para lanzar la gran bola de energía, pero una gran onda de energía lo  dịch - para lanzar la gran bola de energía, pero una gran onda de energía lo  Anh làm thế nào để nói

para lanzar la gran bola de energía

para lanzar la gran bola de energía, pero una gran onda de energía lo desvió hacia el espacio causando una explosión tan grande que dejo a todos ciegos por unos momentos, Gohan no podía ver nada ''que esta pasando?'' dijo el y de pronto una voz lo calmo ''Gohan, tranquilo te llevare con dende a que te cure(recuerden que Dende sigue en la tierra con Mister Satan), ''pa..papá eres tu?'' pregunto Gohan en un estado de agonía ''tranquilo hijo, vamos'' exclamo Goku alzando a su hijo e inmediatamente hizo la teletrasnportación hacia la ubicación de Dende.

Goku y Gohan aparecieron frente a Dende ''Gohan y... Goku? se supone que usted ya volvió al otro mundo'', Goku asintió con la cabeza y con una pequeña sonrisa dijo ''así es pero el supremo Kaiosama me dio su vida para que venga aquí a ayudar a Gohan'' luego el frunció el ceño ''Dende no hay tiempo tienes que curar a Gohan, sin el no podremos destruir a Majin Buu'' grito Goku, Dende asintió e inmediatamente empezó a curar, ''oye pero que es lo que sucede, por que las personas desaparecieron?'' pregunto mister Satan ''oh, estas aquí'' dijo Goku ''lo que pasa es que Majin Buu los mato a todos, es demasiado poderoso'' Mister Satan quedo con la boca abierta recordando que el Majin BUU gordo le caía muy bien. De pronto Super Buu apareció cerca de ellos ''huhuhu así que aquí estaban?, no importa lo que hagan, jamas podrán vencerme'' grito un muy confiado Super Buu.

''Dende aún no?'' grito Goku con inmenso nerviosismo.

''Aun falta un poco'' le respondió Dende.

''Rayos, lo distraeré todo lo que pueda, tu encárgate de curarlo'' Goku voló hasta la altura de Super Buu ''ohh, a ti te recuerdo'' le dijo Super Buu ''ah, eso esta bien, te detendré maldito'' grito Goku ''HAAAAA'' pego un grito potente, su cabello se erizo poniéndose de punta rodeándose de una potente aura dorada como sus ojos cambiaron a un verde turquesa y pelo color oro ''ya lo habías visto, este es el super saiyayin fase uno'' dijo Goku con una pequeña sonrisa luego pego otro grito, esta vez el planeta empezó a temblar como rayos se podían ver en los cielos y un poderoso terremoto se llevaba a cabo, su pelo se erizo y entono mas y estaba rodeado por un aura llena de pequeños rayos ''este es el super saiyayin fase dos'',Super Buu solo observaba sonriendo todo esto, ''HAAAAAAAAAAAAA'' Goku lanzo un grito al cielo, al instante se produjo un terremoto sobre toda la galaxia (lo siento, pero me gusta exagerar XD) ese tremendo ki llego incluso hasta el planeta supremo, los mares de la tierra retrocedía a tan inmenso poder, el aura de Goku se hizo miles de veces mas potente, brillante intimidánte con varios relámpagos alrededor de ella ''HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'' siguió gritando esta vez sus cejas desaparecieron y le empezó a crecer el pelo hasta llegar al nivel de la rodilla, finalmente pego un último grito y la transformación fue completa ''este es el super saiyayin fase tres'', ''ya lo se, ya lo había visto'' exclamo Super Buu empezando a lanzar ráfagas de energía hacia Goku quien a duras penas pudo esquivarlos ''es muy fuerte'' exclamo Goku y Super Buu apareció frente a el dándole una tremenda combinación de golpes y patadas ''vamos, eso es todo lo que tienes?'' se burlaba super Buu mientras Goku hacía todo lo posible por defenderse.

Mientras tanto en el planeta supremo los dos supremos Kaiosamas miraban nerviosamente la pelea ''resiste Goku, tu puedes, debes fusionarte con Gohan, es la única oportunidad de ganar'' grito el anciano ''honorable antepasado, cree que Goku y Gohan lo derrotaran?'', ''a mi ni me preguntes'' grito el anciano. Mientras Dende curaba a Gohan este ya pudo abrir los ojos ''Dende?'' dijo el, ''Gohan apúrate, el señor Goku esta luchando solo contra Majin Buu, necesita ayuda'' Gohan quedo impresionado por la valentía de su padre y fue volando a donde se encontraban luchando y vio como Super Buu dominaba a Goku no dándole ninguna oportunidad de respiro ''papaaaaaa'' grito el dándole un codazo a Super Buu haciéndolo estrella contra las montañas ''estas bien papá?'' Goku asintió volviendo a su forma normal ''si, pero el es demasiado fuerte'' Gohan asintió y Super Buu volvio con ellos, Goku levito por si solo ''hijo tenemos que hacerlo juntos, o sino no ganaremos'' Gohan asintió poniéndose en posición de pelea al igual que Goku paso al estado de super saiyayin uno ''prepárate'' grito Goku, Gohan asintió y super Buu volo hacia ellos.

Mientras muy lejos de ese lugar apareció Uranai baba con Vegeta ''lo siento, esto es lo mas lejos que podemos llegar'' dijo ella vegeta se limito a asentir y ella desapareció, Vegeta miro en dirección a la batalla ''ese es el Ki de Majin Buu es enorme, también siento el ki de Gohan parece que se recupero, pero de quien es ese otro ki, bueno eso no importa tengo que acabar con ese maldito chicle rosa''.

Goku y Gohan trataban de aterrizar algunos golpes en super Buu pero era inútil ''apártate Gohan...KA ME HA ME HAAAA'' grito Goku lanzando la onda ''MASENKO HAAA'' grito Gohan y ambos ataques se combinaron y formaron uno solo ''acabalo'' grito GOKU el ataque choco de frente con super Buu ocasionando una explosión enorme ''lo derrotamos?'' pregunto Gohan ''demonios no, ni siquiera le hicimos daño'' dijo Goku furioso ''si esto sigue así nos quedaremos sin energía'' dijo Gohan ''no entiendo lo que sucede, se supone que la fusión tubo que terminar hace tiempo'' volvió a mencionar Goku entonces Super Buu empezó a reír ''(risas) eso se debe a que mi interior es algo parecido a otra dimensión, se podría decir que dentro mío solo ha pasado cinco minutos'' exclamo el riendo dejando helados a Goku y Gohan, hasta que Goku empezó a reír ''al fin lo entiendo, eso quiere decir que ellos siguen vivos, usare mi última carta'' exclamo Goku dejando mostrar dos aretes, ''al fin lo usaran'' exclamo el anciano Kaiosama, ``Gohan ponte lo en tu oreja izquierda'' dijo el sonriendo ''nos fusionaremos y así acabaremos con Majin Buu de una vez'' volvió a mencionar el mientas Super Buu reía, el lo lanzo a Gohan pero en el camino del arcillo apareció Super Buu agarrándolo ''de verdad piensan que les permitiré fusionarse?'' rompiéndolo dejando shockeados a Goku, Gohan, a todo el otro mundo y a los supremos Kaiosamas ''no puede seeeeeer, todo se ha perdido'' grito el anciano dejando en blanco a Kaioshin. ''maldición, maldición'' grito Goku ''papá, ya no importa nada, pelearemos hasta el final'' exclamo Gohan, Goku empezó a sonreír ''tienes razón hijo, pelearemos hasta el final defendiendo nuestro amado planeta, moriremos peleando'' grito Goku pasando al estado super saiyayin fase dos, pero jamás podría creer el ki que sintió en ese momento ''ese ki es puede ser ven Gohan, aún hay oportunidad'' dijo Goku agarrando a Gohan y haciendo la teletransportació
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to launch the big ball of energy, but a large wave of energy diverted it into space so big Causing an Explosion That I leave all blind for a few moments, Gohan Could not see anything "that is happening?" Said and soon a voice as calm "Gohan, you'll take quiet dende With Who You cure (remember that Dende still on earth with Mister Satan) , "pa ... Pope are you? "Wonder Gohan in a State of agony" quiet are, will "I exclaimed raising Goku His son and made ​​the teletrasnportacion Immediately to the location of Dende. Goku and Gohan Appeared opposite from "... Gohan and Goku? It is Assumed that you ' Already returned to another world, "Goku nodded His head and I Said with a small smile" so but the Supreme Kaiosama Gave me His Life That I would come here to help Gohan "then the scowled" Dende no time Have to heal Gohan, the Majin Buu can not destroy "cry Goku , Dende nodded and Immediately Began to heal, "Hey but what is happening That Is, That Disappeared people?" ask Mr. Satan "oh, here in Original" Said Goku "what happens Majin Buu That is the kill them all, is too powerful "Mister Satan was open-mouthed recalling the fat Majin fell BUU him very well. Suddenly Appeared Super Buu close to them "huhuhu So who were here ?, no matter what you do, you never can beat me "cry a very confident Super Buu. '' Dende not? '' Cry Goku with immense excitement. '' Still need a little '' replied Dende. "Rays, it'll distract everything it can, take care of your curing it" Goku flew up to the height of Super Buu "ohh, you remember" Super Buu said "ah, That is you stop well, damn" cry Goku "Haaaaa" hit a powerful cry, your hair is putting tip Urchin surrounding himself with a powerful Golden aura as His eyes shifted to a teal and gold colored hair "already seen it , this is the super phase one say "Said Goku with a little smile then a hit another cry this Time Began the planet to tremble as lightning Could Be seen in the heavens a powerful earthquake took place, and his hair is Urchin and environment more and was Surrounded by a small lightning-filled aura "say this is the super phase two" Super Buu smiling just watched all this, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Goku Threw a cry to heaven, Instantly an earthquake on the Galaxy (I'm sorry, but I like to exaggerate XD) esta ki Tremendous meat even to the Supreme planet, oceans of the I've Moved back to Earth Such immense power, the aura of Goku was made ​​Thousands of times more powerful , intimidating several bright lightning around her "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" This Time continued yelling His eyebrows Disappeared and it started to grow hair up to the level of the knee , finally hit a last cry, and the transformation was complete "this is the super say phase three," "already it, Had Already seen him" exclaimed Super Buu Beginning to release bursts of energy to Goku WHO Could barely Dodge them "it is very strong, "exclaimed Goku and Super Buu Appeared front the Tremendous giving a combination of punches and kicks "come on, that's all you Have?" Super Buu mocked while Goku was doing everything possible to defend itself. While the Supreme Both the two Supreme Kaiosamas world nervously watched the fight "Goku resists, your you can, you merge You With Gohan, is the only chance to win" the elder cry "honorable ancestor, Goku and Gohan That factotum believes to defeat it?", "to my or ask me" cry the elder. While I Dende healed Gohan esta Because It Could open the eyes "Dende?" Said, "Gohan hurry up, Mr Goku is only fighting Majin Buu, need help" Gohan was impressed by the courage of His Father and was flying to Where Were Struggling and I saw as dominated Super Buu Goku not giving him no chance of respite " papaaaaaa "cry the giving a nudge to Super Buu doing star Against the mountains" these well Pope? " Goku nodded back to His normal form "Yes, but I is too strong" Super Buu Gohan nodded and returned With them, if only Goku levitated "are unavailable to do it together, or but will not win" Gohan nodded putting Themselves in a fighting stance as Goku step to the status of super-say one "get ready" cry Goku, Gohan nodded and Super Buu volo Towards them. As far away from that place it Appeared Uranai baba With Vegeta "sorry, this is the far more That can reach" She Said vegeta I just nod and she Disappeared, Vegeta look in the direction of the battle "that is the Majin Buu Ki of is huge , I am Also ki from Gohan Seems I recovered, but other ki Who is that well it does not matter I have to put an end to That damn pink chewing gum ".Goku and Gohan Were trying to land some shots in super Buu but it was useless "depart Gohan ... KA ME ME has haaaa "cry Goku throwing wave" Masenko HAAA "cry Gohan and attacks Were Both combined and FORMED one single" Batman " With front cry GOKU Super Buu choco attack Enormous Causing an explosion "defeated it?" ask Gohan "demons, did not you even damage" Said furious Goku "If esta Continues we are left without power" Said Gohan "Do not Understand what is happening , Assumes That the pipe end merger time ago "returned to mention Goku Super Buu then a Began to laugh" (laughter) That is something inside me is akin to another dimension, one inside I Could Say That Happened only five minutes "Said the laughing leaving ice cream to Goku and Gohan, until, Goku Began to laugh "finally Understand it , That Means That They are still alive, I will use my last letter "I exclaimed leaving Goku show two earrings," at the end They use it "exclaimed Kaiosama the old man, "Gohan Ponte thing in your left ear" Said the smiling "us souls and just thus will end Majin Buu once" again to mention the Laughed while Super Buu, Gohan at the Threw it but on the way of the clay Appeared Super Buu grasping "really think That I allow them to merge? "Breaking it leaving shocked to Goku, Gohan, to all the other world and the Supreme Kaiosamas "can not seeeeeer, all is lost" cry the elder leaving blank Kaioshin. "curse, curse" cry Goku "Pope, already no matter nothing, we 'll fight Until The End "exclaimed Gohan, Goku started to smile" are you are right, we'll fight Until The End to defend our beloved planet, we will die fighting "cry to the State Goku Super reacoom phase two, but never Could believe the ki That felt one at that moment "that is of ki ... can not be seen Gohan still there is opportunity "Said Goku Gohan holding and making the teletransportacio
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To launch the big ball of energy, but a wave of energy diverted to the area causing a large explosion that left all blind for a few moments, Gohan couldn't see anything '' What's going on? ' And suddenly a voice said 'Gohan quiet calm, I'il take you to where you cure (remember that is in the Earth from Mister Satan),' Pa..papá you?'wonder Gohan in a state of agony' quiet 'son, we cried with his Son Goku and immediately made the teletrasnportación towards the location of dende.

Goku, Gohan appeared opposite from' Gohan and... Goku? It is assumed that you already returned to the other world, ''Goku nodded with a small smile and said 'This is but the Supreme kaiosama gave his life to come here to help Gohan' then frowned 'from no time have to cure Gohan, without no can destroy Majin buu, Goku' cry, from he nodded and immediately began to heal, 'Hey but that is what happens, Why people disappeared?'ask Mister Satan' 'Oh, you're here,' 'said Goku' what happens is that Majin buu the kill all, is too powerful 'Mister Satan keep the mouth open recalling the Majin buu fat was very good. Super Buu suddenly appeared near them 'huhuhu so they were here? No matter what you do, never can defeat me 'cry a very confident Super Buu.

' from not yet?Goku 'scream with immense excitement.

' 'still lack a little' 'replied from.

' 'hell, I draw everything I can, your take cure' Goku flew up to the height of Super Buu '' Oh, I remember you said Super Buu '' '' Oh, that's okay, I'll stop fuckin 'scream' haaaaa Goku 'powerful' holler,Your hair tip hedgehog by planting a powerful golden aura as his eyes changed a hair color turquoise green and gold '' already seen, this is the super saiyayin phase one 'he said with a small smile Goku then hit another scream, this time the planet began to tremble as rays could see in the heavens and a powerful earthquake took place,His hair is hedgehog and sang more and was surrounded by an aura full of small beams' 'This is the super saiyayin' phase two 'Super Buu, smiling just watching all this,' '' 'haaaaaaaaaaaaa Goku screamed to the sky, the moment an earthquake occurred on the galaxy (sorry, but I like to exaggerate xD) that tremendous Ki came even to the planet supremeThe seas of the Earth receding so immense power, the aura of Goku was thousands of times more powerful, brilliant intimidánte several lightning around she '' '' this time Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa continued shouting their eyebrows disappeared and she began to grow hair to reach the level of the knee.Finally hit a last scream and the transformation was complete. '' This is the super saiyayin phase three, '' '' you are, '' said he had seen Super Buu beginning to launch bursts of energy to Goku who could barely get around '' is very strong, '' said Goku and Super Buu appeared facing The tremendous giving a combination of punches and kicks' 'Come on, is that all you got?'Super Buu, Goku mocked and made everything possible to defend. Meanwhile on the planet kaiosamas nervously watching the two Supreme Supreme fight' resists Goku, Gohan must merge with you, is the only chance to win, 'cried the old' honorable ancestors, Goku and think Gohan I defeat? '' 'to me,' don't ask '' cried the old man.While from cured Gohan this might open the eyes' from? ' He said, 'the Lord Gohan hurry, Goku is struggling alone against Majin buu,Need help 'Gohan was impressed by the courage of his father and was flying to where they were struggling and was like Super Buu, Goku was not giving any chance to break papaaaaaa' '' 'cried the giving a nudge to Super Buu doing star against the mountains' you OK?' Goku nodded back to its normal form '' If,But he is too strong 'Gohan nodded and returned with them Super Buu, Goku I levitate himself' son, we have to do it together, or else we won't win 'Gohan nodded getting in position to fight like Goku step the State of super saiyayin one' 'get ready' cry Goku, Gohan and nodded super buu flew towards them.While far from that place appeared Uranai Baba with Vegeta 'sorry, this is as far as we can go,' 'she said Vegeta simply nod and she disappeared, Vegeta looked towards the battle' 'that is the ki of Majin Buu is huge, also feel the ki of Gohan looks like he recovered, but who is That other kiWell, that doesn't have to end with that fuckin 'Pink'.

Goku and gohan tried landing some hits but was useless in Super Buu 'get Gohan.
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