下火月[九月]四日 22:27 战斗结束 终于,虫女仆就好像断线人偶一般,倒在地上 依比鲁艾魔力消耗严重,消耗品几乎用完了。从经济方面考虑, dịch - 下火月[九月]四日 22:27 战斗结束 终于,虫女仆就好像断线人偶一般,倒在地上 依比鲁艾魔力消耗严重,消耗品几乎用完了。从经济方面考虑, Anh làm thế nào để nói

下火月[九月]四日 22:27 战斗结束 终于,虫女仆就好像断线人偶一

下火月[九月]四日 22:27





























































































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下火月[九月]四日 22:27 战斗结束 终于,虫女仆就好像断线人偶一般,倒在地上 依比鲁艾魔力消耗严重,消耗品几乎用完了。从经济方面考虑,恐怕将会留下一大笔的赤字 “赢了!” 一身伤痕的格格兰喘着粗气做出了胜利宣言。回复药一个都没剩下,外伤虽有,但体力还有剩余 “给她的喉咙来一下”(刺穿她的喉咙!) “是啊” 依比鲁艾同意了提雅的建议。虫女仆将死还未死。它还发出“伊伊”的鸣叫声(就是最好的证据) 在已经让它失去了战斗力的情况下,最安全保险的做法就是毫不犹豫杀死它 持剑上前的提雅突然僵住了身子。“怎么了嘛?”依比鲁艾还未询问便已知道了她停止动作的原因 “请到此为止,可好?” 不可置信,不知何时,虫女仆的身前站着一个男人 他穿着这一带没见过的奇怪的衣服。在依比鲁艾的认知中,这是南方的穿戴的衣服的一种,成套的西装。他脸上带着面具,无法看到他的素颜 但是,他并不是人类。男子的腰间长着尾巴 “喂,依比鲁的亲戚吗?” 笨蛋嘛!依比鲁欲言又止。气势袭来,好似全身遭受雷击。若是瞧瞧右手,便已发现被汗水沾湿(简而言之,就是王八之气秒杀全场) “——没事吧?从现在起就交给我吧,你先行回去休息去吧” He ignored the pale-rose cross the arms in front of the crowd, to insect maid said softly. Although he enemy, but people holds considerable affection for him. However, Rouaix is not so Terror to toe, this is not fake Survival instinct is humming. She held her breath, holding the determination to die on the side of gegelan and Tiye said “….逃! … Fool, don't look at me here. So quiet and listened. That is. ... overwhelmingly powerful. The monsters in the monster, leave behind, to escape " “…… What would you do " Gegelan asked in a bitter voice "Never mind. I'll just drag you run, and immediately use < shipping magic > escape " Hurt, I couldn't move bug maids do not know what, stood up unsteadily. Seeing her use healing spells, do not like to drink what looks Do not know from where to fly insect attached to her back, who flew into the night sky. But "Iran" song, fly away Let her escape, but sight is unable to take action because this man. And so are the two remaining, his forehead was covered with sweat, body froze, cannot be Watched the maid left, men turn to Lu AI Living for more than 250 years, and seen all sorts of strong. Even in this, his aura is very special. No, this disgusting ugly malice, compared with others, it is "impossible" level As the strong, he is the Platinum Dragon level? Because it is too powerful and has confused his level "Waiting so long. So, time is running out, right away and get started? ” "Quick! 跑!!!! ” Yibilu made a whining Two of them turned, like a runaway dog run out (PIS: here is a free translation). Guilt companions left, absolutely impossible. It is because of this guilt, not only in words than Lu AI run away immediately. Trust! Rouaix, can do anything. Rouaix, should be able to escape! But the idea was immediately subversive "First of all, that parting, not pain, let me stop your transfer. < Block >. Hello before parting, both etiquette and happy " This is ultra superior demon or Angel with special skills to prevent the neighborhood using < transfer magic >. According to Lu AI than their withdrawal will not be able to work However, this is not a problem. Earlier knew, you'd better stay here--as a defender of the people, can return alive, and not take "Death is the laws of nature. Junior, senior citizens died. This is the right cycle of Justice. ” After more than 200 years of age and women bid farewell to provoke no win in front of an opponent. "So, you guys. But if you don't do anything, just please let me launch an attack " Speech is full of heart appears on the terrorist kill an idea. Rouaix concentrated body spirit, sense of expelling evil (I was than Rouaix. Legend of the woman. No matter how strong the enemy--fight! ) “那么承蒙好意,我就先发制人了!吃我一招!<魔法强化结晶散弹>!” 一开始便是她得意的法术。比拳头还小的许多的水晶散弹biubiubiu 前端是尖锐的水晶碎片,本来在近身战中使用更能造成巨大的伤害,但是,不知道该如何接近眼前的大恶魔 虽然已经下定了决心,却依然有点退缩。依比鲁艾自嘲道。敌人的力量是个谜,谨慎点战斗时理所当然的。 假面的恶魔,如同欢迎一般,伸开双手。水晶的弹雨沐浴他全身之前——魔法消散了。魔法消失之快,宛若未曾出现过 “种族天赋,魔法无效化吗!?还是实力相差这么多!?” 要是实力差距明显的话,魔法就会很容易被无效化 无视第一招就使用错了的依比鲁艾,男子优雅的把手横着伸展开。动作姿态如同指挥者一般。 “<狱炎之壁>” 热浪扑向她的身后,不可置信的依比鲁艾慌慌张张的回头看去 “唰”的一下,黑夜燃烧,不可能存在的黑炎熊熊燃烧 它包围住了正在逃跑的格格兰和提雅,她们上蹿下跳挣扎着,渐渐地像是垃圾一般倒在大地上。火焰消失了,如同幻觉一般,而那两人已经没有动静了,气息全无。她强压住自己想立刻跑近查看的冲动。不敢相信,却不能不信,依比鲁艾深深明白这个道理。那是致命伤。仅仅是一击,曾与自己同甘共苦的伙伴就被杀死了 她咬紧嘴唇,不让自己发出悲戚声 “鄙人只是想尽全力阻止她们而已,但是她们比我想象的要弱啊。只是那种程度的火焰就死了啊。请接受我的悔恨” 男人似乎是打心底里感到抱歉,深深的地下了头。那做做的态度,让依比鲁艾再也压抑不住自己的感情了 站在他眼前的依比鲁艾——无视对他发动攻击的对手,而对身后的两人发动了攻击的理由,是什么?逃跑确实是理由之一,但除此之外还有一个原因 他清楚的知道敌我的实力差,知道自己对他完全构不成威胁。但实际却是——他不认为眼前的人称得上是“敌人” 眼前有逃跑者。那么就先把逃跑的杀了。仅仅是如此简单的想法而已 “….好难啊。致死的伤害程度,不能以你为标准来考虑呢…为何,要和实力较弱的人组队呢?不这么做的话,不是能探索更加高级的地图吗?” “——你!你!你!不许你这么说!!!哇哇哇哇哇哇” 这不是悲鸣而是怒号。憎恨着,大喊着的依比鲁艾跑起来了。不如说是,借着魔法的力量在空中滑翔。在拳头中注入法力。蓄积“无效化”和“难以抵抗”的近身魔法 恶魔抬起手,迎击 “恶魔诸相:豪魔的巨腕” 恶魔的手腕变大了数倍,巨大化的手臂垂到了地上。那并不是充了空气才“怦怦”的膨胀起来的,而是变成了坚硬无比的凶器

























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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Under fire months [September] at 22:27 on the 4th battle ended finally, insects like broken dolls maid in general, fell to the ground according to比鲁艾consume magic serious, almost ran out of supplies. From the viewpoint of economy, I am afraid that will leave a large deficit , "won!" gasped a scar of格格兰made ​​a declaration of victory. Potion a no rest, although trauma, but physically there is a surplus , "to her throat to look" (pierced her throat!) "Yes ah," according to TIA's比鲁艾he agreed with the recommendation. The dead have not yet dead insects maid. It also issued a "Yiyi" chirping sound (is the best evidence) in case it has lost the fight, the most safe and secure way is to kill it without hesitation sword in front of Tia suddenly froze the body. "Well how?" According to比鲁艾has not asked her to stop the action already know the reason , "Please stop here, how are you?" unbelievable, I do not know when, standing in front of a man insect maid he was wearing The band never seen strange clothes. In accordance比鲁艾awareness, which is a garment worn by the South, complete suit. With a mask on his face, unable to see his makeup , but he is not human. Men's waist long tail "Hey, according to Lu's relatives than you?" stupid thing! According to the ratio of Lu hesitantly. Momentum hit, like a body being struck by lightning. If the look right, already found to be wet with sweat (in short, the whole spike bastard gas) "- all right from now on to me, you first go back and rest?" He ignored the arms cross in front of the crowd pale rose, against insect maid she said softly. Although he is an enemy, but people against him quite a good impression. However, this is not true according to比鲁艾sense of terror through the toes, it is by no means false buzzing survival instinct. She held his breath, holding the determination to die facing the side of the Gege Lan and Tia said . ".... escape! ... stupid, do not look at me. It was so quiet and listened. It was .... overwhelmingly powerful Monster monster, do not control behind, to escape " "...... how do you do" Gege Lan with bitter voice asked , "Do not mind. I'll drag you to escape, then immediately with <Teleport> escape" by the injury should not move the worm simply did not know what the maid, stood up unsteadily. Also see her use a magic cure, not like drinking what looks like from nowhere flying insects attached to the back of her maid into the night sky. Leaving only "Yiyi" chirping sound, so fly away watched her escape, but because the front of this man's vision can not take action. The remaining two, too, his forehead covered with sweat, body froze, action can not watched the maid left, the man turned to depend比鲁艾live a hundred and fifty years or more, had the experience of a variety of strong. Even in this, and that he circulated to the aura is very special. No, it's disgusting ugly malice on the Bay, compared with other, already is "impossible" levels of as strong, he is the level of the White Dragon King? Because it is too strong, it has been hard to tell his level of "waiting. Well, time is running out, immediately, start it? " " Quick! Run !!!! " according to Lu issued a lament than two turned, as runaway dogs generally ran out (PIS: Here is a translation). The companion leave the guilt, never Probably not. It is precisely because of this guilt, it is not in accordance with Bilu Ai If completed immediately run away. Trust! According to Bilu Yi, then, what can be done. According to Bi Luyi, you should be able to escape! However, the idea was immediately subversion "First, meet namely leave, it is not very painful, let me stop you transfer it. <sub-element blockade> before parting to say hello, is in line etiquette, and pleasing to it." This is Super PC demons or angels use special skills, can prevent around it using the <Transfer Magic>. The method according to Bi Luyi their withdrawal can not be worked , however, this is not a problem. Early to know, the best people stay here - as a defender of the people, what can make it back alive, it is impossible "dead it is a natural law of junior students, the elderly and those who died that justice is the right circle. ah. " 200 years of years of experience, while the woman goodbye, while the immediate challenge opponents no chance. "Well, you first now. But if you'll do nothing, then, please let me attack it," the heart is full of words between the terror spewing intention to kill. According to the spirit of比鲁艾centralized body to expel evil sense (.. I depend比鲁艾legend enemy no matter how strong a woman - to fight!) "So was nice, I would eat me a pre-emptive move <!! Strengthening magic crystal shrapnel>! " start is proud of her spells. Many smaller than a fist crystal shotgun biubiubiu the tip is sharp crystal fragments, originally for use in close combat can also cause great harm, but do not know how close to the front of the devil , although already made ​​up my mind, but still a little back. According to Bilu Yi joked. Enemy forces is a mystery, when fighting cautiously granted. A mask of the devil, as generally welcomed with open hands. Crystal hail of bullets bathe before his body - the magic disappeared. Magic disappear fast, just like has not been seen , "race talent, magic invalidate it!? or strength difference so much!?" If the strength of the gap significantly, then magic will easily be invalidated disregard the first move on the use of the wrong according to Bilu Yi, elegant man stretched out sideways grip. Action attitude as commander general. "<Prison inflammation of the wall>" heat wave toward behind her, according to比鲁艾incredible panic looked back "shabu" and look, dark combustion, can not exist in black inflammation burning it encirclement fleeing格格兰and TIA, they jumped struggling, like garbage in general gradually pour in the land. Flame disappeared, like hallucinations in general, and that the two have no movement, no breath. She immediately ran strong they want to suppress the urge to close view. I can not believe it, but can not believe, according to Bi Luyi deeply understand this. That was fatal. Just a hit, who with his partner through thick and thin was killed clenched her lips, not to send out the sound of grief . "I just tried it out to stop them, but they are weaker than I thought ah. Just the kind of degree flame died ah. Please accept my remorse, " the man seems to be bottom of my heart to feel sorry, deeply underground head. That attitude of doing so in accordance with比鲁艾no longer irrepressible their feelings standing in front of him according to比鲁艾- ignoring attacks on his opponents, while the two men behind the attacked reasons What is? Escape is indeed one of the reasons, but in addition there is a reason he clearly knows the difference between the strength of the enemy, that he is not a threat to him completely. But the reality is - he does not think in front of people regarded as "the enemy" in front of those who have fled. So on the first kill to escape. Just so simple ideas so far . ".... so hard ah. extent of injury death, you can not consider it as a standard ... why, to team up and the weaker it? Do not do this, not to explore more Advanced map it " ? " -!!! You you you can not you say !!! yapping yapping " This is not a lament but howling. To hate, according to Bi Luyi shouting the run up. As it is, by the power of magic in the air and glide. Injection mana fist. Accumulation "invalid" and "hard to resist" melee magic demon raised his hand, engaged the "devil various phases: the magic of the giant luxury wrist" Devil's wrist several times larger, huge arm of down to the ground. It was not filled with air only "beating" of inflated, but became extremely hard weapon weapon stand in front to stop her progress. Bilu Yi moment according timid, but immediately made ​​up my mind to wave away loophole! Approximation huge onrush of the wrist according to Bilu Yi. The speed, beyond imagination, just like a huge wall, unlimited extension in sight. Unavoidable, make judgments according to比鲁艾moment, he launched a defensive magic "<harm Transfer>" in front of a black, but has been badly hit and hit fly, disoriented, even their own have not tell where. Body shot flew stone on the road, like a ball bouncing in general, followed by another hit in flight, Xiu Xiu fly but - no injuries according to Bilu Yi launched a magic <flight>, an incredible position to fly. And he was not injured. However, if not used to physical injuries suffered converted mana cost of the magic words, you should have been dying of it (PIS:! Magic Shield get a sister) "<magic resistance break the reinforced crystal dagger>" than ever Greater crystal dagger appeared in the air, fired! This sword of pure physical damage, can not be arrived Moreover, applying the special magic that can easily break through the defense devil does not flash not avoid, hard to eat injuries. While eating a magic caused the greatest harm, but can not see the slightest effect on the devil . ".... plus defensive magic have no injury break? ... The superior Devil unimaginable, not beyond the devil! it should be called the devil king ? " is known as the king, though not stronger than everything, but with the name of the king and the royal family, is among the strongest in the race, which is the basic common sense of the world. Weak king was able, basic only humans only "Devil's all relative: sharp claws off" devil's claws extended, more than eighty centimeters. According to比鲁艾not help but feel this paw unstoppable, things in the world can be cut (again recovered the corpse of the two escape, Chenqie do ah, while others even come, when this guy is not enough opponents ah, at least move to On the battlefield, so that the rest of their bodies are more likely to find the job ....) according to比鲁艾lifted mouth worst is to make energy use resurrection magicューsu ra ki and the demon just positive. But never let it happen ! "I went," according to Lu is preparing to bite the bullet over time - a sharp sound, there is nothing falls between the two men could not bear the weight of stone on the road had cracks and dusty where, because of the impact of the landing and bent body, the soldiers alone black armor reflecting the quiet moonlight, flashing a dazzling beauty of light. True red cloak as a burning flame, flying in the night sky. His hands were holding huge incredible shining light of the judgment Sword dark warrior slowly stood up. Tall stature. Tall, probably about the same, and that demon. But that divine light so that the devil winced body, according比鲁艾fear of color to capture the powerful demon at the time saw the dark warrior exposed. I like to see the look of things unimaginable when compared according to Lu in silence among the voices heard swallow saliva. And this voice is that the devil sent. According to Bilu Yi beyond imagination devil, in this burly warrior before, he held his breath chill sound like a cut dark "So ... Who is my enemy?"

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Under fire [September] four days 22:27

end of combat

finally, insect maid is like a broken doll generally, pour on the ground the magic of

Yibiluai consumption seriously and consumables almost run out of the. From the economic considerations, I will leave a large deficit


a scar Princess Blue panting made a declaration of victory. Reply medicine a never left, trauma though, but physical remaining

"to her throat shout" (pierce her throat!) "Yes"

Yibiluai to Tiye suggestions. The maid is not dead dead insects.It has also issued a "Yiyi" chirping sound (that is, the best evidence)

in had made it lose the fighting force, the safest approach is not hesitate to kill it

sword forward of Tiye suddenly stiffened. "What's wrong?" Yibiluai also did not ask her to stop already know

"movement reason please stop here, OK?"

can not believe, I do not know when, insect maid stand before the body of a man

he wore in this area have not seen the strange clothes. In Yibiluai cognition, this is a kind of Southern wear clothes, complete suit. He had a mask on his face,Couldn't see his makeup but he is not human

. The man's waist long tail

"Hello, according to Perugia relatives?" Idiot

! In Perugia about to speak, but saying nothing. The imposing manner, as if the whole body was struck by lightning. If you look at the right hand, have been found in wet with sweat (in short is bastard of gas spike audience)

", okay? From now on will be handed to me, you first go back to rest. "

he ignored the transverse weapons in the former pale rose all, against insect maid said tenderly. Although he is the enemy, but let people have a good impression of him. However, Yibiluai is not the case.The direct sense of terror toe, which is not a fake

survival instinct humming. She held her breath, the determination to die at the side of the Blue Princess and Tiye said "... Escape!... Fool, don't look at me. So quiet listen. That is... Overwhelming power. The monster in the monster, not behind, to escape ""...... What did you do with the bitter Blue Princess "

voice asked," don't care about. I will drag you escape, then immediately flee < teleport spell > "

injured, should be the fundamental dynamic not worm maid I do not know what, rickety stood up.Not to see her using magic cure, also is not to drink what appearance

I do not know from where to fly insect attached to her back, the maid flew away into the night. Leaving only the cries of "Yiyi", so fly away

watched her escape, but because the man 's eyes eyes cannot take action. The remaining two, too, on the forehead covered with sweat, body catalepsy, action is not

watched after leaving the maid, men to Yibiluai

lived two hundred and fifty years above, and have seen a variety of strong. Even in this, he sends out the aura is also very special. No,The nasty upwelling with ugly malicious, compared with the other, is already "impossible" level of the

as strong, he is the platinum Dragon King level? Because too powerful, have not clear his level

"waiting. So, the time is urgent, right away, begin now?"

"! Run!!!!" In a Perugia

two. People turned around, such as runaway dogs generally ran out (PIS: here is a free translation). The guilt of leaving the companion, must not be possible. It is because of this sense of guilt, not only in the Yibiluai words immediately run away. Trust! Yibiluai,
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