Tôi muốn bạn sẽ luôn vui vẻ và mỉm cười. Tôi không muốn nhắc lại chuyện cũ , tôi xin lỗi. Nhưng hãy tin tôi , tôi hi vọng mọi thứ sẽ tốt hơn. Tôi sẽ khiến cho gia đình này trở nên vui vẻ hơn nhiều.
I wish you will always happy and smiling. I do not want to repeat the old story, I'm sorry. But believe me, I hope everything will be better. I will make this family becomes much more fun.
I want you to be happy and smiling. I do not want to repeat the old story, I'm sorry. But trust me, I hope everything will be better. I will make this family becomes much more fun.
I think you will always be happy smile. I don"t want to repeat the past, I am sorry. But please believe me, I hope everything will be fine. I will make the family more happy.