Ba mẹ tôi chưa bao giờ đi du lịch vì quá bận rộn với công việc của họ, vì thế tôi muốn bạn cho tôi một cơ hội để tôi không bỏ lỡ chương trình học và nhanh chóng trở về để phụ giúp ba mẹ quản lí xưởng may để họ có thời gian đi du lịch
My parents have never traveled because too busy with their work, so I want you to give me a chance to I don't miss school programs and quickly return to help tailoring management parents so that they have time to travel
My parents had never traveled too busy with their work, so I want you to give me a chance I do not miss school and quickly returned to help parents manage workshops sewing so they have time to travel
My parents never travel, because they are too busy working, so I want you to give me a chance, I will not miss the course will soon come back, let the parents help the plant manager, let them have time to travel.