{annex_settlement_FAILURE}我方迫使该国交纳城邑的外交谈判惨遭失败,令朝廷 极其不满。
{annex_settlement_PROPOSAL}很显然,取得这座城邑对我方极为有利,若被 他国控制不免令我方芒刺在背。朝廷建议, 与对方展开外交谈判,我方可允许用一座价值 甚微的城邑与之交换。
{annex_settlement_SUCCESS}我方外交胜利,成功说服该国欣然交纳城邑,令朝廷 十分欣喜。
{assassinate_captain_PROPOSAL}将此卑鄙无耻之徒铲除实乃为民除害,对我方 态势亦极为有利。朝廷建议,派遣刺客前去 将其暗杀,令此人身首异处。
{assassinate_cardinal_PROPOSAL}陛下对这位主教的邪恶亵渎行为怒不可遏, 明确宣谕我方,若能令此人身首异处,必将得 到上帝的宠爱。
{assassinate_general_PROPOSAL}将此卑鄙无耻之徒铲除实乃为民除害,对我方 态势亦极为有利。朝廷建议,派遣刺客前去 将其暗杀,令此人身首异处。
{assassinate_witch_heretic_PROPOSAL}陛下对上帝土地上的这名异端怒不可遏, 明确宣谕我方令此人身首异处。
{blockade_distant_EXPIRY_ALLIED}该港口所属国家已与我方结盟,毋需继续执行港口封锁 任务。
{blockade_distant_PROPOSAL}我方应对敌国施加必要压力。朝廷建议我方 封锁该港口至少1回合,不但能打击对手,尚 可令我方获益。
{blockade_heretic_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED}我方已被革除教籍,陛下不再将封锁港口的重任托 付我方。
{blockade_heretic_PROPOSAL}陛下希望我方封锁该港口至少3回合。此 举既为惩罚异端,亦可遏止邪恶思想蔓延。
{blockade_islam_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED}该港口所属国家已与我方结盟,毋需继续执行港口封锁 任务。
{blockade_islam_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED}我方已被革除教籍,陛下不再将封锁的港口重任托 付我方。
{blockade_islam_PROPOSAL}陛下希望我方封锁该港口至少3回合。此 举既为惩罚异端,亦可遏止邪恶思想蔓延。
{blockade_moderate_EXPIRY_ALLIED}该港口所属国家已与我方结盟,毋需继续执行港口封锁 任务。
{blockade_moderate_PROPOSAL}我方应对敌国施加必要压力。朝廷建议我方 封锁该港口至少2回合,不但能打击对手,尚 可令我方获益。
{blockade_pagan_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED}我方已被革除教籍,陛下不再将封锁港口的重任托 付我方。
{blockade_pagan_PROPOSAL}陛下希望我方封锁该港口至少3回合。此 举既为惩罚异端,亦可遏止邪恶思想蔓延。
{break_alliance_PROPOSAL}谨慎选择盟友非常重要。陛下建议我方解 除与该国盟约,以证明对天主的虔诚。
{castle_chapel_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED}我方已被革除教籍,陛下不再将修建礼拜堂的重任 托付我方。
{castle_chapel_FAILURE}我方未能在该城堡修建礼拜堂,妨碍了福音传播,令教 皇霓下颇为失望。
{castle_chapel_PROPOSAL}陛下发现该城堡缺乏足够礼拜场所,希望 我方能在此修建礼拜堂。
{castle_small_chapel_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED}我方已被革除教籍,陛下不再将修建诵经院的重任 托付我方。
{castle_small_chapel_FAILURE}我方未能在该城堡修建诵经院,妨碍了福音传播,令教 皇霓下颇为失望。
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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{Huge_papal_standing_reward_pre_descr} our relationship and the Holy See will significantly improve
{large_papal_standing_penalty_descr} decreased significantly and our relationship
{large_papal_standing_penalty_pre_descr} Holy See and the Holy See our relationship will significantly decrease
{large_papal_standing_reward_descr} significantly improved our relationship and the Holy See
{large_papal_standing_reward_pre_descr} I Fang and the Holy See will be significantly improved relations
{major_explorers_guild_points_penalty_descr} adventure guild our extremely disappointed
{Major_explorers_guild_points_penalty_pre_descr} adventure trip we will be extremely disappointed
{major_explorers_guild_points_reward_descr} incomparable adventure trip will appreciate our adventure trip
{major_explorers_guild_points_reward_pre_descr} We will be very grateful
{masons_guild_mission_source} Masons' Guild
{med_papal_standing_penalty_descr} we and a marked deterioration in the relationship between the Holy See
{med_papal_standing_penalty_pre_descr} our relationship and the Holy See will significantly worsen
{Med_papal_standing_reward_descr} and Vatican relations have improved our
{med_papal_standing_reward_pre_descr} our relations will be improved and the Holy See
{merchants_guild_mission_source} Business Guild
{min_assassins_guild_points_penalty_pre_descr} assassins guild strategy I have complained
{min_assassins_guild_points_reward_descr} Assassins Guild We feel grateful for
{min_assassins_guild_points_reward_pre_descr} assassins guild we will feel gratitude
{Min_merchants_guild_points_penalty_descr} business line strategy would I have complained
{min_merchants_guild_points_penalty_pre_descr} business lines we will be slight criticism
{min_merchants_guild_points_reward_descr} commercial guild we feel gratitude
{min_merchants_guild_points_reward_pre_descr} commercial guild we will feel gratitude
{min_theologians_guild_points_penalty_descr} seminary strategy have complained to me
{Min_theologians_guild_points_penalty_pre_descr} seminary for us to be slightly critical of
{min_theologians_guild_points_reward_descr} Seminary feel gratitude for our seminary
{min_theologians_guild_points_reward_pre_descr} for us to feel gratitude
{min_thiefs_guild_points_penalty_descr} thieves guild strategy I have complained
{min_thiefs_guild_points_penalty_pre_descr Thieves guild} we will be slightly critical of
{min_thiefs_guild_points_reward_descr} thieves guild we feel gratitude
{Min_thiefs_guild_points_reward_pre_descr} thieves guild we will feel gratitude
{mod_merchants_guild_points_penalty_descr} commercial guild we are very disappointed
{mod_merchants_guild_points_penalty_pre_descr} business lines we will be very disappointed
{mod_merchants_guild_points_reward_descr} very grateful to our business line will
{mod_merchants_guild_points_reward_pre_descr} commercial guild we would be very grateful
{place_of_worship_reward_descr} stonemason guilds for me Fang Jiancheng religious buildings
{Place_of_worship_reward_pre_descr} bricklayer working for me Fang Jiancheng religious buildings
{small_papal_standing_penalty_descr} our kings and the Holy See relations
{small_papal_standing_penalty_pre_descr} slight deterioration of our relations and the Holy See will slightly deteriorate
{small_papal_standing_reward_descr} us and the Holy See Relations subtle improvements
{small_papal_standing_reward_pre_descr} and the Holy See our relations will improve
{vnv_adored_by_pope_descr} subtle, as our King is the most intimate ally
{Vnv_adored_by_pope_pre_descr} King will treat us as the most intimate ally
{vnv_popes_enforcer_descr} King, as our most dangerous enemy of
{vnv_popes_enforcer_pre_descr} King will treat us as the most dangerous enemy
{annex_settlement_expiry_death} The country has been destroyed, without further its diplomatic contacts.
{Annex_settlement_expiry_lost} The cities have been occupied by other nations, no longer have to carry on with their diplomatic contacts.
{Annex_settlement_failure} our diplomatic negotiations to force the country to pay the cities fail miserably, so the court is extremely dissatisfied.
{Annex_settlement_proposal} Obviously, this made us extremely beneficial for cities, if they can not help but make our country to control his thorn in the side. Court suggested that diplomatic negotiations with each other, we may allow cities to use a little value to exchange.
{Annex_settlement_success} our diplomatic victory, succeeded in persuading the country is pleased to pay the cities, so that the court is very pleased.
{assassinate_captain_expiry_allied} to get the cities who have become our allies, without proceed assassination mission.
{Assassinate_captain_expiry_death} This person has died, no need to continue to carry out the assassination missions.
{Assassinate_captain_expiry_hiding} This person has fled, no need to continue to carry out the assassination missions.
{Assassinate_captain_failure} assassination plan failed this person, the court may consider us another meaning.
{Assassinate_captain_proposal} eradicate this despicable and shameless exercise in people from harm, the situation is also very beneficial for us. Court suggested sending assassins to go to the assassination, so this person decapitated.
{Assassinate_captain_success} We have successfully kill this person, so that the court is very pleased.
{assassinate_cardinal_expiry_death} mission to assassinate the bishop had died, no need to continue to carry out the assassination missions.
{Assassinate_cardinal_expiry_excommunicated} We have been excommunication, His Majesty will no longer kill the task entrusted to us.
{Assassinate_cardinal_expiry_hiding} The bishop has fled, no need to continue to carry out the assassination missions.
{Assassinate_cardinal_failure} assassination of the bishop of our actions fail, so that His Majesty is very unhappy.
{Assassinate_cardinal_proposal} wicked desecration of His Majesty the bishop's furious, clear Xuanyu us, if we can make this person decapitated, will receive God's favor.
{Assassinate_cardinal_success} assassination of the bishop of our action is successful, so that His Majesty is quite pleased.
{assassinate_general_expiry_allied} assassination bishops who have become our allies, without proceed assassination mission.
{Assassinate_general_expiry_death} This person has died, no need to continue to carry out the assassination missions.
{Assassinate_general_expiry_hiding} This person has fled, no need to continue to carry out the assassination missions.
{Assassinate_general_failure} assassination plan failed this person, the court may consider us another meaning.
{Assassinate_general_proposal} eradicate this despicable and shameless exercise in people from harm, the situation is also very beneficial for us. Court suggested sending assassins to go to the assassination, so this person decapitated.
{Assassinate_general_success} We have successfully kill this person, so that the court is very pleased.
{assassinate_witch_heretic_expiry_death} assassinate generals who have passed away, no need to continue to carry out the assassination missions.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_expiry_excommunicated} We have been excommunication, His Majesty will no longer kill the task entrusted to us.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_expiry_hiding} This person has fled, no need to continue to carry out the assassination missions.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_failure} we assassinate this person action fails, so His Majesty very unhappy.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_proposal} Majesty of God in this land of heresy were furious, we make clear Xuanyu who decapitated.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_success} our successful operation to assassinate this man, so His Majesty quite pleased.
{blockade_distant_expiry_allied} heretics assassinated the port Country has an alliance with us, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_distant_expiry_blockaded} The port has been blocked, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_distant_expiry_settlement_taken} The cities have been occupied, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_distant_failure} We failed to block the port, the court might otherwise think our meaning.
{Blockade_distant_proposal} we respond to exert the necessary pressure on the enemy. We recommend the court to block the port at least one round, not only against opponents, they can still make us benefit.
{Blockade_distant_success} we successfully blocked the port, so that the court is very pleased.
{blockade_heretic_expiry_blockaded} port blockade of the port has been blocked, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_heretic_expiry_excommunicated} We have been excommunication, His Majesty will no longer be entrusted with the task of blocking our ports.
{Blockade_heretic_expiry_recommunicated} The state has with the Holy See reconciliation, without blocking the port to continue the task.
{Blockade_heretic_expiry_settlement_taken} The cities have been occupied, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_heretic_failure} We failed to block the port, so that His Majesty is quite disappointing.
{Blockade_heretic_proposal} Your Majesty wish we block the port at least three rounds. The move both for the punishment of heresy, but also to curb the spread of evil thoughts.
{Blockade_heretic_success} we successfully blocked the port, so that His Majesty is quite pleased.
{Blockade_heretic_title} blocked ports
{Blockade_islam_expiry_blockaded} The port Country has an alliance with us, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_islam_expiry_excommunicated} We have been excommunication, His Majesty will no longer be blocked by the task entrusted to our port.
{Blockade_islam_expiry_recommunicated} The state has with the Holy See reconciliation, without blocking the port to continue the task.
{Blockade_islam_expiry_settlement_taken} The cities have been occupied, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_islam_failure} We failed to block the port,So that His Majesty is quite disappointing.
{Blockade_islam_proposal} Your Majesty wish we block the port at least three rounds. The move both for the punishment of heresy, but also to curb the spread of evil thoughts.
{Blockade_islam_success} we successfully blocked the port, so that His Majesty is quite pleased.
{blockade_moderate_expiry_allied} port blockade of the port Country has an alliance with us, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_moderate_expiry_blockaded} The port has been blocked, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_moderate_expiry_settlement_taken} The cities have been occupied, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_moderate_failure} We failed to block the port, the court might otherwise think our meaning.
{Blockade_moderate_proposal} we respond to exert the necessary pressure on the enemy. We recommend that the court blocked the port for at least two rounds, not only against opponents, they can still make us benefit.
{Blockade_moderate_success} we successfully blocked the port, so that the court is very pleased.
{Blockade_moderate_title} blocked ports
{Blockade_pagan_expiry_blockaded} The port has been blocked, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_pagan_expiry_excommunicated} We have been excommunication, His Majesty will no longer be entrusted with the task of blocking our ports.
{Blockade_pagan_expiry_recommunicated} The state has with the Holy See reconciliation, without blocking the port to continue the task.
{Blockade_pagan_expiry_settlement_taken} The cities have been occupied, no need to continue with the port blockade tasks.
{Blockade_pagan_failure} We failed to block the port, so that His Majesty is quite disappointing.
{Blockade_pagan_proposal} Your Majesty wish we block the port at least three rounds. The move both for the punishment of heresy, but also to curb the spread of evil thoughts.
{Blockade_pagan_success} we successfully blocked the port, so that His Majesty is quite pleased.
{break_alliance_expiry_death} blockade of ports of the country has been destroyed, no need to continue the task of lifting the Covenant.
{Break_alliance_expiry_excommunicated} We have been excommunication, no need to continue the task of lifting the Covenant.
{Break_alliance_expiry_recommunicated} The state has with the Holy See reconciliation, without lifting the Covenant continue the task.
{Break_alliance_failure} We failed to lift the covenant, so that His Majesty is quite disappointing.
{Break_alliance_proposal} carefully selected allies is very important. His Majesty proposal to lift our covenant with the country to demonstrate devotion to God.
{Break_alliance_success} we successfully released the covenant, so that His Majesty is quite pleased.
{castle_chapel_expiry_excommunicated} to lift the covenant we have been excommunication,His Majesty will no longer be entrusted with the task to build our chapel.
{Castle_chapel_expiry_lost} The castle has been occupied, no need to continue with the mission to build the chapel.
{Castle_chapel_failure} we fail to build in the castle chapel, preventing the spread of the Gospel, so that the next pope Ni quite disappointed.
{Castle_chapel_proposal} Majesty found that the lack of adequate castle places of worship, I can only hope that in the construction of the chapel.
{Castle_chapel_success} We have built in the castle chapel, spreading the gospel of God, so that His Majesty is quite pleased.
chapel built{Castle_small_chapel_expiry_excommunicated} We have been excommunication, His Majesty will no longer be entrusted with the task to build our homes chanting.
{Castle_small_chapel_expiry_lost} The castle has been occupied, no need to continue with the chanting of hospital construction tasks.
{Castle_small_chapel_failure} we fail to build in the castle courtyard chanting, preventing the spread of the Gospel, so that the next pope Ni quite disappointed.
{Castle_small_chapel_proposal} Majesty found that the lack of adequate Sunday castle
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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{ } { } assassins_guild_mission_source刺客行会
{ } { } explorers_guild_mission_source探险行会
{ } { } faction_standing_penalty_pre_descr我方令该国将极为失望
{ } { } faction_standing_reward_pre_descr我方将令该国极为感谢
{ } { } huge_papal_standing_reward_pre_descr我方和教廷关系将显著好转
{ } { } large_papal_standing_penalty_pre_descr我方和教廷关系将显著下降
{ } { } large_papal_standing_reward_pre_descr我方和教廷关系将明显好转
{ } { } major_explorers_guild_points_penalty_pre_descr探险行会对我方将极度失望
{ } { } major_explorers_guild_points_reward_pre_descr探险行会对我方将无比感激
{ } { } med_papal_standing_penalty_descr我方和教廷关系明显恶化
{ } { } med_papal_standing_reward_descr我方和教廷关系有所改善
{ } { } merchants_guild_mission_source商业行会
{ } { } min_assassins_guild_points_reward_descr刺客行会对我方心存谢意
{ } { } min_merchants_guild_points_penalty_descr商业行会对我方略有微词
{ } { } min_merchants_guild_points_reward_descr商业行会对我方心存谢意
{ }神学院对我方略有微词
min_theologians_guild_points_penalty_descr{ } { } min_theologians_guild_points_penalty_pre_descr神学院对我方将略有微词
{ } { } min_theologians_guild_points_reward_pre_descr神学院对我方将心存谢意
{ } { } min_thiefs_guild_points_penalty_pre_descr盗贼行会对我方将略有微词
{ } { } min_thiefs_guild_points_reward_pre_descr盗贼行会对我方将心存谢意
{ } { } mod_merchants_guild_points_penalty_pre_descr商业行会对我方将非常失望
{ } { } mod_merchants_guild_points_reward_pre_descr商业行会对我方将十分感激
{ } { } place_of_worship_reward_pre_descr砖瓦匠工将为我方建成宗教建筑
{ } { } small_papal_standing_penalty_descr我方和教廷关系略微恶化
{ } { } small_papal_standing_reward_descr我方和教廷关系微妙改善
{ }天王视我方为最为亲密盟友
vnv_adored_by_pope_descr{VNV_ADORED_BY_POPE_PRE_DESCR} king will regard us as the most close ally
{VNV_POPES_ENFORCER_DESCR} king of our most dangerous enemy
{VNV_POPES_ENFORCER_PRE_DESCR} king will regard us as the most dangerous enemy
{annex_settlement_EXPIRY_DEATH} the countries have perished, and needs no its diplomatic contact.
{annex_settlement_EXPIRY_LOST} the cities he has been conquered, and needs no its diplomatic contact.
{annex_settlement_FAILURE} we forced the country to pay their diplomatic negotiations failed, so the court extremely dissatisfied.
{annex_settlement_PROPOSAL} clearly, the cities of our extremely favorable, if he's not that I Fangwang control stab in the back. The court suggested, diplomatic negotiations with each other, we can allow a little towns and exchange.
{annex_settlement_SUCCESS} our diplomatic victory, succeeded in persuading the country to pay the cities, the court is very happy.
{assassinate_captain_EXPIRY_ALLIED} who has become our cities without allies, continue to implement the assassination task.
{assassinate_captain_EXPIRY_DEATH} this person has died, do not need to continue to carry out assassinations.
{assassinate_captain_EXPIRY_HIDING} who have fled, do not need to continue to carry out assassinations. The
{assassinate_captain_FAILURE} assassination plan fails, the court thought that we might otherwise inwardness.
{assassinate_captain_PROPOSAL} will this despicable shameless eradication is for the people, to our situation is also very good. The court suggested, send assassins to the assassination, make person be executed.
{assassinate_captain_SUCCESS} we have successfully kill this person, the court is very happy.
{assassinate_captain_TITLE} assassination task
{assassinate_cardinal_EXPIRY_DEATH} the Bishop had died, do not need to continue to carry out assassinations.
{assassinate_cardinal_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} have been excommunication, your majesty will no longer kill the task entrusted to our.
{assassinate_cardinal_EXPIRY_HIDING} the Bishop had fled, do not need to continue to carry out assassinations.
{assassinate_cardinal_FAILURE} I the assassination of the bishop action failure, make your dissatisfaction. Evil desecration furious
{assassinate_cardinal_PROPOSAL} sire of the bishop, clear Xuanyu we, can make the person will have to be executed, the love of god.
{assassinate_cardinal_SUCCESS} I the assassination of the bishop is successful, that your Majesty was happy.
{assassinate_general_EXPIRY_ALLIED} the assassination of bishop has become our allies, do not need to continue to carry out assassinations.
{assassinate_general_EXPIRY_DEATH} this person has died, do not need to continue to carry out assassinations.
{assassinate_general_EXPIRY_HIDING} who have fled, do not need to continue to carry out assassinations. The
{assassinate_general_FAILURE} assassination plan fails, the court thought that we might otherwise inwardness.
{assassinate_general_PROPOSAL} will this despicable shameless eradication is for the people, to our situation is also very good. The court suggested, send assassins to the assassination, make person be executed.
{assassinate_general_SUCCESS} we have successfully kill this person, the court is very happy. The assassination of general
{assassinate_general_TITLE} who has died, do not need to continue to carry out assassinations.
{assassinate_witch_heretic_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} have been excommunication, your majesty will no longer kill the task entrusted to our.
{assassinate_witch_heretic_EXPIRY_HIDING} who have fled, do not need to continue to carry out assassinations.
{assassinate_witch_heretic_FAILURE} our assassination who fail to act, make your dissatisfaction.
{assassinate_witch_heretic_PROPOSAL} majesty of God on the land of the heresy was furious, clear Xuanyu we make person be executed.
{assassinate_witch_heretic_SUCCESS} our assassination person action success, make your Majesty was happy.
{blockade_distant_EXPIRY_ALLIED} the assassination of heresy port country allied with us, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_distant_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED} of the port has been blocked, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_distant_EXPIRY_SETTLEMENT_TAKEN} the cities have been occupied, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_distant_FAILURE} I failed to blockade the port, the court thought that we might otherwise inwardness.
{blockade_distant_PROPOSAL} I should exert the necessary pressure on the enemy. The suggestion to blockade the port at least 1 round opponent, can not only, still can be to our benefit.
{blockade_distant_SUCCESS} we successfully blocked the port, so that the court is very happy.
{blockade_distant_TITLE} blockade port
{blockade_heretic_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED} of the port has been blocked, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_heretic_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} have been excommunication, your majesty will no longer be blocked port responsibility over paid for our.
{blockade_heretic_EXPIRY_RECOMMUNICATED} the country has with the reconciliation, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_heretic_EXPIRY_SETTLEMENT_TAKEN} the cities have been occupied, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_heretic_FAILURE} I failed to blockade the port, so that your Majesty was quite disappointed. Lord
{blockade_heretic_PROPOSAL}. We hope our blockade at least 3 round the port. This lift is to punish heresy, can suppress the evil thought spread.
{blockade_heretic_SUCCESS} we successfully blocked the port, so that your Majesty was happy.
{blockade_heretic_TITLE} blockade port{blockade_islam_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED} the port country allied with us, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_islam_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} have been excommunication, his majesty will no longer be blocked port task support paid for our.
{blockade_islam_EXPIRY_RECOMMUNICATED} the country has with the reconciliation, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_islam_EXPIRY_SETTLEMENT_TAKEN} the cities have been occupied, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_islam_FAILURE} I failed to blockade the port,Make your majesty rather disappointed. Lord
{blockade_islam_PROPOSAL}. We hope our blockade at least 3 round the port. This lift is to punish heresy, can suppress the evil thought spread.
{blockade_islam_SUCCESS} we successfully blocked the port, so that your Majesty was happy.
{blockade_islam_TITLE} blockade port
{blockade_moderate_EXPIRY_ALLIED} port country allied with us, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_moderate_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED} of the port has been blocked, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_moderate_EXPIRY_SETTLEMENT_TAKEN} the cities have been occupied, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_moderate_FAILURE} I failed to blockade the port, the court thought that we might otherwise inwardness.
{blockade_moderate_PROPOSAL} I should exert the necessary pressure on the enemy. The suggestion to blockade the port at least 2 round opponent, can not only, still can be to our benefit.
{blockade_moderate_SUCCESS} we successfully blocked the port, so that the court is very happy.
{blockade_moderate_TITLE} blockade port{blockade_pagan_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED} of the port has been blocked, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_pagan_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} have been excommunication, your majesty will no longer be blocked port responsibility over paid for our.
{blockade_pagan_EXPIRY_RECOMMUNICATED} the country has with the reconciliation, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_pagan_EXPIRY_SETTLEMENT_TAKEN} the cities have been occupied, do not need to continue to implement the port blockade tasks.
{blockade_pagan_FAILURE} I failed to blockade the port, so that your Majesty was quite disappointed.
Lord {blockade_pagan_PROPOSAL}. We hope our blockade at least 3 round the port. This lift is to punish heresy, can suppress the evil thought spread.
{blockade_pagan_SUCCESS} we successfully blocked the port, so that your Majesty was happy.
{blockade_pagan_TITLE} blockade port
{break_alliance_EXPIRY_DEATH} the nations have perished, do not need to continue to implement the parting task.
{break_alliance_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} have been excommunication, do not need to continue to implement the parting task.
{break_alliance_EXPIRY_RECOMMUNICATED} the country has with the reconciliation, do not need to continue to implement the parting task.
{break_alliance_FAILURE} I didn't lift the covenant, that your Majesty was quite disappointed.
{break_alliance_PROPOSAL} carefully chosen allies is very important. Your majesty suggested I calcite in covenant with the country, to justify the Catholic piety.
{break_alliance_SUCCESS} we successfully relieved the covenant, that your Majesty was happy.
{castle_chapel_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} I have been parting excommunication,Your majesty will no longer be built with the responsibility of our church.
{castle_chapel_EXPIRY_LOST} the castle had been occupied, do not need to continue to implement the chapel built task.
{castle_chapel_FAILURE} we are not in the construction of the castle chapel, hindered the spread of the gospel, to teach Huang Ni under quite disappointed. The Lord
{castle_chapel_PROPOSAL} found the castle lack enough places of worship, hope that we can build a chapel.
{castle_chapel_SUCCESS} we have built in the castle chapel, spread the gospel of God, so that your Majesty was happy.
{castle_chapel_TITLE} built the chapel{castle_small_chapel_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} I have been entrusted with excommunication, his majesty will no longer build chanting scholastic task our.
{castle_small_chapel_EXPIRY_LOST} the castle had been occupied, do not need to continue to implement the small chapel built task.
{castle_small_chapel_FAILURE} we failed to build small chapel in the castle, hindered the spread of the gospel, to teach Huang Ni under quite disappointed. The Lord
{castle_small_chapel_PROPOSAL} found the castle lack week
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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{COUNCIL_MISSION_SOURCE}} assassin adventure Guild Court
{FACTION_STANDING_PENALTY_DESCR} we are extremely disappointed in the country
{FACTION_STANDING_ PENALTY_PRE_DESCR so that it would be extremely disappointing
{FACTION_STANDING_REWARD_DESCR}} us our order is extremely grateful to the country is extremely grateful to
{FACTION_STANDING_REWARD_PRE_DESCR} we will make the country and the Holy See marked improvement
{HUGE_PAPAL_STANDING_REWARD_PRE_DESCR} and the Holy See will improve significantly the relationship between
{LARGE_PAPAL_STANDING_PENALTY_PRE_DESCR} we dropped significantly for the Holy See and the Holy See will significantly decline
{LARGE_PAPAL_ STANDING_REWARD_DESCR and Holy See relations improved markedly
{LARGE_PAPAL_STANDING_REWARD_PRE_DESCR}} us relationship between us and the Holy See will be significantly improved adventure Guild on our extreme disappointment
{MAJOR_EXPLORERS_GUILD_POINTS_PENALTY_PRE_DESCR} adventure Guild to our desperate adventure Guild to our immense gratitude
{MAJOR_EXPLORERS_GUILD_POINTS_REWARD_DESCR}} Adventure to our immense gratitude
{MASONS_GUILD_MISSION_SOURCE} stonemasons ' Guild Guild Holy see a marked deterioration in the relationship between
{MED_PAPAL_STANDING_PENALTY_DESCR} us relationship between us and the Holy See will be worse
{MED_PAPAL_STANDING_REWARD_DESCR} and the Holy See ties improving
{MERCHANTS_GUILD_MISSION_SOURCE}} and the Holy See relations business line
{MIN_ASSASSINS_GUILD_POINTS_ PENALTY_PRE_DESCR strategy of criticism to me} Assassin's Guild
{MIN_ASSASSINS_GUILD_POINTS_REWARD_PRE_DESCR}} the assassins Guild on our thank Assassin's Guild we will be grateful
{MIN_MERCHANTS_GUILD_POINTS_PENALTY_PRE_DESCR} the Commerce Guild to my plan of commercial Guild slightly grumbling on our commercial Guild thanks to our
{MIN_THEOLOGIANS_GUILD_POINTS_PENALTY_DESCR} Seminary business guilds we will be thank strategy of criticism to me
{MIN_THEOLOGIANS_GUILD_POINTS_REWARD_DESCR} Seminary Seminary to us thanks to our
{MIN_THEOLOGIANS_GUILD_POINTS_REWARD_PRE_DESCR} Seminary thanks to our strategy of
{MIN_THIEFS_GUILD_POINTS_PENALTY_DESCR} the thieves ' Guild on my criticism
{MIN_THIEFS_GUILD_POINTS_PENALTY_PRE_DESCR} the thieves ' Guild will be slightly drawn scorn from
{MIN_THIEFS_GUILD_POINTS_REWARD_DESCR} The thieves ' Guild on our thank you
{MIN_THIEFS_GUILD_POINTS_REWARD_PRE_DESCR} the thieves ' Guild thanks to our commercial Guild is very disappointing for our
{MOD_MERCHANTS_GUILD_POINTS_PENALTY_DESCR}} Business guilds we will very disappointed
{MOD_MERCHANTS_GUILD_POINTS_REWARD_DESCR} business guilds are very grateful to our commercial Guild we would appreciate
{MOD_MERCHANTS_GUILD_POINTS_REWARD_PRE_DESCR}} Stonemason guilds as our religious buildings built
{PLACE_OF_WORSHIP_REWARD_PRE_DESCR} bricklayers working as our King of religious architecture
{SMALL_PAPAL_STANDING_PENALTY_DESCR} we built a slight deterioration in relations between the Holy See and
{SMALL_PAPAL_STANDING_PENALTY_PRE_DESCR} Deteriorating relationship between us and the Holy See would have been a little
{SMALL_PAPAL_STANDING_REWARD_PRE_DESCR}} and the Holy See relations with our relationship and the Holy see to see subtle improvement
{VNV_ADORED_BY_POPE_DESCR} King as our most close ally
{VNV_POPES_ENFORCER_DESCR} will regard us as the most intimate allies King of Kings as our most insidious enemy
{VNV_POPES_ENFORCER_PRE_DESCR} will be treated as the most insidious enemy of our
{annex_settlement_EXPIRY_DEATH} this country has perished Diplomatic contacts are no longer required.
{Annex_settlement_EXPIRY_LOST} the city has been occupied by others, are no longer required for diplomatic engagement.
{Annex_settlement_FAILURE} we are forcing the State to pay the city of diplomatic negotiations fail miserably, unsatisfactory to the Imperial Court.
{Annex_settlement_PROPOSAL} it is clear that made this city on our highly beneficial, if being controlled by others without our Thorn. Imperial Court suggested that diplomatic negotiations with each other, we can allow a little towns with Exchange.
{Annex_settlement_SUCCESS} our diplomatic victory, succeeded in convincing the country willingly pay the city, the Imperial Court is delighted. Cities
{annex_settlement_TITLE} get
{assassinate_captain_EXPIRY_ALLIED} who has become our allies, need not continue to perform assassination missions.
{Assassinate_captain_EXPIRY_DEATH} the person has died, is no need to continue to perform assassination missions.
{Assassinate_captain_EXPIRY_HIDING} who have fled is no need to continue to perform assassination missions.
{Assassinate_captain_FAILURE} assassination plan failed, the Court thinks we may have another meaning.
{Assassinate_captain_PROPOSAL} will be eradication of this despicable fact those lurking ruffians are also extremely beneficial about our situation. Court recommends, sending assassins to his assassination, his body.
{Assassinate_captain_SUCCESS} we have successfully assassinated the man, the Imperial Court is delighted.
{assassinate_cardinal_EXPIRY_DEATH}} to assassinate tasks the Bishop had died without continued to perform assassination missions.
{Assassinate_cardinal_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} we have get rid of taught subjects, your Majesty will no longer kill the task entrusted to us.
{Assassinate_cardinal_EXPIRY_HIDING} the Bishop had fled without continued to perform assassination missions.
{Assassinate_cardinal_FAILURE} we have to assassinate the bishops failed, complained of his Majesty. Evil desecration to the Bishops of his Majesty
{assassinate_cardinal_PROPOSAL} with anger, clearly announced that Oracle, if they can make this person body will receive God's favor.
{Assassinate_cardinal_SUCCESS} our successful assassination of the Bishop, his Majesty is quite pleased.
{assassinate_cardinal_TITLE} to assassinate Bishop who has become our allies, need not continue to perform assassination missions.
{Assassinate_general_EXPIRY_DEATH} the person has died, is no need to continue to perform assassination missions.
{Assassinate_general_EXPIRY_HIDING} who have fled is no need to continue to perform assassination missions.
{Assassinate_general_FAILURE} assassination plan failed, the Imperial Court think we may have another meaning.
{Assassinate_general_PROPOSAL} would elimination of this ignoble proclaims those lurking ruffians also is highly advantageous to us. Court recommends, sending assassins to his assassination, his body.
{Assassinate_general_SUCCESS} we have successfully assassinated the man, the Imperial Court is delighted.
{assassinate_general_TITLE} to assassinate generals who had died, and need not continue to perform assassination missions.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} we have get rid of taught subjects, your Majesty will no longer kill the task entrusted to us.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_EXPIRY_HIDING} who have fled is no need to continue to perform assassination missions.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_FAILURE} we assassinate this person fails, his Majesty complained.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_PROPOSAL} this heresy of rage on the Majesty of God, clearly announced that Oracle of our body.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_SUCCESS} we assassinate the person successful, quite pleased of his Majesty.
{Assassinate_witch_heretic_TITLE} their assassination of heretics
{blockade_distant_EXPIRY_ALLIED} the port has allied with us, need not continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_distant_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED}, the port has been blocked, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_distant_EXPIRY_SETTLEMENT_TAKEN} the city has been occupied, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_distant_FAILURE} failed to blockade the ports, the Court thinks we may have another meaning.
{Blockade_distant_PROPOSAL} exert necessary pressure on our response to the enemy. Court recommends our blockade of the port at least 1 round, not only beat, we benefit.
{Blockade_distant_SUCCESS} we successfully blockade the ports, the Imperial Court is delighted.
{Blockade_distant_TITLE port
{blockade_heretic_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED}} blockade of the port has been blocked, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_heretic_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} we have get rid of taught subjects, Majesty no longer would be a naval blockade of the task entrusted to us.
{Blockade_heretic_EXPIRY_RECOMMUNICATED} reconciliation in the country and the Holy See, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_heretic_EXPIRY_SETTLEMENT_TAKEN} is the city has been occupied, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_heretic_FAILURE} failed to blockade the port, your Majesty rather disappointed.
{Blockade_heretic_PROPOSAL} Majesty wants us to blockade the port at least 3 rounds. A move to punish heresy, also to stem the spread of evil thoughts.
{Blockade_heretic_SUCCESS} we successfully blockade the port, his Majesty quite pleased.
{Blockade_heretic_TITLE} blocked port
{Blockade_islam_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED} is the State whose port had an alliance with us, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_islam_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} we have get rid of taught subjects, your Majesty will no longer blockade of ports important task entrusted to us.
{Blockade_islam_EXPIRY_RECOMMUNICATED} reconciliation in the country and the Holy See, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_islam_EXPIRY_SETTLEMENT_TAKEN} the city has been occupied, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_islam_FAILURE} failed to blockade the Harbor,Disappointed of his Majesty.
{Blockade_islam_PROPOSAL} Majesty wants us to blockade the port at least 3 rounds. A move to punish heresy, also to stem the spread of evil thoughts.
{Blockade_islam_SUCCESS} we successfully blockade the ports, quite pleased of his Majesty.
{Blockade_islam_TITLE port
{blockade_moderate_EXPIRY_ALLIED}} blockade the port State has an alliance with us, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_moderate_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED} this port has been blocked without continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_moderate_EXPIRY_SETTLEMENT_TAKEN} is the city has been occupied, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_moderate_FAILURE} failed to blockade the ports, the Court thinks we may have another meaning.
{Blockade_moderate_PROPOSAL} exert necessary pressure on our response to the enemy. Court recommends our blockade of the port at least 2 rounds, not only beat, we benefit.
{Blockade_moderate_SUCCESS} we successfully blockade the ports, the Imperial Court is delighted.
{Blockade_moderate_TITLE} a naval blockade
{Blockade_pagan_EXPIRY_BLOCKADED}, the port has been blocked, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_pagan_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} we have get rid of taught subjects, Majesty no longer would be a naval blockade of the task entrusted to us.
{Blockade_pagan_EXPIRY_RECOMMUNICATED} reconciliation in the country and the Holy See, no need to continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_pagan_EXPIRY_SETTLEMENT_TAKEN} the city had been occupied without continue port blockade mission.
{Blockade_pagan_FAILURE} failed to blockade the ports, disappointed his Majesty.
{Blockade_pagan_PROPOSAL} hope we cordoned off the port at least 3 rounds of his Majesty. A move to punish heresy, also to stem the spread of evil thoughts.
{Blockade_pagan_SUCCESS} we successfully blockade the ports, quite pleased of his Majesty.
{Blockade_pagan_TITLE port
{break_alliance_EXPIRY_DEATH}} blockade the country has perished is no need to proceed to lift the Covenant mandates.
{Break_alliance_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} we have get rid of taught subjects, is no need to proceed to lift the Covenant mandates.
{Break_alliance_EXPIRY_RECOMMUNICATED} reconciliation in the country and the Holy See, is no need to proceed to lift the Covenant mandates.
{Break_alliance_FAILURE} we failed to disarm the Covenant, disappointed his Majesty. Ally
{break_alliance_PROPOSAL} choose carefully is very important. Majesty suggested that we disarm with the Covenant in the country to prove that piety to God.
{Break_alliance_SUCCESS} we successfully Covenant, his Majesty is quite pleased.
{Break_alliance_TITLE} to lift
{castle_chapel_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} we have to eliminate the Covenant to teach citizenship,Your Majesty, we commit no longer would build a chapel as well.
{Castle_chapel_EXPIRY_LOST}, the castle was occupied, is no need to proceed to the chapel construction tasks.
{Castle_chapel_FAILURE} we are not in the chapel of the Castle built, and hampered evangelism, disappointed Pope under the lights. Majesty
{castle_chapel_PROPOSAL} found the Castle lacked sufficient places of worship, hope we can build a chapel.
{Castle_chapel_SUCCESS} we have built in the castle chapel, spreading the Gospel God, his Majesty is quite pleased. Construction of the Chapel,
{Castle_small_chapel_EXPIRY_EXCOMMUNICATED} has been removed to teach citizenship, your Majesty will no longer build recitation task entrusted to us.
{Castle_small_chapel_EXPIRY_LOST}, the castle was occupied, no need to continue chanting the construction tasks.
{Castle_small_chapel_FAILURE} we are not in the castle building chanting home hampered evangelism, disappointed Pope under the lights. Found the Castle lacked enough of his Majesty
{castle_small_chapel_PROPOSAL} week
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