Pegar el archivo descargado de “Lucraft Core” dentro de la carpeta .minecraft/mods Pegar el archivo descargado del mod dentro de la carpeta .minecraft/mods ¡Ya puedes convertirte en un Speedster o Velocista!
Paste the downloaded file "Lucraft core" within the folder .minecraft/modsPaste the file that you downloaded from the mod in the mods/.minecraft folderNow you can become a Speedster or sprinter!
Paste the downloaded file "Lucraft Core" within the .minecraft / mods folder Paste the downloaded file inside the mod .minecraft / mods folder Ya can become a Speedster or Velocista!
Paste the file "lucraft core" Inside the folder.Minecraft / modsPaste the file into the folder.Minecraft mod / modsYou can become a Speedster or sprinter!