tenor of strong Ai Duoma "Crush it! ” To spike as the center of the hammer, the Earth began to collapse around. No scattered stones. Like there was an earthquake. Ai Duoma hold leisurely poses for the first time. However, other effects magic props and everything is not broken off Ai Duoma saw each other out of the smashed into the ground by a hammer She upset Ai Duoma berates himself to the effect that Is very easy to avoid attacks. If there is any humanity, because the land surrounding the collapse, so will be out of balance, he will be very difficult to avoid the shock waves of the earth being destroyed. But Ai Duoma fighting maid, she is carrying a high level magic items. This level of destruction perfunctory However, there is a problem When Dodge stones fly, himself dressed in maid outfit dirty This kind of thing is to forgive? This is the highest given Ai Duoma top clothes -The end Ai Duoma hidden behind a mask, face, surface hostility Is for --Kill She cradled the kill an idea, rather than human flirt worm's feelings. The Ai Duoma, heavy hammer down Ai Duoma not raised my left hand to ward off a hammer. Not to the guardian class Ai Duoma, simply go to the hammer with his left hand, was not unscathed Then, the moment of contact, not steel sounds ringing sound hit the meat, but the sounds of steel hit a hard object Ai Duoma opened a shield on the left hand. This is not an exaggeration. On the eight to the insect clouds above the Ai Duoma wrist (PIS: bug shields ~ ~) "Why, what is this! ” "I, Ah, but worms. So can call the causative bugs Oh "she held out her hand, flew out of the night a little worm, cotton wool velvet worms look like swords, attached to the Ai Duoma right back "This is insect sword knife and hard beetles. I did not intend to kill you, but you can't forgive me! ” Ai Duoma forward step by step, one hit kills Male and female armor was cracked by chopping, blood pouring out. But it's still far to fatal levels. Men and women cannot fully escape the Ai Duoma serious blows, but only slightly injured She has said that she is the Kingdom's top fighters, not exaggerated. He (she? ) This level has no rival Youli Ai Duoma though not as pure as the battle lines, but she's fighting maid, with powerful humans so far She again cut shot, blood-spewing, red cheeks The attack caused far more damage than the last big is not the minor injuries "The movement has changed! Is this the right thing! ” Men roar, heavy hammer down. However hard Ai Duoma beetle bounce off the hammer. Strong impact around the body of men and women, her foot but could go a step farther. She struggled to move up, she's aroused the anger of the powerful. Vigor of men and women, anger, smooth combo was launched. Wind surf-like attack, is probably the world's unique "Wu JI" makes sense. However, Ai Duoma hard blade beetles and insects using the handy, these 15 combo with all non-injury block Ai Duoma did not know is that the attack is pale rose gegelan use a variety of arms kill--Super combos. Surf combos every hit is her best, even martial < fortress > can break through, only a few of the insights of genius of defensive skill < falls to Fort > can resist. However, Ai Duoma natural muscle power alone is blocking the Both levels of gap, is absolutely overwhelming physical abilities of the race gap Her eyes float up in despair, Ai Duoma didn't care, she just wants to kill rival --Putt-putt ~~ There came a slight breathing in water, and men and women stopped the attack. Ai Duoma insect--blade bows on his right hand, and pull. Arrows towards men and women chest Gallop Warhammer power, slow as mud turtle, Ai Duoma arrows may have transferred her out of his chest-only tail exposed Sword-waving in the air. Blade bug because objectives cannot be found, have quickly failed in the night "Poof" Ai Duoma moving his eyes to find her intruder In the distance, there was a black woman. Her men and women followed by smell disorders "I'm sorry, Tiye (twin Ninja). I thought that was going to die " "Gegelan of the outflow of blood is red ~" "Are you surprised a ghost! I was injured the way, have you seen this many times! ” "I thought it would shed blue blood. Powerup!" "Compared to powerup, which was to change the race! ” "So, classchange!" Ai Duoma listening to their relaxed conversation, and anxiety. As a strong, if the present time must be clear, and makes clear his position. "Almost there, greeting you want to parting with them now? ” Ai Duoma struck poses for the first time. Men and women-gegelan is not a fearsome opponent. Problem is that new--Tiye. Her dress if not an assassin, and is a Ninja. That's need to be level 60 as a predecessor job 如果她真的是忍者的话,就算是艾多玛也不能轻松取胜。“保存实力就这么结束吧,”现在完全不是说这种话的时候! “式蜘妹符!” 艾多玛的动作比对方更快,她发动了右手握着的四枚符咒 符咒在落到地面的瞬间,幻化成了体型巨大的蜘蛛 这是与<第三位阶怪物>召唤同等程度的法术,因而召唤出来的都不是强大的怪物。但要是能以此试探出对方实力的一部分就已经帮大忙了。而且也能让自己有时间为战斗做好准备 虫使的武器虽然强大,却有着不少的缺点。其中之一便是召唤武器时需要消耗不少的时间 “影分身之术” 提雅的忍术刚一发动,她的影子微微晃动,又一个“提雅”便出现在了原地 艾多玛一直警惕着提雅。由影分身之术产生的影子大概具有本体四分之一的战斗力。但是只有影子的闪避值是由本体分配给它的魔力量来决定的,仅此而已。影子对于符咒蜘蛛来说可能会是强敌,但对于艾多玛而言,小菜一碟 但真正的问题是,影子的本体的战斗力究竟几何。艾多玛召唤出了她的杀手锏——钢弹虫。同时,她平摊开符咒朝向自己,开始了能力强化 不知从何处飞来的钢弹虫密密麻麻的覆盖着她的左腕 三公分长的虫子闪着钢铁色的光芒,身躯成山形,只有前端十分尖锐,它的样子与步枪的子弹十分相像。而这虫子的使用方式,当然跟它的样子是一致的 影分身只是为了躲避一只符咒蜘蛛的攻击就已经竭尽全力,本体也不得加入战斗,和分身并肩作战。如此久的时间,他们却只是杀掉了一只符咒蜘蛛,看来她的等级绝不会高于自己。如此是这样的话,即便是再上格格兰的战斗力,胜利也也是囊中之物了 (——看来,都如我所预料的一样) 决不手下留情,以压倒性的战斗力,迅速分出胜负 左手传来的沉重感让艾多玛感到满足,她左指刺向了提雅 艾多玛的左腕上覆盖的虫子比她的手腕还要粗上还几倍。随着艾多玛的动作,所有的虫子一齐从手腕前端开始了移动。从指间开始,虫子争先恐后的飞上天空。成群结队的虫子翅膀煽动发出的声音如同机关炮一般。连纳入射击范围内的友方符咒蜘蛛都毫不留情的击穿,总计一百五十只虫子转瞬间便杀到了提雅前 单是一只虫子,并足以击穿钢铁。而这总计一百五十只的虫子连巨木都能击穿击弯。面对这瞬息而至的死亡炮弹,提雅发动了忍术 “不动金刚盾之术!” 提雅的面前出现了一个闪着七色光辉的大盾。这光芒足以切开黑暗的巨大的六角形大盾,扛出了激突的虫群。仅仅瞬间,伴随着清脆“啪嗒”声,盾被击碎了,但是在这一瞬间,虫弹之雨停滞了,站在后方的提雅毫发无伤 艾多玛虽然没有舌头,仍然忍不住砸了砸嘴。但是,将对方隐藏的底牌一张张翻出来,便如同照亮了胜利的道路。虽然敌方在奋力抵抗自己的攻击,但在艾多玛的攻击击穿敌方的防御的同时,她要全部吃下因为她的大意而酿成的苦果! 她用剑虫弹开前方射来的苦无——她用虫盾抗下格格兰从天而降的重击。不愧是从天而降的重击,硬甲虫受到了相当大的伤害,它们不由的发出来“唧唧,嘤嘤”的悲鸣声 眼睛因为不动金刚盾的炫目光芒而睁不开,因而会无法防住突袭而至的格格兰的攻击吧~。但是,艾多玛的视觉并并不会收到这种程度的影响。她的视野范围要远大于人类,并且能覆盖到这次的攻击 她在判断这
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