[08781][1]Теперь я похожа на Сару! [F08781][08790][1]Эта фотка отличае dịch - [08781][1]Теперь я похожа на Сару! [F08781][08790][1]Эта фотка отличае Anh làm thế nào để nói

[08781][1]Теперь я похожа на Сару!

[08781][1]Теперь я похожа на Сару! [F08781]
[08790][1]Эта фотка отличается от остальных...|Она лучше! [F08790]
[08800][1]Вот это славная...|И какие у нее большие... глаза! [F08800]
[08810][1]Так, ну, как я выгляжу? [F08810]
[08820][1]Может, по сценарию Хэметт давно уже должен был загнуться...|...но он так проспиртован, что не умирает? [F08820]
[08830][1]Эгей?|Шпандау?|Так, его тут нет!|М-м, а славно тут у Леса.|Я бы и не подумала. [F08830]
[08840][1]А-га-а, а вы, наверно, и есть кошки.|Мяу-мяу-мяу!|На моего дружка, что похож на сосиску, не обращайте внимания.|Он очень глупый и совсем не опасный. [F08840]
[08850][1]А у этого кота даже ошейник с биркой есть!|Неужели Шпандау зарегистрировал своих кошек?|Не может быть! [F08850]
[08860][1]Вот и все дела!|Миска пустая.|Ну, кисы, скажите спасибо, что я пришла.|Этот пьяница-сосед ничего вам не приносил! [F08860]
[08870][1]Миска по-прежнему пуста. [F08870]
[08880][1]Теперь миска наполнена!|Мерзко же пахнет кошачья еда! [F08880]
[08890][1]Кис-кис-кис! Сюда!|Обед готов! [F08890]
[08900][1]Ага! Теперь понятно!|У кота на шее привязан ключ! [F08900]
[08910][1]Блин!|Он меня не подпускает. [F08910]
[08920][1]Ну, давай, Тигр! Отдай мамочке ключик!|Хорошая киса... [F08920]
[08930][1]Металлический ящик...|Зачем он ему?|Похоже на сейф! [F08930]
[08940][1]Вот бы посмотреть, что там внутри! [F08940]
[08950][1]Заперто! [F08950]
[08960][1]Так я его точно не открою.|Надо придумать что-нибудь еще. [F08960]
[08971][1]Глядите-ка! Профессиональная видеокамера.|И зачем он ее запер?|Боится, что украдут? [F08971]
[08980][1]Ой, у задней стенки - одна-единственная кассета!|Пожалуй, надо взглянуть. [F08980]
[08990][1]Хмм... Не работает! [F08990]
[08991][1]Заработало, но без кассеты я много не увижу. [F08991]
[09000][1]Так она не заработает. [F09000]
[09011][1]Батарейка!|Перезаряжающийся аккумулятор...|...современная литиево-ионная многоразовая батарея! [F09011]
[09021][1]Это от профессиональной видеокамеры!|Я-то знаю, о чем говорю. [F09021]
[09030][1]Очень практично. [F09030]
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
[08781][1] now I like Sarah! [F08781][08790][1] this photo is different from the rest ... |It better! [F08790][08800][1] here it is nice ... |And what a great ... eyes! [F08800][08810][1] So, well, how do I look? [F08810][08820][1] may, at the Hèmett script has long had to kick the bucket ... |...but he is so prospirtovan that does not die? [F08820][08830][1] Aegeus? |Spandau? |So, it's not! |M-m, and it's nice to have Woods. |I would have never thought. [F08830][08840][1] a-HA and you probably have, and there are cat. |Meow-Meow-Meow! |To my boyfriend, that looked like a sausage, never mind |He is very stupid and very dangerous. [F08840][08850][1] while this cat collar with a tag even! |Does the Spandau registered their cats? |Can not be! [F08850][08860][1] that's all business! |An empty bowl |Well, the Pussycat, say thanks that I found. |The drunkard-neighbor brought you nothing! [F08860][08870][1] still Bowl is empty. [F08870][08880][1] now the bowl is full! |The same disgusting smells like cat food! [F08880][08890][1] KIS-KIS-KIS! Here! |Lunch is ready! [F08890][08900][1] AHA! Now I understand! |The cat's neck is key! [F08900][08910][1] Pancake! |He did not allow me. [F08910][08920][1] well, come on, Tiger! Give MOM a key! |Nice Pussycat. ... [F08920][08930][1] metal box ... |Why is it he? |Like a safe! [F08930][08940][1] here's to see what is inside! [F08940][08950][1] Locked! [F08950][08960][1] So I don't exactly open. |Need to come up with something else. [F08960][08971][1] Look-Ka! Professional video camera |And why is it locked? |Afraid of what is stolen? [F08971][08980][1] OJ, at a back wall-one magazine! |Perhaps we should take a look. [F08980][08990][1] Hmm... Does not work! [F08990][08991][1] working but without cassettes I would not see. [F08991][09000][1] So it doesn't work. [F09000][09011][1] Battery! |Rechargeable battery ... |...modern lithium-ion rechargeable battery! [F09011][09021][1] it is from professional video camera! |I know what I am talking about. [F09021][09030][1] very practical. [F09030]
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
[08781] [1] Now I look like Sarah! [F08781]
[08790] [1] This photo is different from the rest ... | She's the best! [F08790]
[08800] [1] This is a nice ... | And what her big eyes ...! [F08800]
[08810] [1] So, uh, how do I look? [F08810]
[08820] [1] Perhaps the scenario Hemett have long had to die ... | ... but he prospirtovan that does not die? [F08820]
[08830] [1] Aegeus? | Spandau? | So, it is not here! | Mm, and nice here in the forest. | I would not have thought. [F08830]
[08840] [1] A-ha-ah, but you probably have and cats. | Meow Meow Meow! | On my boyfriend that looks like a sausage, do not pay attention. | He's very silly and not at all dangerous. [F08840]
[08850] [1] And even this cat collar with a tag! | Do Spandau registered their cats? | It can not be! [F08850]
[08860] [1] That's all business! | The bowl is empty. | Well, Kitties, thank that I came. | This drunken neighbor brought you nothing! [F08860]
[08870] [1] The bowl is still empty. [F08870]
[08880] [1] Now the bowl is full! | Vile same smell the cat food! [F08880]
[08890] [1], kitty, kitty, kitty! Here! | Dinner's ready! [F08890]
[08900] [1] Aha! Now I understand! | The cat tied around his neck is the key! [F08900]
[08910] [1] Damn! | He does not let me. [F08910]
[08920] [1] Come on, Tiger! Give mom the key! | Good kitty ... [F08920]
[08930] [1] The metal box ... | Why did he him? | It seems safe! [F08930]
[08940] [1] Here to see what's inside! [F08940]
[08950] [1] Locked! [F08950]
[08960] [1] So I just will not open it. | We must think of something else. [F08960]
[08971] [1] Look at that! Professional video camera. | And why he locked it? | Afraid that steal? [F08971]
[08980] [1] Oh, the back wall - the one and only cassette! | Perhaps we should look. [F08980]
[08990] [1] Hmm ... does not work! [F08990]
[08991] [1] to make money, but without the tape, I do not see much. [F08991]
[09000] [1] So it will not work. [F09000]
[09011] [1] Battery! | Rechargeable battery ... | ... modern lithium-ion battery reusable! [F09011]
[09021] [1] This is from a professional camcorder! | I know whereof I speak. [F09021]
[09030] [1] is very practical. [F09030]
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
08781] [1] [I like Sara! F08781] [] [1] [08790
photos of different... And the rest of the | her better! [F08790]
[08800] [1] this is honorable... | and what she has big... Eyes! [F08800]
[08810] [1] so, uh, how do I look? [F08810]
[08820] [1] can,According to the script were greatly, m e, already should be rolled up... | but he so energy-saving energy-saving energy-saving in P P, from state. In society, is not dead? F08820
[] [] [1] 08830 Aegeus? | Vspan road? | so, he is not here! | M, and glorious, the forest here. I don't want to |. [F08830]
[08840] [1] and ha ah, you'll probablyAnd | meow, meow cat! My boyfriend |, like sausage, leave him alone. | very stupid and no danger. [F08840]
[08850] [1] and this cat collars and faith in me even from P k!| is Billy road registered their cat? | is impossible! [F08850]
[08860] [1] all these things! | bowl is empty. | well, kappa me C allus tell thank you, me. | the drunkard's neighbours are not what you give! F08860] [] [1] [08870
a bowl is still empty.F08870
[] [now] [1] 08880 bowls filled with! The same | nasty smell of cat food! F08880] [] [1] [08890
kitten! Here! | lunch is ready! [F08890]
[08900] [1] ah! Now you can understand! I have a cat tied | key! [F08900]
[08910] [1] damn! I | refused him. [F08910]
[08920] [1] well,Come on, tiger! The key to my mother! | good Katie... F08920
[] [] [1] 08930 metal box... | him why he? | like insurance box! [F08930]
[08940] [1] this is to see what is inside! F08940] [] [1] [08950
lock! [F08950]
[08960] [1], so I can't open it accurately.| have to come up with something else. [F08960]
[08971] [1] look, look! Professional video camera. | and why he locked it? | for fear of theft? [F08971]
[08980] [1] Oh, there is a back wall of the box only! | should perhaps look. [F08980]
[08990] [1] well... Don't work! [F08990]
[08991] [1] no tape work, but I can't see. [F08991]
[09000] [1], so she does not work. F09000] [09011
[cell] [1]! 3. On the | P E P E for albumose. Elixir me in C for lithium ion battery... |... C p e m e society from the state in society and the non disposable batteries![F09011]
[09021] [1] this is from a professional camera! | my people know what I mean. [F09021]
[09030] [1] is very practical. [F09030]
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