不会玷污王室血统。阁下 是否愿意收其为养子,令其前途更有作为?{character_available_for_adoption_body_ dịch - 不会玷污王室血统。阁下 是否愿意收其为养子,令其前途更有作为?{character_available_for_adoption_body_ Anh làm thế nào để nói

不会玷污王室血统。阁下 是否愿意收其为养子,令其前途更有作为?{cha

不会玷污王室血统。阁下 是否愿意收其为养子,令其前途更有作为?
{character_available_for_adoption_body_southern_european}此人出身高贵,绝不会玷污王室血统。阁下 是否愿意收其为养子,令其前途更有作为?
{character_bribed_body_eastern_european}若先前曾对此人忠诚报有疑问,现在答案已 经揭晓:此人实乃无耻叛徒。他已经抛弃了 对国家的忠诚,以此交换耀眼的金币。
{character_bribed_body_greek}若先前曾对此人忠诚报有疑问,现在答案已 经揭晓:此人实乃无耻叛徒。他已经抛弃了 对国家的忠诚,以此交换耀眼的金币。
{character_bribed_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{character_bribed_body_middle_eastern}若先前曾对此人忠诚报有疑问,现在答案已 经揭晓:此人实乃无耻叛徒。他已经抛弃了 对国家的忠诚,以此交换耀眼的金币。
{character_bribed_body_hanwenhua}若先前曾对此人忠诚报有疑问,现在答案已 经揭晓:此人实乃无耻叛徒。他已经抛弃了 对国家的忠诚,以此交换耀眼的金币。
{character_bribed_body_northern_european}若先前曾对此人忠诚报有疑问,现在答案已 经揭晓:此人实乃无耻叛徒。他已经抛弃了 对国家的忠诚,以此交换耀眼的金币。
{character_bribed_body_southern_european}若先前曾对此人忠诚报有疑问,现在答案已 经揭晓:此人实乃无耻叛徒。他已经抛弃了 对国家的忠诚,以此交换耀眼的金币。
{character_dies_disaster_body_eastern_european}愿主仁慈!一场只能被称作天主愤怒的灾难 夺走了此人的生命。天灾所至,丧生无数, 单纯归结于自然灾害,似乎有些轻描淡写。
{character_dies_disaster_body_greek}愿主仁慈!一场只能被称作天主愤怒的灾难 夺走了此人的生命。天灾所至,丧生无数, 单纯归结于自然灾害,似乎有些轻描淡写。
{character_dies_disaster_body_mesoamerican}灾难降临,众皆罹难。这位英才死于非命, 被上帝的意旨所带走。
{character_dies_disaster_body_middle_eastern}至仁至慈的真主在上,不幸天灾夺走了这位 英才的生命。真不敢相信您的旨意竟会令国 家失去如此栋梁之才。
{character_dies_disaster_body_hanwenhua}阿弥陀佛,不幸天灾夺走了这位 英才的生命。真不敢相信您的旨意竟会令国 家失去如此栋梁之才。
{character_dies_disaster_body_northern_european}愿主仁慈!一场只能被称作天主愤怒的灾难 夺走了此人的生命。天灾所至,丧生无数, 单纯归结于自然灾害,似乎有些轻描淡写。
{character_dies_disaster_body_southern_european}愿主仁慈!一场只能被称作天主愤怒的灾难 夺走了此人的生命。天灾所至,丧生无数, 单纯归结于自然灾害,似乎有些轻描淡写。
{character_dies_heroic_body_eastern_european}无论后人如何评述此人一生功过,他的死亡 却堪称高贵。此人傲然迎接着命运安排,而 不是彻辞逃遁令国家蒙羞。
{character_dies_heroic_body_greek}无论人民如何为这位英雄阵亡忧伤哭泣,其 面对死神的坚毅面容已成为高贵精神的绝佳 诠释,将永远镌刻在历史长廊中。
{character_dies_heroic_body_mesoamerican}这位英雄居然遇害,一位真正的民族英雄。 难道荣誉和辉煌的代价竟是如此高昂?
{character_dies_heroic_body_middle_eastern}当其战死沙场的噩耗传来,民众无不捶胸顿 足,泪雨滂沱。他的无畏、勇气和无私将激 励所有伊斯兰勇士们不断奋进。
{character_dies_heroic_body_hanwenhua}当其战死沙场的噩耗传来,民众无不捶胸顿 足,泪雨滂沱。他的无畏、勇气和无私将激 励全军将士们不断奋进。
{character_dies_heroic_body_northern_european}无论后人如何评述此人一生功过,他的死亡 却堪称高贵。此人傲然迎接着命运安排,而 不是彻辞逃遁令国家蒙羞。
{character_dies_heroic_body_southern_european}无论人民如何为这位英雄阵亡忧伤哭泣,其 面对死神的坚毅面容已成为高贵精神的绝佳 诠释,将永远镌刻在历史长廊中熠熠生光。
{character_dies_natural_body_eastern_european}此人度过了漫长而充实的一生,在家人朋友 陪伴下安详逝世。尽管这种方式并非惊天动 地,但他为人民服务到最后一刻,他的逝世 令民众无比悲痛。
{character_dies_natural_body_greek}此人度过了漫长而充实的一生,在家人朋友 陪伴下安详逝世。尽管这种方式并非惊天动 地,但他为人民服务到最后一刻,他的逝世 令民众无比悲痛。
{character_dies_natural_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE - AZTECS NOT PLAYABLE
{character_dies_natural_body_middle_eastern}至仁至慈的真主赐予此人漫长而充实的一生, 令其安详辞别人世,而非在异教徒刀下死无 全尸。他走过的一生,不是受谴怒者的路, 也不是迷误者的路,他的灵魂已在天堂获得 了永恒喜悦。
{character_dies_natural_body_hanwenhua}阿弥陀佛,赐予此人漫长而充实的一生, 令其安详辞别人世,而非在异教徒刀下死无 全尸。他走过的一生,不是受谴怒者的路, 也不是迷误者的路,他的灵魂已在天堂获得 了永恒喜悦。
{character_dies_natural_body_northern_european}此人度过了漫长而充实的一生,在家人朋友 陪伴下安详逝世。尽管这种方式并非惊天动 地,但他为人民服务到最后一刻,他的逝世 令民众无比悲痛。
{character_dies_natural_body_southern_european}此人度过了漫长而充实的一生,在家人朋友 陪伴下安详逝世。尽管这种方式并非惊天动 地,但他为人民服务到最后一刻,他的逝世 令民众无比悲痛。
{character_dies_suspicious_body_eastern_european}凡人难免染病身亡或年迈去世,但此人暴毙 却十分蹊跷,一定是为阴谋所害,愤怒的人 民强烈呼吁复仇。
{character_dies_suspicious_body_greek}此人暴毙十分蹊跷,一定是遭遇了暗算。阴 险杀手不敢与其决斗,而是用卑鄙手段暗算 了他。枢密院督促我方对这次暗杀迅速做出 反应。
{character_dies_suspicious_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{character_dies_suspicious_body_middle_eastern}此人遭遇暗算,他显然在毫无防备中惨遭刺 客杀害。盲目仇恨点燃了人民的怒火,若我 们不及时采取措施,敌人甚至会前来刺杀我 们的领袖。
{character_dies_suspicious_body_hanwenhua}此人遭遇暗算,他显然在毫无防备中惨遭刺 客杀害。盲目仇恨点燃了人民的怒火,若我 们不及时采取措施,敌人甚至会前来刺杀我 们的领袖。
{character_dies_suspicious_body_northern_european}此人遭遇暗算,他显然在毫无防备中惨遭刺 客杀害。盲目仇恨点燃了人民的怒火,若我 们不及时采取措施,敌人甚至会前来刺杀我 们的领袖。
{character_dies_suspicious_body_southern_european}此人遭遇暗算,他显然在毫无防备中惨遭刺 客杀害。盲目仇恨点燃了人民的怒火,若我 们不及时采取措施,敌人甚至会前来刺杀我 们的领袖。
{character_joins_through_rebellion_body_eastern_european}郁郁屈才多年后,此人毅然投奔我国,向陛 下效忠。希望他是一名择主而侍的良臣,而 非卖主求荣的小人。
{character_joins_through_rebellion_body_greek}郁郁屈才多年后,此人毅然投奔我国,向陛 下效忠。希望他是一名择主而侍的良臣,而 非卖主求荣的小人。
{character_joins_through_rebellion_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{character_joins_through_rebellion_body_middle_eastern}郁郁屈才多年后,此人毅然投奔我国,向陛 下效忠。希望他是一名择主而侍的良臣,而 非卖主求荣的小人。
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Will not tarnish royal lineage. Are you willing to close their adopted son, so that it is more promising as?
{Character_available_for_adoption_body_southern_european} This person highborn will never tarnish royal lineage. Are you willing to close their adopted son, so that it is more promising as?
{Character_bribed_body_eastern_european} if that person has previously Trouw doubt, now the answer has been revealed: this person really is shameless traitor. He has abandoned the country's loyalty in exchange for dazzling gold.
{Character_bribed_body_greek} if that person has previously Trouw doubt, now the answer has been revealed: this person really is shameless traitor. He has abandoned the country's loyalty in exchange for dazzling gold.
{Character_bribed_body_mesoamerican} do not translate
{character_bribed_body_middle_eastern} if that person has previously Trouw doubt, now the answer has been revealed: this person really is shameless traitor. He has abandoned the country's loyalty in exchange for dazzling gold.
{Character_bribed_body_hanwenhua} if that person has previously Trouw doubt, now the answer has been revealed: this person really is shameless traitor. He has abandoned the country's loyalty in exchange for dazzling gold.
{Character_bribed_body_northern_european} if that person has previously Trouw doubt, now the answer has been revealed: this person really is shameless traitor. He has abandoned the country's loyalty in exchange for dazzling gold.
{Character_bribed_body_southern_european} if that person has previously Trouw doubt, now the answer has been revealed:This person really is shameless traitor. He has abandoned the country's loyalty in exchange for dazzling gold.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_eastern_european} merciful Lord! God can only be called a catastrophe took an angry person's life. Natural disasters, actions, and killed countless purely due to natural disasters, it seems that some understatement.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_greek} merciful Lord! God can only be called a catastrophe took an angry person's life. Natural disasters, actions, and killed countless purely due to natural disasters, it seems that some understatement.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_mesoamerican} disaster strikes, Zhongjie died. The excellence killed, being taken away by the will of God.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_middle_eastern} Most Gracious, Most Merciful Allah in the unfortunate natural disaster claimed the lives of excellence. I can not believe that you could even make the will of the pillars of the country was so lost.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_hanwenhua} Amitabha, the unfortunate natural disaster took the lives of excellence. I can not believe that you could even make the will of the pillars of the country was so lost.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_northern_european} merciful Lord! God can only be called a catastrophe took an angry person's life. Natural disasters, actions, and killed countless purely due to natural disasters, it seems that some understatement.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_southern_european} merciful Lord! God can only be called a catastrophe took an angry person's life. Natural disasters, actions, and killed countless purely due to natural disasters, it seems that some understatement.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_eastern_european} No matter how posterity commentary merits of this person's life, his death was called noble. Who proudly greet fate, rather than to escape so thoroughly resigned country into disrepute.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_greek} No matter how sad the people cry for the dead hero, his face resolute face of death has become a great interpretation of the noble spirit will forever engraved in the history of the gallery.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_mesoamerican} actually killed the hero, a true hero.Is the honor and glory of the costs could be so high?
{Character_dies_heroic_body_middle_eastern} killed in battle when its bad news came, the people are all wringing, Lei Yu torrential. His fearlessness, courage and selflessness will inspire all Islamic warriors continue to forge ahead.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_hanwenhua} killed in battle when its bad news came, the people are all wringing, Lei Yu torrential. His fearlessness, courage and selflessness will inspire army soldiers continue to forge ahead.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_northern_european} No matter how posterity commentary merits of this person's life, his death was called noble. Who proudly greet fate, rather than to escape so thoroughly resigned country into disrepute.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_southern_european} No matter how the hero killed the people sad cry, his face resolute face of death has become a perfect interpretation of the noble spirit will forever be engraved in the history of the gallery triumphant light.
{Character_dies_natural_body_eastern_european} This man had a long and fulfilling life,Accompanied by his family friend passed away peacefully. Although this method is not earth-shattering, but he serve the people to the last moment of his death make people very sad.
{Character_dies_natural_body_greek} This man had a long and fulfilling life, accompanied by his family friend passed away peacefully. Although this method is not earth-shattering, but he serve the people to the last moment of his death make people very sad.
{Character_dies_natural_body_mesoamerican} do not translate - aztecs not playable
{Character_dies_natural_body_middle_eastern} Most Gracious, Most Merciful Allah who gave a long and fulfilling life, make it quiet farewell to the world, rather than Siwuquanshi the infidels by the sword. Life is not affected by the road's wrath through him, nor the astray by the way, his soul has gained eternal joy in heaven.
{Character_dies_natural_body_hanwenhua} Amitabha, who gave a long and fulfilling life, make it quiet farewell to the world, rather than Siwuquanshi the infidels by the sword. He walked life, is not subject to wrath by the way, is not astray by the way,His soul has gained eternal joy in heaven.
{Character_dies_natural_body_northern_european} This man had a long and fulfilling life, accompanied by his family friend passed away peacefully. Although this method is not earth-shattering, but he serve the people to the last moment of his death make people very sad.
{Character_dies_natural_body_southern_european} This man had a long and fulfilling life, accompanied by his family friend passed away peacefully. Although this method is not earth-shattering, but he serve the people to the last moment of his death make people very sad.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_eastern_european} mortal disease death or old age is inevitable death, but died suddenly this person is very strange, it must be the victims of a conspiracy, angry people strongly appeal to revenge.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_greek} who died suddenly very strange, certainly suffered a plot. Insidious killer afraid their duel, but with dirty tricks plot against him. We urge the Senate to respond quickly on the assassination.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_mesoamerican} do not translate
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_middle_eastern} This person suffered plot, he apparently was brutally killed by assassins in the unsuspecting. Blind hatred ignited the anger of the people, if we do not take timely measures, the enemy will even come to assassinate our leader.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_hanwenhua} This person suffered plot, he apparently was brutally murdered assassin in the unsuspecting. Blind hatred ignited the anger of the people, if we do not take timely measures, the enemy will even come to assassinate our leader.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_northern_european} This person suffered plot, he apparently was brutally killed by assassins in the unsuspecting. Blind hatred ignited the anger of the people, if we do not take timely measures, the enemy will even come to assassinate our leader.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_southern_european} This person suffered plot, he apparently was brutally killed by assassins in the unsuspecting. Blind hatred ignited the anger of the people, if we do not take timely measures, the enemy will even come to assassinate our leader.
{Character_joins_through_rebellion_body_eastern_european} depressed Qucai years later, this man decided to go over our country, loyalty to His Majesty. I hope he is a master and paternity Yoshiomi choose, rather than the seller glory villain.
{Character_joins_through_rebellion_body_greek} After years of depressed Qucai, who decided to defect to our country, loyalty to His Majesty. I hope he is a master and paternity Yoshiomi choose, rather than the seller glory villain.
{Character_joins_through_rebellion_body_mesoamerican} do not translate
{Character_joins_through_rebellion_body_middle_eastern} depressed Qucai years later, this man decided to go over our country, loyalty to His Majesty. I hope he is a master and paternity Yoshiomi choose, rather than the seller glory villain.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Not to defile the Royal blood. Are you willing to charge for the adopted son, make it more as a future?
{character_available_for_adoption_body_southern_european} the man of noble birth, will not defile the Royal blood. Are you willing to charge for the adopted son, make it more as a future? If
{character_bribed_body_eastern_european} had previously reported on the loyalty of doubt, now the answer has been announced: This is shameless traitor. He has abandoned loyalty to the country, in exchange for the dazzling gold.
If {character_bribed_body_greek} had previously reported on the loyalty of doubt, now the answer has been announced: This is shameless traitor. He has abandoned loyalty to the country, in exchange for the dazzling gold.
{character_bribed_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{character_bribed_body_middle_eastern} if the person reported previously loyal doubt, now the answer has been announced: This is shameless traitor. He has abandoned loyalty to the country, in exchange for the dazzling gold.
If {character_bribed_body_hanwenhua} had previously reported on the loyalty of doubt, now the answer has been announced: This is shameless traitor. He has abandoned loyalty to the country, in exchange for the dazzling gold. If
{character_bribed_body_northern_european} had previously reported on the loyalty of doubt, now the answer has been announced: This is shameless traitor. He has abandoned loyalty to the country, in exchange for the dazzling gold. If
{character_bribed_body_southern_european} had previously reported on the loyalty of doubt, now the answer has been announced:This is shameless traitor. He has abandoned loyalty to the country, in exchange for the dazzling gold.
{character_dies_disaster_body_eastern_european} the LORD be merciful! A field can only be called of God's anger disaster claimed his life. Natural disasters are to, killed countless, simply due to natural disasters, seem to touch on lightly.
{character_dies_disaster_body_greek} the LORD be merciful! A field can only be called of God's anger disaster claimed his life. Natural disasters are to, killed countless, simply due to natural disasters, seem to touch on lightly.
The {character_dies_disaster_body_mesoamerican} disaster, all were killed. The good die an untimely on, was taken away by the will of god.
{character_dies_disaster_body_middle_eastern} merciful Allah in natural disasters, unfortunately killed the elite life. I can't believe you will be a man of tremendous promise the country lost so.
{character_dies_disaster_body_hanwenhua} Amitabha, unfortunately the scourge killed the elite life. I can't believe you will be a man of tremendous promise the country lost so.
{character_dies_disaster_body_northern_european} the LORD be merciful! A field can only be called of God's anger disaster claimed his life. Natural disasters are to, killed countless, simply due to natural disasters, seem to touch on lightly.
{character_dies_disaster_body_southern_european} the LORD be merciful! A field can only be called of God's anger disaster claimed his life. Natural disasters are to, killed countless, simply due to natural disasters, seem to touch on lightly.
No matter how descendants of the {character_dies_heroic_body_eastern_european} legacy, his death is noble. He still meet the destiny arrangement, rather than penetrating words to make national humiliation.
{character_dies_heroic_body_greek} no matter how people as the hero died sad cry, in the face of death will face becomes a wonderful interpretation of the noble spirit, will be engraved in the history forever.
{character_dies_heroic_body_mesoamerican} had killed the hero, a real national hero.Don't cost honor and glory was so high?
{character_dies_heroic_body_middle_eastern} when it is killed in battle by the news, people are beat his breast, tears. His fearlessness, courage and selfless will encourage all the Islamic Warriors constantly forging ahead.
{character_dies_heroic_body_hanwenhua} when it is killed in battle by the news, people are beat his breast, tears. His fearless courage and selfless, the incentive PLA soldiers continue to forge ahead.
No matter how descendants of the {character_dies_heroic_body_northern_european} legacy, his death is noble. He still meet the destiny arrangement, rather than penetrating words to make national humiliation.
{character_dies_heroic_body_southern_european} no matter how people as the hero died sad cry, in the face of death will face becomes a wonderful interpretation of the noble spirit, will be forever engraved in the history of glow.
{character_dies_natural_body_eastern_european} who lived a long, full life,In the family friend died peacefully. Although this approach is not earth shattering, but he serves for the people until the last moment, his death made people very sad.
{character_dies_natural_body_greek} who spent a long, full life, in a family friend died peacefully. Although this approach is not earth shattering, but he serves for the people until the last moment, his death made people very sad.
{character_dies_natural_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE - AZTECS NOT PLAYABLE
{character_dies_natural_body_middle_eastern} the merciful God grant him a long and full life, so quiet farewell world, rather than a dead man. In pagan sword. He walked through the life, is not wrath of the road, nor confounded way, his soul has gained eternal joy in heaven.
{character_dies_natural_body_hanwenhua} Amitabha, gave him a long and full life, so quiet farewell world, rather than a dead man. In pagan sword. He walked through the life, is not wrath of the road, nor confounded way,His soul has gained eternal joy in heaven.
{character_dies_natural_body_northern_european} who spent a long, full life, in a family friend died peacefully. Although this approach is not earth shattering, but he serves for the people until the last moment, his death made people very sad.
{character_dies_natural_body_southern_european} who spent a long, full life, in a family friend died peacefully. Although this approach is not earth shattering, but he serves for the people until the last moment, his death made people very sad.
{character_dies_suspicious_body_eastern_european} mortal inevitably infected dead or old died, but he died is very strange, there is the harm to the conspiracy, angry people strongly called for revenge.
{character_dies_suspicious_body_greek} he died very fishy, must be met. Yin insurance killer not with duel, but dirty tricks and plotted against him. The Privy Council urged our reaction to the assassination quickly.
{character_dies_suspicious_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{character_dies_suspicious_body_middle_eastern} who encounters the plot, he apparently was killed in the defenseless in sting guest. Blind hatred sparked anger, if we do not take timely measures, the enemy will come to assassinate me even leader.
{character_dies_suspicious_body_hanwenhua} who encounters the plot, he apparently was killed in the defenseless in sting guest. Blind hatred sparked anger, if we do not take timely measures, the enemy will come to assassinate me even leader.
{character_dies_suspicious_body_northern_european} who encounters the plot, he apparently was killed in the defenseless in sting guest. Blind hatred sparked anger, if we do not take timely measures, the enemy will come to assassinate me even leader.
{character_dies_suspicious_body_southern_european} who encounters the plot, he apparently was killed in the defenseless in sting guest. Blind hatred sparked anger, if we do not take timely measures, the enemy will come to assassinate me even leader.
{character_joins_through_rebellion_body_eastern_european} was only many years later, he decided to go to China, loyal to the majesty. I hope he is a name and choose the LORD by Liang, instead of glory.
{character_joins_through_rebellion_body_greek} was only many years later, he decided to go to China, loyal to the majesty. I hope he is a name and choose the LORD by Liang, instead of glory.
{character_joins_through_rebellion_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{character_joins_through_rebellion_body_middle_eastern} was only many years later, he decided to go to China, loyal to the majesty. I hope he is a name and choose the LORD by Liang, instead of glory.
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Not defiled Royal blood. If you would like to receive them as foster children, making it more in the future?
{Character_available_for_adoption_body_southern_european} person of noble birth, would not be defiled Royal blood. If you would like to receive them as foster children, making it more in the future?
{Character_bribed_body_eastern_european} if you previously loyal to the man reported to have questions, answers have now announced: this person is indeed shameless traitor. He has abandoned his loyalty to the country, in Exchange for shiny gold coins.
{Character_bribed_body_greek} if you previously loyal to the man reported to have questions, answers have now announced: this person is indeed shameless traitor. He has abandoned his loyalty to the country, in Exchange for shiny gold coins.
{Character_bribed_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{character_bribed_body_middle_eastern} if you previously loyal to the man reported to have questions, answers have now announced: this person is indeed shameless traitor. He has abandoned his loyalty to the country, in Exchange for shiny gold coins.
{Character_bribed_body_hanwenhua} if you previously loyal to the man reported to have questions, answers have now announced: this person is indeed shameless traitor. He has abandoned his loyalty to the country, in Exchange for shiny gold coins.
{Character_bribed_body_northern_european} if you previously loyal to the man reported to have questions, answers have now announced: this person is indeed shameless traitor. He has abandoned his loyalty to the country, in Exchange for shiny gold coins.
{Character_bribed_body_southern_european} if you previously loyal to the man reported to have questions, answers have now revealed:This person is indeed shameless traitor. He has abandoned his loyalty to the country, in Exchange for shiny gold coins.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_eastern_european} may God kind! A can only be angry God, known as the catastrophe took the person's life. Natural disasters probably killed thousands, simply due to natural disasters, there seems to be some understatement.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_greek} may God kind! A can only be angry God, known as the catastrophe took the person's life. Natural actions, killed numerous, purely due to the natural disaster, there seems to be some understatement.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_mesoamerican} disaster, all of the dead. The team met, had taken away by God's will.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_middle_eastern} on the mercy and merciful God, tragic natural disasters claimed the lives of excellence. I can't believe that you will make the countries lose such pillars.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_hanwenhua}, Amitabha Buddha, tragic natural disasters claimed the lives of excellence. I can't believe that you will make the country lose pillars.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_northern_european}, may God have mercy! A can only be angry God, known as the catastrophe took the person's life. Natural disasters probably killed thousands, simply due to natural disasters, there seems to be some understatement.
{Character_dies_disaster_body_southern_european} may God have mercy! A can only be angry God, known as the catastrophe took the person's life. Natural disasters probably killed thousands, simply due to natural disasters, there seems to be some understatement.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_eastern_european} life merits regardless of the later comments on this person, his death was a noble. He proudly meet the fate, rather than penetrating remarks escape national shame.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_greek cry} no matter how the people of the hero killed sorrows, his face resolute faces of death has become a perfect interpretation of the noble spirit will be forever engraved on the historical galleries.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_mesoamerican} the hero was killed, a true national hero. Honour and glory of the cost was so high?
{Character_dies_heroic_body_middle_eastern} if it died on the grievous news came that people without mishap, tears pouring. His bravery, courage and unselfishness will inspire all the Islamic warriors continue to forge ahead.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_hanwenhua} if it died on the grievous news came that people without mishap, tears pouring. His fearlessness, courage and unselfishness will inspire the whole army soldiers continued to forge ahead.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_northern_european} life merits regardless of the later comments on this person, his death was a noble. He proudly meet the fate, rather than penetrating remarks escape national shame.
{Character_dies_heroic_body_southern_european cry} no matter how the people of the hero killed sorrows, his face resolute faces of death has become a perfect interpretation of the noble spirit will be forever engraved in the historical Gallery shines brilliantly in the light.
{Character_dies_natural_body_eastern_european} person lived a long and fulfilling lives,Family and friends, accompanied by a peaceful death. In this way, though not earth-shattering, but his serve until the last moment, his death kept the public grief.
{Character_dies_natural_body_greek} person lived a long and fulfilling lives, family and friends, accompanied by a peaceful death. Although this method is not earth-shattering, but his serve until the last minute, people's grief by his death.
{character_dies_natural_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE - AZTECS NOT PLAYABLE
{Character_dies_natural_body_middle_eastern}-Jen merciful Allah has a long and rich life, makes it quiet farewell Earth, rather than in the infidel sword dead body. He walks through life is not affected by the curse of road rage or misguided way, his soul has been obtained in the heaven of eternal joy.
{Character_dies_natural_body_hanwenhua}, Amitabha Buddha, gives the person a long and full life, its serene retreat into the world, rather than in the infidel sword dead body. He walks through life is not affected by the curse of road rage or misguided way,His soul has been obtained in the heaven of eternal joy.
{Character_dies_natural_body_northern_european} person lived a long and fulfilling lives, family and friends, accompanied by a peaceful death. In this way, though not earth-shattering, but his serve until the last moment, his death kept the public grief.
{Character_dies_natural_body_southern_european} person lived a long and fulfilling lives, family and friends, accompanied by a peaceful death. In this way, though not earth-shattering, but his serve until the last moment, his death kept the public grief.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_eastern_european} will inevitably infected dead or old and died, but who suddenly is very funny, must be for conspiracy, and angry people strongly urge for revenge.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_greek} person is deceased and very funny, must have suffered a stab. Insidious killers too scared to fight, but with a sneaky stabbed him. The Privy Council urged us to respond promptly to this assassination.
{character_dies_suspicious_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_middle_eastern} the person experienced blindside, he apparently brutal assassins killed defenseless. Blind hatred sparked the anger of the people, if we don't take timely measures, the enemies will even come to assassinate our leader.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_hanwenhua} person experienced blindside, he apparently brutal assassins killed defenseless. Blind hatred sparked the anger of the people, if we don't take timely measures, the enemies will even come to assassinate our leader.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_northern_european} the man suffered stab, he apparently brutal assassins killed defenseless. Blind hatred sparked the anger of the people, if we don't take timely measures, the enemies will even come to assassinate our leader.
{Character_dies_suspicious_body_southern_european} the man suffered stab, he apparently brutal assassins killed defenseless. Blind hatred sparked the anger of the people, if we don't take timely measures, the enemies will even come to assassinate our leader.
{Character_joins_through_rebellion_body_eastern_european} disconsolate deemed many years later, this person decided to go over to China and allegiance to his Majesty. Wanted him to be a optional main waiter/waitress good courtier, seagoing snitches villain rather than the seller.
{Character_joins_through_rebellion_body_greek} disconsolate deemed many years later, this person decided to go over to China and allegiance to his Majesty. Hope he is optional and serve good, but rather than a seller of seagoing snitches, dog.
{character_joins_through_rebellion_body_mesoamerican}DO NOT TRANSLATE
{Character_joins_through_rebellion_body_middle_eastern} disconsolate deemed many years later, this person decided to go over to China and allegiance to his Majesty. Wanted him to be a optional main waiter/waitress good courtier, seagoing snitches villain rather than the seller.
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