Naruto laughed softly.

Naruto laughed softly. "I won't say

Naruto laughed softly. "I won't say that's not a possibility."

The sound of that laugh sent a shiver up Sasuke's spine. His fists tightened, his face set in a disinterested mask as he told himself, "It's not like that. I DO NOT want Naruto that way. It's just because I've been alone for so long."

Naruto finally looked up, the motion drawing Sasuke's eyes. He raised one of his dark eyebrows, smirking as he studied the flush in Naruto's cheeks. "Have you been out drinking, dobe?"

Naruto smiled like a little kid caught red-handed. He nodded, the hand that had been resting on his stomach now pounding against it as a fist. "Did you know that Kurama's a light weight? Can't handle his alcohol at all."

"Hey, knock it off." Sasuke said exasperatedly, stepping forward to grab Naruto's fist through the bars. "You'll make yourself puke."

As soon as their skin made contact, Sasuke could sense Naruto's entire body stiffen. Immediately, the space between them sparked with tension. Sasuke glanced up, freezing when his eyes met with Naruto's own vividly blue ones. Sasuke was struck, yet again, by how attractive Naruto had become - by how attracted he was to the blond. He found himself staring at Naruto's lips, wondering if the blond had ever kissed anyone before.

"Why?" He asked himself, horrified.

For a moment, they simply stood in silence, but then Sasuke sighed, studying the scarred fist held in his pale hand. Without knowing why, he rubbed his thumb over Naruto's knuckles, reveling in the warmth of his skin. When he spoke, his voice came out in a rough whisper, raw with emotion.

"Why did you come here, Naruto?"

"I don't know." The blond replied, his voice a low, gravelly hum. He inhaled deeply, making an obvious effort to relax himself. He leaned forward until the side of his forehead rested against one of the bars, the light from the lanterns gleaming in his depthless eyes. "It's my birthday today. I really wanted to see you."

"His birthday?" Sasuke thought, eyes widening. "I didn't realize I'd been in here for so long already."

"Well, Happy Birthday then, dobe." He said, still looking down. "Sorry, but I don't have a gift prepared at the moment."

Naruto laughed as he reached up and, after a moment of breathless hesitation, gently lifted Sasuke's chin. His cheeks were bright red when he whispered, "Just being with you is enough."

The ache that had been growing duller over the past several weeks suddenly returned with a vengeance, chasing heat from Sasuke's stomach straight up into his cheeks. Sasuke was shocked to discover that he didn't mind Naruto touching him this way – in fact he enjoyed it. He could feel his heart beating in his throat, making it difficult to breathe, as a sudden and intense desire filled him. Sasuke's mind was, without warning, filled with images of himself reaching for Naruto, touching him, kissing him and tasting him on his tongue.

"Don't go there." Sasuke warned himself. "You're probably reading the situation wrong. Naruto's always been grabby. If he rejects you…"

Despite his own warning, Sasuke let his eyes drift shut as Naruto's calloused fingers softly traced his jawline before slipping into his smooth, black hair. The strands slipped through his warm fingers as fluidly as water.

"Your hair's grown." He said softly. "It looks nice on you."


Sasuke frowned, the corners of his mouth quivering as his voice came out in a broken whisper. "Why did you come, Naruto…"

Unable to resist the intensity of his need any longer, Sasuke took a deep, shaking breath against the nerves writhing in his stomach. He stepped forward until his chest was against the bars of his cell, his nose brushing against Naruto's. He stopped just before their lips met, hesitating; terrified that Naruto would back away from him.

For the briefest moment their gazes meshed, and Sasuke thought he saw something flash in Naruto's eyes, like a burning ember.


Naruto's hand slid around to the back of Sasuke's head, pulling him forward. At first, their lips met in a soft, questioning brush; they lingered nervously, neither one of them confident enough to jump into this moment of vulnerability. But as pain radiated from Sasuke's chest, he abandoned his fear and reached up to roughly grasp the spiky strands of Naruto's hair.

"Naruto, please." He whispered, before crushing their lips together.

Heat exploded between them, churning up a tension that rushed into Sasuke's limbs and made his skin tingle. His heart leapt, butterflies fluttering in his stomach, as he realized how right this felt; and how desperately he needed it.

"How long have I been repressing this?" Sasuke wondered.

Naruto responded enthusiastically, leaning forward until he was completely pressed against the bars as he tilted Sasuke's face upwards. Sasuke felt himself being overwhelmed by the intense heat that radiated from his childhood friend. He released his grip on Naruto's hand, grabbing onto his vest instead. He nipped at the blond's lower lip sharply, blushing when he felt Naruto's mouth smiling against his own. Naruto's tongue slipped over his lips fluidly, teasing him with the taste of saké and something sweet that Sasuke couldn't identify.

In that moment, Sasuke felt himself disconnect from the world - from the pain and the uncertainty - and all that mattered was the sensation of Naruto's full lips moving against his. In that moment, Naruto was the only thing that mattered.

Succumbing to his own desire, Sasuke allowed Naruto to dominate the kiss, using the opportunity to greedily explore the Jinchuuriki's body with his hands. Every ounce of baby fat had melted away from Naruto's lean body, his back a defined "S" curve as he bent slightly to meet Sasuke's lips. If it weren't for the cold bars, their bodies would have been pressed flush together.

Naruto smoothed his hands down Sasuke's sides, resting his hands on narrow, angular hips. Using his height and the cool press of the bars to his advantage, Naruto kept his lips just out of Sasuke's reach, whispering, "Sasuke, are you sure…this is okay? We can stop."

"Stop?" Sasuke thought, his eyebrow arching. His heart was pounding so loudly in his ears that it took him a moment to collect his thoughts. But when his scattered brain had sorted itself out, realization hit Sasuke like a tidal wave. "Holy shit. Stop…stop."

"Yeah," Sasuke muttered coldly, averting his gaze. "We need to stop. This…is insane."

"Hm." Naruto mused, his hands stroking back up to Sasuke's hair. "Maybe it is. Maybe I'm insane, because I sure as hell don't want to stop."

Sasuke swallowed his immediate response, closing his eyes as he tried to control the frantic beating of his heart. After a few seconds, he managed to shake his head. "Allow me some dignity," He whispered, reaching out to grip one of the cell bars pointedly. "I want us to be on equal ground."

Although Naruto looked disappointed, he nodded. "I understand." He said, pulling himself away from Sasuke's sensitive body. But not far enough away that he couldn't recapture Sasuke's lips.

His warm, rough hand rested gently on Sasuke's nape as he kissed him slowly. His mouth was gentle, sensual. Sasuke felt his frantic heartbeat slowing, his hands coasting over Naruto's body lightly.

Finally, they broke apart, cheeks red as their eyes met. Naruto smiled warmly, cradling Sasuke's face in his hands.

"I know that, technically, this is our third kiss, but -" He leaned forward, laying a soft kiss upon Sasuke's lips. "Let's say that one is the first."

He leaned forward again, his lips brushing from one cheek to the other, then back to Sasuke's mouth. "And that one can be the second." He whispered before kissing Sasuke once more. "And that one can be the third."

Sasuke turned his face away, hiding his blush behind the fall of his hair. "You're embarrassing, idiot-blond."

"Good." Naruto muttered with a grin. He pulled back, hands clinging to the bars. Sasuke followed his example, quickly dropping his hands as he realized how tight his grip on Naruto was.

Heavy silence fell, only their breathing and the echo of dripping water disturbing it. Not entirely sure what he should say after such an intense display of emotion, not to mention a confusingly passionate kiss, Naruto stared at Sasuke's face and waited for him to speak first. It was a long time before he complied.

"You'd better get going." Sasuke said softly, looking down so Naruto wouldn't be able to see the pain in his eyes. "You ditched your birthday party to come see me, right?"

"Busted," Naruto said, taking a step back. The silence that followed was excruciating, ringing with the words neither of them would say. Sasuke scrambled to reconstruct his protective walls, retreating into the darkness of his cell. When his back hit the wall he slid down, hiding his face in his hands. But even at this distance, Naruto's warmth was burning through his skin and electrifying his nerves, sending currents sharper than lightning straight into his chest.

When Naruto spoke again, his deep voice was shaking. "I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear right now, but I miss you. Every day, I miss you. And I swear, I'll do anything I can to get you out of here."

After a while, he tore himself away from the bars, turning to leave. That's when the voice that haunted so many of Naruto's memories came drifting from the dark, soft and weaving as the shadows that concealed its source.

"Thank you, Naruto. Happy Birthday."

The party had long since ended, but Naruto found himself prowling the quiet streets of Konoha like an animal patrolling the borders of its cage. Restlessness courses through his limbs, fuelling his steps as he warred with his desire to run beyond the walls of the village, race through the trees and disappear into the dark. Sasuke's taste still lingered on his tongue, his scent still clung to his clothing, and Naruto felt his sanity slipping every time he inhaled that scent.

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Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
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Naruto cười nhẹ nhàng. "Tôi sẽ không nói rằng đó không phải là một khả năng."Những âm thanh của cười đó gửi một shiver lên cột sống của Sasuke. Fists của ông thắt chặt, khuôn mặt của mình, đặt trong một mặt nạ vô tư như ông nói với mình, "nó không phải là như vậy. Tôi không muốn Naruto như vậy. Nó là chỉ vì tôi đã được một mình cho nên dài."Naruto cuối cùng nhìn lên, chuyển động vẽ Sasuke của mắt. Ông lớn lên một lông mày cậu tối, smirking như ông học tuôn ra trong Naruto của má. "Có bạn ra uống, dobe?"Naruto cười như một bé nhỏ bắt red-handed. Ông gật đầu, tay đã nghỉ ngơi trên dạ dày của mình, bây giờ đập chống lại nó như là một nắm tay. "Bạn có biết rằng Kurama của một trọng lượng nhẹ? Không thể xử lý rượu của mình ở tất cả.""Hey, knock it off." Sasuke nói exasperatedly, bước chuyển tiếp để lấy của Naruto nắm tay thông qua các quầy Bar. "Bạn sẽ làm cho mình nôn."Ngay sau khi da của họ làm số liên lạc, Sasuke có thể cảm nhận của Naruto toàn bộ cơ thể stiff. Ngay lập tức, không gian giữa chúng gây ra với căng thẳng. Sasuke liếc nhìn lên, đóng băng khi đôi mắt của ông đã gặp gỡ với của Naruto sinh động màu xanh những người. Sasuke đã đánh trúng, nhưng một lần nữa, làm thế nào hấp dẫn Naruto đã trở thành - của ông là thu hút như thế nào để tóc vàng. Ông thấy mình nhìn vào đôi môi của Naruto, tự hỏi nếu tóc vàng đã từng hôn ai trước khi."Tại sao?" Ông hỏi mình, sợ hãi.Cho một thời điểm, họ chỉ đơn giản là đứng trong im lặng, nhưng sau đó Sasuke thở dài, học nắm tay vết tổ chức trong tay nhạt. Mà không biết lý do tại sao, ông cọ xát ngón tay cái của mình trên các khớp nối của Naruto, reveling trong sự ấm áp của làn da của mình. Khi ông nói, giọng nói của ông đến ra trong một tiếng thì thầm thô, nguyên với cảm xúc."Tại sao cô đến đây, Naruto?""Tôi không biết." Tóc vàng trả lời, tiếng nói của ông một thấp, gravelly hum. Ông hít sâu, làm cho một nỗ lực rõ ràng để thư giãn bản thân. Ông cúi về phía trước cho đến khi phía bên của trán nghỉ chống lại một trong những quán rượu, ánh sáng từ các lồng đèn lấp lánh trong mắt của ông depthless. "It's sinh nhật của tôi hôm nay. Tôi thực sự muốn nhìn thấy bạn.""Sinh nhật của mình?" Sasuke nghĩ, mắt mở rộng. "Tôi đã không nhận ra tôi đã ở đây trong vì vậy lâu đã.""Vâng, chúc mừng sinh Nhật thì dobe." Ông vẫn còn nhìn xuống. "Xin lỗi, nhưng tôi không có một món quà chuẩn bị tại thời điểm này."Naruto cười khi ông đạt lên và, sau một thời điểm của thở do dự, nhẹ nhàng nâng cằm của Sasuke. Má của mình là màu đỏ tươi sáng khi ông thì thầm, "chỉ cần với bạn là đủ."Đau đã phát triển duller trong vài tuần qua đột nhiên trở lại với một hận thù, đuổi nhiệt từ dạ dày của Sasuke thẳng lên vào má của mình. Sasuke đã bị sốc để phát hiện ra rằng ông không nhớ Naruto chạm vào anh ta bằng cách này-trong thực tế, ông rất thích nó. Ông có thể cảm thấy trái tim của ông đánh bại trong cổ họng của mình, làm cho nó khó khăn để hít thở, như một mong muốn đột ngột và dữ dội đầy anh ta. Tâm trí của Sasuke là, mà không có cảnh báo, đầy với hình ảnh của mình đạt cho Naruto, chạm vào nó, hôn anh ta và nếm anh ta trên lưỡi của mình."Đừng có." Sasuke cảnh báo mình. "Bạn có thể đang đọc tình hình sai. Naruto luôn luôn được grabby. Nếu ông từ chối bạn..."Mặc dù cảnh báo của mình, Sasuke cho đôi mắt của mình trôi dạt đóng như Naruto của chai ngón tay nhẹ nhàng truy tìm jawline của ông trước khi trượt vào mái tóc của mình mịn, màu đen. Các sợi trượt qua ngón tay ấm áp của mình fluidly nước."Mái tóc của bạn của phát triển." Ông nói nhẹ nhàng. "Có vẻ tốt đẹp về bạn.""Naruto."Sasuke cau mày, các góc của ông miệng lên như tiếng nói của ông đến ra trong một tiếng thì thầm bị hỏng. "Tại sao bạn đến, Naruto..."Không thể để chống lại cường độ của nhu cầu của mình nữa, Sasuke đã một sâu, bắt hơi thở với các dây thần kinh quằn quại trong dạ dày của mình. Ông bước về phía trước cho đến khi ngực đã chống lại các thanh di động của mình, mũi của mình đánh răng chống lại của Naruto. Ông dừng ngay trước khi đôi môi của họ đã gặp, lương lự; sợ rằng Naruto sẽ trở lại ra khỏi anh ta.For the briefest moment their gazes meshed, and Sasuke thought he saw something flash in Naruto's eyes, like a burning ember.Desire.Naruto's hand slid around to the back of Sasuke's head, pulling him forward. At first, their lips met in a soft, questioning brush; they lingered nervously, neither one of them confident enough to jump into this moment of vulnerability. But as pain radiated from Sasuke's chest, he abandoned his fear and reached up to roughly grasp the spiky strands of Naruto's hair."Naruto, please." He whispered, before crushing their lips together.Heat exploded between them, churning up a tension that rushed into Sasuke's limbs and made his skin tingle. His heart leapt, butterflies fluttering in his stomach, as he realized how right this felt; and how desperately he needed it."How long have I been repressing this?" Sasuke wondered.Naruto responded enthusiastically, leaning forward until he was completely pressed against the bars as he tilted Sasuke's face upwards. Sasuke felt himself being overwhelmed by the intense heat that radiated from his childhood friend. He released his grip on Naruto's hand, grabbing onto his vest instead. He nipped at the blond's lower lip sharply, blushing when he felt Naruto's mouth smiling against his own. Naruto's tongue slipped over his lips fluidly, teasing him with the taste of saké and something sweet that Sasuke couldn't identify.In that moment, Sasuke felt himself disconnect from the world - from the pain and the uncertainty - and all that mattered was the sensation of Naruto's full lips moving against his. In that moment, Naruto was the only thing that mattered.Succumbing to his own desire, Sasuke allowed Naruto to dominate the kiss, using the opportunity to greedily explore the Jinchuuriki's body with his hands. Every ounce of baby fat had melted away from Naruto's lean body, his back a defined "S" curve as he bent slightly to meet Sasuke's lips. If it weren't for the cold bars, their bodies would have been pressed flush together.Naruto smoothed his hands down Sasuke's sides, resting his hands on narrow, angular hips. Using his height and the cool press of the bars to his advantage, Naruto kept his lips just out of Sasuke's reach, whispering, "Sasuke, are you sure…this is okay? We can stop.""Stop?" Sasuke thought, his eyebrow arching. His heart was pounding so loudly in his ears that it took him a moment to collect his thoughts. But when his scattered brain had sorted itself out, realization hit Sasuke like a tidal wave. "Holy shit. Stop…stop.""Yeah," Sasuke muttered coldly, averting his gaze. "We need to stop. This…is insane.""Hm." Naruto mused, his hands stroking back up to Sasuke's hair. "Maybe it is. Maybe I'm insane, because I sure as hell don't want to stop."Sasuke swallowed his immediate response, closing his eyes as he tried to control the frantic beating of his heart. After a few seconds, he managed to shake his head. "Allow me some dignity," He whispered, reaching out to grip one of the cell bars pointedly. "I want us to be on equal ground."Although Naruto looked disappointed, he nodded. "I understand." He said, pulling himself away from Sasuke's sensitive body. But not far enough away that he couldn't recapture Sasuke's lips.His warm, rough hand rested gently on Sasuke's nape as he kissed him slowly. His mouth was gentle, sensual. Sasuke felt his frantic heartbeat slowing, his hands coasting over Naruto's body lightly.Finally, they broke apart, cheeks red as their eyes met. Naruto smiled warmly, cradling Sasuke's face in his hands."I know that, technically, this is our third kiss, but -" He leaned forward, laying a soft kiss upon Sasuke's lips. "Let's say that one is the first."He leaned forward again, his lips brushing from one cheek to the other, then back to Sasuke's mouth. "And that one can be the second." He whispered before kissing Sasuke once more. "And that one can be the third."Sasuke turned his face away, hiding his blush behind the fall of his hair. "You're embarrassing, idiot-blond.""Good." Naruto muttered with a grin. He pulled back, hands clinging to the bars. Sasuke followed his example, quickly dropping his hands as he realized how tight his grip on Naruto was.
Heavy silence fell, only their breathing and the echo of dripping water disturbing it. Not entirely sure what he should say after such an intense display of emotion, not to mention a confusingly passionate kiss, Naruto stared at Sasuke's face and waited for him to speak first. It was a long time before he complied.

"You'd better get going." Sasuke said softly, looking down so Naruto wouldn't be able to see the pain in his eyes. "You ditched your birthday party to come see me, right?"

"Busted," Naruto said, taking a step back. The silence that followed was excruciating, ringing with the words neither of them would say. Sasuke scrambled to reconstruct his protective walls, retreating into the darkness of his cell. When his back hit the wall he slid down, hiding his face in his hands. But even at this distance, Naruto's warmth was burning through his skin and electrifying his nerves, sending currents sharper than lightning straight into his chest.

When Naruto spoke again, his deep voice was shaking. "I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear right now, but I miss you. Every day, I miss you. And I swear, I'll do anything I can to get you out of here."

After a while, he tore himself away from the bars, turning to leave. That's when the voice that haunted so many of Naruto's memories came drifting from the dark, soft and weaving as the shadows that concealed its source.

"Thank you, Naruto. Happy Birthday."

The party had long since ended, but Naruto found himself prowling the quiet streets of Konoha like an animal patrolling the borders of its cage. Restlessness courses through his limbs, fuelling his steps as he warred with his desire to run beyond the walls of the village, race through the trees and disappear into the dark. Sasuke's taste still lingered on his tongue, his scent still clung to his clothing, and Naruto felt his sanity slipping every time he inhaled that scent.

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